The System Forces Me to Be the Emperor

Chapter 701

Chapter 698 : Surprisingly, win the Emperor Yan’s ca

Time goes forward by half a month.

Yue Shuying had returned to Yandu from Daxia and told Yan Linglong what Xiao Rui had said, and Yan Linglong was about to go to Yanjiang.

Before leaving, Yan Linglong summoned the three ministers of the auxiliary country and asked them to stare at the situation in Yandu, and at the same time asked Wang Feng’s soldiers and horses.

The scout came to report that after “Wang Feng” was captured, Wang Feng’s soldiers and horses had already left the country of Wei and entered the country of Yan. The route they took was the westernmost county of the country of Yan.

Daxia’s soldiers and horses have already invaded the territory of the Kingdom of Yan, so Yan Linglong and the three ministers of the auxiliary country have discussed for a long time about this enemy army traveling through the territory, and they have been undecided whether to fight or let the other country pass through.

It is reasonable to fight, after all, Xia Jun has already invaded the country of Yan. However, it is very difficult to fight, because the current force of Yan is too small, and the main force is used to attack Wei. The rest of the force has been reorganized and stationed on the south bank of the Yanjiang River, leaving only 80,000 troops to defend Yandu. It is the last guarantee, and other counties have almost no troops of more than 10,000 people, so they dare not fight if they want to fight.

The result of the last four people’s discussion is to let the other party leave, and send the scouts to keep an eye on them. Once the other party changes, stick to Yandu.

Moreover, the opponent didn’t have the equipment to siege the city, and the distance was far away. It was impossible to win Yan, and this time should be enough for Yan Linglong and Xiao Rui to negotiate.

Yan Linglong is full of confidence. With Xiao Qiye’s wonderful move, she believes that she can protect the country of Yan and let Xiao Rui retreat!

So Yan Linglong set off for Yanjiang.

Unfortunately, what Yan Linglong doesn’t know is that Wang Feng’s soldiers and horses are indeed very cleverly traveling through the west, which is far from Yandu. Once Chaoyandu attacks, they will be detected. Therefore, this soldier and horse does not intend to attack Yandu. . But these soldiers and horses are not all troops, only more than 200,000.

As early as when the soldiers and horses withdrew from the Wei state, they were already divided into two groups.

With more than 200,000 troops on the main road, under the leadership of Wang Feng and Huo Xingye, they obediently withdrew their troops, attracting the attention of the scouts of the country of Yan.

The remaining soldiers and horses were led by Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun, with Guo Jia as the military commander. They walked east along the northern line of the Wei Kingdom and circled the southeast of Yan Capital.

Yan Guo’s attention was attracted by the main force, and he didn’t know that there was Xia Jun in the southeast direction.

The Xia Army immediately changed its disguise, disguised as the soldiers and horses of the Wei State, pretending to be the Yan Army who had destroyed Wei State’s triumph, and was ordered to go to the north.

Guo Jia made full preparations for this dark scheme. Why he always went out to investigate during the period when he was the supervising army, is to better pretend to be the Yan army.

In this way, Da Xia entered the country of Yan with imperial troops, and was welcomed by the people of Yan country along the way. It was completely unexpected that this was an enemy in disguise.

A few days after Yan Linglong set off for Yanjiang, the little emperor Xiao Qiye couldn’t bear it either. He left a letter and forced the guards to **** him. He also left Yandu and went to Yanjiang. There was nothing wrong with it. Said to be consigned by the Yujia.

After the little emperor left, the three ministers of the auxiliary country almost fainted when their blood pressure rose after learning about the situation. The little emperor is so small, and he is still conscripted by his own driver, who can be conscripted!

At this time, the “triumphant” Xia Jun had already rushed to the outside of Yandu City in a hasty march.

The Ministry of War thought it was Du Anze’s soldiers and horses, so they sent people to check the information without alert. The guards of Yandu had a total of 80,000 soldiers and horses, 30,000 in the city and 50,000 outside the city. 50,000 troops are also stationed outside the northwest of the city, which is why Guo Jia chose the southeast position.

