The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 96

Fancy something, just move away!

Like “This is a card, just brush it”, this should be the most touching love story in the universe, especially the person who said this is still the emperor, that is called an authoritarian and full of wealth …

Even Heinrich himself felt domineering, but before he was finished, he was smashed with cold water:

“Sorry, Your Majesty, you don’t have much property, can I dictate it?”


The emperor said angrily, “What are you kidding me ?!”

Before Field Marshal Silia smiled and twisted, the emperor squeezed his neck and forced him to spit out a list of his own property. However, this document looks so pathetic. It is completely different from the thick and thick book in Heinrich’s vision, only a thin sheet of paper:

“Bank deposits 46,000 credit points, and a shuttle is used for travel. Note: 50 years ago; the old one; the first floor of the apartment at No. 399, Menlo Avenue, New Fontainebleau Palace, with a number of beds, chairs and smart facilities. … and also note: The smart housekeeper system is leased from the Royal Palace for a period of 100 years, and the rent has been paid in advance. ”

“The holder of the above property: Seth Heinrich; Occupation: Emperor of the Empire.”

Silia twitched his lips and smiled mercilessly in front of Heinrich Tieqing’s complexion: “The apartment is in a good location, and the investment options are wise. But is the 100-year system rent too expensive? Where are you going? Make money? ”

“Hmm–!” The emperor growled and said, “Why my deposit is only 46,000! Salary! Salary paid to me by the Senate-!”

“No salary!” Ji’s voice was louder than that of the emperor: “Star Bank went bankrupt! Your account is also in it! You issued a redhead document!”

At that moment, the emperor’s face was so wonderful. It seemed that he wanted to say something but couldn’t say anything. Only half a while later, he said indignantly: “No one reminds me … does anyone remind me to transfer my account ?!”

The poor emperor shut down an interstellar bank and lost all wages for fifty years. I wonder if the audit bureau was curious when it made the final calculations. Who is this fool who has a lot of funds and has not transferred out?

Heinrich sat on the sofa with his head cross-legged, his face full of deep pain. Celia put out a finger and poked at the emperor’s face, and asked with a smile: “So your whole family is like that?”

The emperor don’t go over and say nothing.

“Yes, the buildings, plots and most of the furnishings in the palace belong to the state public property. I am also the public property of the Ministry of Emperor.” He explained dutifully, but it was the first machine in the loyalty empire. A, when it comes to being a public property, the tone is a bit sad: “Strictly speaking, Your Majesty has only my right to use, that is, if My Majesty abdicates one day-it is quite possible at present-I will be transferred to Emperor Ministry, enjoy the respectful eyes of people, lie alone in countless glories and merits, quietly waiting for the next master … ”

The griffin flew out of Silia’s pocket and stunned sympathetically, but only shook his head in a low mood: “Mainly, is there such a big **** in my next post, can I find omega?”

Griffin: “…”

Celia: “…”

The corner of Silia’s mouth twitched slightly, and he took the **** font and wrote a half-sheet of the property list. He frowned and studied for a long while, and suddenly found the question: “Don’t you say that the Gemini emperor has a private bank?”

The emperor finally cheered up a bit. When he heard the question, he turned his head back with a black face.

狴 犴 Looking at his host’s face, he had to be careful and say, “Yes.”

“No money?”

“Yes, you have money.”

Silia asked silently: then?

“Private treasury is the emperor’s private property, but it is the emperor’s property, which does not belong to Seth Heinrich personally, and must be approved by the Senate. , It is stipulated that all expenses will not be approved before the emperor’s marriage. “He carefully considered and turned to the emperor and said,” Your Majesty, in fact, I think you can go to the Senate for accommodation … ”

Heinrich glanced darkly at him, and he shut up immediately.

“It doesn’t matter, I don’t have a lot of property,” Silia finally found out with conscience, and patted Heinrich’s shoulder comfortably, “I used to have a villa in the blue sky star of the Alliance, but now the blue sky star is The empire’s territory is here; I also have the right to use the Phoenix, but the Phoenix has also been seized by the empire-now I still have an officer’s apartment on Venus, even if the location is not as good as the gate of the palace, but my majesty has been for 500 years You should have more salary deposits than you … ”

Heinrich sipped his blood straight into his throat, and saw Silia smiling, and asked, “For the reason that we are so poor for each other, when will you return the phoenix to me?”

They are so poor … so poor … so poor …

A knowing blow almost made the emperor spit out old blood, and he finally realized that he might, maybe, might … be a poor man!

