The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 700

Chapter 697 : Father and son recognize each other

Yan Linglong looked at Xiao Rui curiously, and asked: “The mainland of China is so big and has been unified by Daxia. Where do you go to find a country that is not inferior to Daxia for Qiye? Could it be that you mean the grassland? No, how can my son go there!”

Xiao Rui smiled and said, “Shanren has his own tricks, I have used my life to guarantee it, don’t you believe it?”

“No, you have to make it clear before I believe you.” Yan Linglong is not easy to deceive.

Xiao Rui said: “You should have seen our newest treasure ship in Daxia, what do you think?”

Yan Linglong said: “There has never been a ship like this in the mainland of China. It is huge and magnificent. It can conquer the sea through waves and waves. Are you planning to use them for long voyages?”

Xiao Rui smiled and nodded, and said: “Yes, such a treasure ship can support the voyage! To the east of the mainland, across the vast ocean, there is a vast continent. I named it the East Continent, where the land is fertile. The scenery is pleasant, and the scale of the continent is not inferior to that of the Shenzhou continent. There is no country, only indigenous people. They use the simplest wooden weapons and have feathers on their heads. They are in the semi-civilized era. If you want, you can go there to conquer Dongzhou. The mainland will become the emperor of the East Continent! In this case, the East Continent and the Shenzhou Continent will be separated by an ocean, so they will not be able to fight. The national tradition of your Yan Kingdom can continue in the new land. Why not do it? Of course, I will prepare a large number of treasure ships for Qiye to transport a large number of soldiers and people over! I will never treat Qiye wrongly!”

In order to make up for the eldest son, Xiao Rui thought hard and finally came up with this method. If you want the world, then for the father, give you weapons, give you soldiers, give you big ships, and go fight it yourself.

The credit for turning America into the Han Chinese world is no less than the unification of China.

“What you said is true? Are you lying to me?” Yan Linglong asked suspiciously.

Xiao Rui smiled and said, “If you don’t believe me, you can go and see for yourself in the future. If it is fake, I will pass the throne to Qiye. If you are still worried, I can make an IOU!”

Yan Linglong didn’t even know that there was a continent east of the ocean, but seeing Xiao Rui vowed to make a bet with her life, she had to believe it.

“Let me go back and think about it,” Yan Linglong said.

Xiao Rui did not urge her, and the two of them were not in a good mood, so they left the boat and returned to both sides of the strait.

And when Yan Linglong approached the south bank, she didn’t expect Xiao Qiye to sneak up, waiting for her on the bank at this time!

“Naughty! Why did you run out!” Yan Linglong got off the boat and immediately shouted.

Xiao Qiye was not afraid, and said: “I am worried about my aunt’s safety, so I came here without telling everyone. I heard that the Emperor of Great Xia will be the emperor of the Kingdom of Yan. As the emperor of the Kingdom of Yan, I can naturally also be the emperor.”

Yan Linglong pursed her lips, held him up, and then said in a deep voice: “Qiyae, although you are very young, you are very clever. I have kept things from you for a long time. Now it’s time to tell you the truth.”

Xiao Qiye nodded, and then went back to the barracks with Yan Linglong.

screened everyone back, Yan Linglong hesitated for a long time, not knowing how to speak.

Who knows, Xiao Qiye asked, “Auntie, is it related to my life experience?”

Yan Linglong was startled.

Xiao Qiye continued: “The doctor who taught me said that there are very few people who look alike in the world, and they are extremely difficult to find. Unless they are relatives with blood, their appearances are easy to look alike. My aunt has a very close relationship with Emperor Daxia, and I Looks like him, so I naturally doubt it.”

Yan Linglong burst into tears, holding Xiao Qiye and crying in pain.

“It’s the mother who is sorry for you, the mother who is sorry for you…”

Seeing his own flesh and blood called his aunt, the suffering is also very painful. Although Xiao Qiye was brilliant, he was a child after all. To him, his mother and aunt were indeed different.

Xiao Qiye heard the truth and cried loudly in her arms with Yan Linglong.

The mother and son cried for a long time before Yan Linglong wiped away her tears and told Xiao Qiye the cause and effect.

Xiao Qiye didn’t hate her Yan Linglong, but was more curious about Xiao Rui, and asked, “Mother, can I see my father?”

“Okay! I’ll let you see him tomorrow. By the way, he will destroy the country of Yan and let you be the king of the country, don’t you hate him?” Yan Linglong asked.

Who knows Xiao Qiye laughed and said, “In fact, my father is right. The unification of China can benefit the people of the world. In addition, I am very interested in the East Continent. If I travel there, I can create great achievements that are not inferior to my father. ”

Yan Linglong hugged Xiao Qiye, but she didn’t expect him to say these things, which really surprised her.

And not long after Xiao Rui returned to the north bank, Yan Linglong sent a message from his confidant, arranging to meet on the river tomorrow.

The cautious Yan Linglong did not say that Xiao Qiye had arrived, and she was also afraid that Xiao Rui knew that Xiao Qiye was here and would take the opportunity to send troops to arrest her son.

The next day, Xiao Rui arrived in the river by boat at the agreed time. After getting on Yan Linglong’s boat, he saw a little guy standing behind Yan Linglong.