Faced with the verification by officials of the Ministry of War of the State of Yan, he immediately arrested and procrastinated, and then proceeded to attack as night fell.

In this attack, according to Guo Jia’s plan, Zhang Fei led 40,000 soldiers and horses to attack the moat camp outside Yandu. The remaining soldiers and horses attacked Yandu City.

Early in the daytime, Guan Yu led a large number of soldiers into Yandu City. There were more than a thousand people. At night, they would open the South City Gate from the inside and let the army from outside the city enter the city. As long as the outer city is occupied, it will be easy to take the inner city at that time.

After the childhood, the war began.

Zhang Fei took advantage of the darkness and led his troops to attack the Yan army outside the city. With Zhang Fei’s bravery and skillful battle, this battle did not need to be suspected. The opponent flees in panic, flawlessly taking into account the situation in Yandu.

At the same time, Guan Yu, who was lurking in the city, led the generals to slay the soldiers and horses of the southern city gate, desperately opening the city gate, and Zhao Yun led the soldiers and horses into the outer city.

The inner city has more troops. I heard that the outer city was breached and immediately guarded against it. However, the officials and the people in the inner city were all blinded. Why did Du Anze’s soldiers and horses enter the city? Could it be that he wanted to usurp the throne?

With the bravery of Daxia soldiers and horses, he quickly won the outer city area, and then the inner city.

According to Guo Jia’s strategy, a group of shields used strong and thick shields to form a tortoise shell formation. They approached the inner city gate. The Yan army on the tower fired arrows frantically and couldn’t penetrate the Xia army in the tortoise shell formation.

In this case, hot oil should be poured down. However, because the Xia army was a surprise attack, the Yan army on the inner city was not prepared at all, and they had to face the dense rain of arrow feathers of the Xia army, so they couldn’t stop Daxia’s tortoise formation from approaching the inner city gate.

The role of the tortoise shell formation near the inner city gate is naturally to lay gunpowder.

I said before that when Daxia assisted Yan State to attack Wei State, he had never used gunpowder, but Wang Feng carried a batch of gunpowder for the present.

Although the inner city gate is thick and heavy, it is wood, not steel, and because of time constraints, there are no sandbags or piles of earth and stone inside the gate, so the gate was blasted open and the inner city revealed its bosom.

In this way, the Xia Jun in the tortoise shell array placed the gunpowder, and then retreated.

Zhao Yun held a strong bow with kerosene lit on the bow and aimed it at the gunpowder placed in front of the city gate.

Gunpowder hits the gunpowder and detonates instantly Boom…

The sky-shattering explosion sounded, and the heavy city gate was torn apart. Then, Xia Jun pushed the bumper and slammed into the city gate, completely opening the passage.


Xia Jun roared, then filed in and rushed into the inner city.

At this time, the only two to three thousand defenders in the city and the imperial imperial army are the opponents of the tens of thousands of Xia army? This fight lasted from night to day and evening, Daxia completely captured the twelve gates of Yandu, and invaded the palace, and completely captured Yandu.

Then Guo Jia ordered the imprisonment of hundreds of civil and military officials of the Yan Kingdom in the imperial palace. These officials were like bereaved concubines. Unexpectedly, the strongest capital would be broken like this. It is a shame and shame.

Next, the news began to spread out.


On the fifth day after Yan Linglong and Xiao Qiye met Xiao Rui, the news that Yan Capital was breached arrived on the southern bank of Yan Capital. In an instant, the soldiers garrisoned in panic.

country is gone like this?

At this time, the little emperor Xiao Qiye took the initiative to show up, indicating that he had come here for the imperial conquest.

The emperor and the eldest princess were here, which calmed the restlessness of the soldiers to a certain extent, but then, the Great Summer Soldiers and Horses from the North Bank took more than 300 warships to the South Bank.

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