The problem is that Silia has no money and it doesn’t matter. The Alliance implements a retirement protection system. Although such a system has been almost empty in recent years, no one should dare to deduct Silia’s retirement salary. More importantly, he is now an omega. Have you heard of which omega needs to make money to support himself?

But Heinrich, he’s an alpha! An alpha with almost no personal assets apart from a set of slightly valuable real estate!

Oh, let alone the apartment in front of the palace is worth a lot of money-although it is worth, can he sell it? First of all, not everyone has the right to buy a house in that location. Those who can pass security approval and live there are counted throughout the empire. And even if someone with the right identity and the right price is willing to buy, will the emperor pull his face to sell it? If one day he really abdicates and can’t live in the palace, wouldn’t he still have money to buy another one?

The egret is expensive, the land price is not cheap at all!

The emperor lived for two hundred years and fought for 180 years. Before eating and living in the army, he later lived in the palace. He never felt anything lacking in material—tonight he finally realized his first consciousness As soon as he was a very poor man, the whole person was not good.

Silia did not care about the emperor Tieqing’s complexion. He finally revenged the house and mech taken up by the empire, and got up in a happy mood to take a bath.

After all, the indoor racing track is in the palace boundary. The hardware facilities are very complete. There is a lounge comparable to the presidential suite for people to spend the night. If it is spacious, gorgeous and closed, it is no less than the top suite of the Guobin Building. Celia took a look at himself, but fortunately, the very witty Emperor’s clothes had just been put on. He didn’t touch it much. He just threw the smelly coat into the laundry basket and just walked into the bedroom with a comfortable bed. He took off his shirt, and suddenly he saw the door open again. The emperor stood at the door like a black ghost, and asked gloomily, “Do you want anything?”

“Do you want to give me anything?” Celia asked in the mirror.

Heinrich came over and stood behind him with a calm face. The two looked at each other in the mirror. The eyes of the true poor emperor seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. Under the frost, there was something burning. It wasn’t what desire | fire, mainly the beast-like restlessness and Not willing.

Silia looked at him for a moment, and suddenly hesitated slightly, saying, “It doesn’t matter, the wealth of the leader is often inversely proportional to the wealth of the people, so it is normal for you to have no money. The Conceitlin family of the alliance is a rich country, but That’s it. ”

The emperor’s face finally eased, but he was still very depressed: “Did you expect it?”

Silia denied: “No!”

Heinrich looked at him suspiciously, and after a while Silia finally admitted: “I didn’t guess much … but I didn’t expect so much. Who knows that you closed the bank?”

The emperor covered his face, like a frustrated bear standing there. Silia was a little bit crying and turned, and patted his shoulder, ready to go to the bathroom for a shower. Unexpectedly, Heinrich was caught from behind just two steps away, his face slowly rubbing against his neck, and he said for a moment, “Take me away …”

Celia teased and asked: “Go hostage in the league?”

“No?” The emperor responded quickly, and immediately acted kindly: “No, you can come to the empire, to ensure that the hostages are improper, I will let you be the head of state. The entire Senate will listen to you, and it will have a Prime Minister, a cabinet, and the Ministry of Military Affairs. From the central to the local level, we will strive to achieve a social welfare system for the whole nation within the next two hundred years … ”

“Constitutional monarchy?” Celia asked with a smile, “You haven’t given up yet?”

“You absolutely have to believe how urgent it is for an emperor whose private property can’t even support his daughter-in-law to achieve full social security,” Heinrich snorted. “But it is not the kind of social security system of the alliance-the alliance’s The welfare system is on the verge of collapse. It is said that the employment rate has reached an all-time low? The actual government deficit is dozens of times higher than the annual data published. I just wonder why the people of the coalition have not rebelled, if it is me … ”

Heinrich didn’t go on-if it was him, it turned out that he built the empire.

Celia did not answer, and the expression on his face was neither like shame nor rebuttal, nor was he planning to pour out the coalition government’s development plan. He stood there in silence, letting Heinrich whisper as he reached into his shirt, and soon fumbled to unlock the two buttons.

Although he didn’t expect this when he came in, Silia’s acquiescence was more like a silent encouragement, and Heinrich’s uneasy desire quickly burned. They tangled for two steps, and Silia was pressed against the wall head-on, and Heinrich turned him over hard, imprisoned in the narrow gap in front of himself and the corner of the wall, lowered his head and sniffed between his neck. “The constitution of the monarchy does not matter … Anyway, inhibitors are not allowed to be produced. This must be listed as the first constitution of the empire …”

Silia was expressionless, but in fact he smelled very comfortable, and his long eyelids were slightly squinted.