Wang Dazhi behind Xiao Rui immediately widened his eyes and exclaimed, how can this little guy look so much like your Majesty! What a reduced version of your Majesty.

realized that he was impolite after screaming, and he knelt down in shock.

Xiao Rui also widened his eyes, looked at Xiao Qiye in surprise, and immediately reacted, then stepped forward two steps and asked: “You… why are you here?”

Xiao Qiye looked at Xiao Rui with a surprised look, smiled on her small face, and thought in her heart: Father is really handsome than the portrait.

The next scene made Xiao Rui even more stunned. Xiao Qiye walked over and hugged Xiao Rui’s thigh.

Xiao Qiye cried, and cried, “Woo… so you are my father!”

Xiao Rui was a little bit at a loss, and at the same time the feelings of compassion and love were overflowing in his heart, he stretched out his hand to stroke Xiao Qiye’s head and said, “You are a little man, don’t cry…”

Xiao Qiye raised his head to look at Xiao Rui, nodded vigorously, and then released Xiao Rui’s thigh.

And Xiao Rui immediately squatted down, picked up Xiao Qiye, and looked at this small replica that looked so similar to him. Even if his genes inherit looks, this is too powerful.

After that, the family of three came into the house to get in touch with each other, but it was basically Xiao Qiye who asked, Xiao Rui replied, this little guy was full of curiosity, and kept asking questions, Xiao Rui patiently explained to him, and he was happy.

Yan Linglong looked at Qiye sitting in Xiao Rui’s arms with excitement. In this situation, she suddenly understood that this was what she wanted most.

At the same time, Yan Linglong made up her mind.

Although he is the eldest princess of Yan, he is now Xiao Rui’s wife and Qiye’s mother. Some things can’t let my stubbornness also make it difficult for my husband and children to handle.

After the father and son had finished talking, Yan Linglong said, “Qilang, Qiye is willing to go to the East Continent you mentioned. I also want to open it. I won’t stop you from unifying China! Let Yan Kingdom become history in China.”

“Thank you!” Xiao Rui was overjoyed.

Xiao Qiye proudly said: “Mother, the child is the father’s child and the mother’s child, so the child has the blood of the Yan family. Please rest assured that the child has decided not to change his name to Xiao Qiye, but continues to be called Yan Changqing. My child is going to the East Continent to lay down a huge empire to immortalize the name of the Kingdom of Yan, please rest assured mother! Please also father’s permission!”

At a young age, he said these words in a spirited and imperial manner.

“My good Qiye!” Yan Linglong couldn’t help crying.

Xiao Rui praised: “Good boy, ambitious! The man is in the four directions, and my father fully supports you!”

“Thank you, father!” After Xiao Qiye asked, he said again: “Then our two countries can still fight?”

Yan Linglong heard the sound and looked at Xiao Rui, yes, although they had already discussed it, how to do it next was the key.

It is Daxia who continues to attack the country of Yan and must behave. After Xiao Qiye and Yan Linglong returned to Yandu, they directly announced that they had given up resistance and returned to Daxia.

If it is the first method, some soldiers’ lives have to be sacrificed. And if you choose the second method and directly announce to give up resistance and submit to Daxia, I am afraid it will cause a rebellion, and both Yan Linglong and Xiao Qiye will bear infamy.

Faced with the gazes of the two, Xiao Rui suddenly touched his nose and said, “Uh…that…calculating time, Yan should have been breached.”

“What?” Yan Linglong was shocked.

Xiao Qiye was also stunned, but he was indeed very clever, and immediately said: “It’s the brave Hou Wangfeng!”

At this time, there are still more than 400,000 soldiers and horses in the territory of Yan State who are going north to retreat to Daxia. The Yan State’s forces were limited and did not stop this team, but now, this team has become the most important bargaining chip for the Yan State, and it is also Xiao Rui’s most powerful move in the Yan State.

Xiao Rui nodded, and said, “As early as when we agreed to meet here, I informed Xiaoyong Hou Wangfeng to take Yandu directly, counting the time, it should be almost time!”

Yan Linglong opened her mouth so angry she went to pin Xiao Rui.

I didn’t expect this man to be so unrelenting. He even directly used the time he met his son to secretly issue a combat order and let Xiaoyonghou who was walking through the territory of Yandu directly attack Yandu!

So from the very beginning, he will destroy the Yan Kingdom, even if his own son is the emperor of the Yan Kingdom, he must also destroy it! The Great Summer Soldiers and Horses on the North Shore are just a cover, and when they meet with themselves, they are also a cover up!

Taking down Yandu is his final plan!

“Father is so amazing!” Xiao Qiye said with admiration in his eyes.

Xiao Rui touched her nose awkwardly, and looked at Yan Linglong’s angry little expression, he laughed, and felt a little too much.

Yan Linglong confidently thought that he was holding Xiao Rui’s handle in her hand, but she was actually being used instead.

“Hey, this is the end of the matter, and I can’t get back to heaven.” Yan Linglong rubbed her eyebrows and said helplessly.

Xiao Rui smiled and said, “Wouldn’t it be better? You and Qiye are both on the front line, and Yan has been attacked. It is because the defending general is not doing things well, and the next thing will be easy to operate…”

He only listened to Xiao Rui’s arrival, and elaborated on the next plan.

Yan Linglong and Xiao Qiye listened carefully, and they decided to follow Xiao Rui’s idea, and then they needed to play a good role.

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