This emotional change did not hide the alpha that had been marked with him. The emperor’s heart was immediately covered by a sense of accomplishment. He couldn’t help but reach out to Silia’s back waist and inserted it through the gap of the waistband: “You Have you lost weight recently? Don’t hide, let me see— ”

Silia chuckled in his intermittent kisses: “Isn’t it thanks to you? …”

“Then you hijacked me to the Uranus, and also led the Dark Star Church to the water, why not say this?”

Heinrich’s voice was already a little rough, he didn’t wait for Silia to refute, and lowered his head and kissed the slight lips. Both men and women in the lip and tongue sighed a contented sigh. The body temperature rose sharply between the skin friction. Heinrich quickly became really excited. He pulled open Silia’s shirt, put his hand in and down the belly–

However, the moment his fingers touched the flat belly, suddenly Silia grabbed his hand like an electric shock!

“and many more!”

“what happened?”

The two voices exited almost at the same time. Heinrich looked up at Silia for some reason, but saw his face flushed with red and white. It seemed that something was difficult to say. After a while, he embarrassedly pushed him away. There is one thing that has not been done yet … ”

“What is it? What has to be done now?” Heinrich’s anger suddenly brushed up, from the moment I was sorry I did n’t love you to the time I had to call Kaleyan and so on. Back and forth, followed by a sudden change of face: “You want to take medicine! Say! Did you also take medicine last time! Is it true that you have no children! Say!”

“Shut up!” Silia was also annoyed the moment she mentioned the child: “You give me away! Don’t get stuck in a wooden post, let me take a bath!”

“Don’t let go!”


“No! Let me be clear!”

Silia kept pushing out, Heinrich pushed inside, and the two of them pulled like a child for a long time, and finally the emperor grabbed him by the neckline. “Silla, I tell you, according to the laws of the Empire, the medicine is —— ”


The neckline of the shirt cracked, and the emperor’s eyes straightened.

——It’s not because Silia’s shoulders are so white and beautiful. Let the emperor rush the brain and beastly hair, only to stand there and watch. In fact, Silia is an uncompromising soldier. His shoulders are thin and straight, his shoulder blades are stiff, the cocoons are carried on the skin, and there is even a shrapnel on his arm muscles. Dark red scars coming out.

The emperor was looking at a pendant on his chest.

Oh, that pendant is nothing special either. It is neither a huge precious gem nor a ring bearing his Heinrich name. If you want to describe it, it is not a decorative pendant, but rather a small silver mechanical device, which looks a bit like a reduced version of the mech spirit plug.

This thing is rarely used now. Maybe some people do n’t recognize what it is when they are taken to the Mech Factory. However, the emperor’s knowledge of mecha was more than profound. Such things were recognized at a glance.

——It is indeed a reduced version of the mech mental plug.

It can be used to absorb the overflowing mental power and suppress the wearer’s excessive mental threshold. Generally, it is only used for testing in the mech lab. Or in rare cases, in order to prevent patients from being too weak to support their spirits, they appear in the medical cabin as insurance facilities.

However, its effect is positive no matter what: it suppresses mental power and reduces mental threshold.

“You deliberately made me … you deliberately made me !!!”

Silia couldn’t argue: “No, I just forgot to take it down!”

“You deliberately let me–!” The emperor turned a deaf ear and accused with grief and indignation: “How can this be too much! You don’t respect me at all!”

“No, I didn’t! Didn’t you not win in the end!”

Heinrich: “………”

Celia: “………”

In fact, this is really easy to say, but it turns out that the habit of poisonous tongues should not be tolerated from the beginning; Marshal Silia had too many poisonous tongues and was finally revenge.

The room was silent for a long while, and the two eyes stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and then the emperor swallowed blood into his throat and turned and slammed out of the door.

The injured emperor was losing his temper.

The author has something to say:

Originally, this chapter had been coded 4,000 words last night, and it was almost a few words to the end, but the computer crashed as soon as I turned on the computer at home. The system restore always failed. I tried many times without success, and only restored to the factory state. I repaired my computer last night at over four o’clock in the morning, and went to sleep without backing up. I got up at eight o’clock this morning and continued to work. Finally, I just repaired the computer, but everything was lost, and the computer became extremely slow. Incomparable, it took half an hour just for the next Chinese input method …


唯一 The only grievance now is: Why is there no expression of vomiting blood in the emoji? Otherwise, I can send it to Naimen now! 2k novel reading network

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