The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 1404 Who is it?

The stone cage that appeared out of nowhere trapped Dongmenshe's body firmly. It turned its head slowly, as if it was somewhat curious about the stone cage, and even reached out to touch it.

Seeing that the corpse was tied up, Han Xiaodong breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at its performance again, he couldn't help laughing: "So it's a mental retardation, but it's just that it moved a little faster, which surprised me."

Before he finished speaking, K suddenly yelled in his mind: "Run!"

Before Han Xiaodong could react, he felt a blur before his eyes. He subconsciously wanted to back up, but he slammed into a hard fence. When he saw it clearly, he realized that he was also locked in a cage, and the cage Its shape is actually exactly the same as that of his Guandong Menshe.

"This..." Han Xiaodong grabbed the stone railing in front of him in disbelief, and shook it vigorously for a few times, but the stone railing did not move at all.

"It's still slow, his speed is really fast." K's voice was a little weak, obviously he didn't expect things to change in this direction, but what happened next made people even more speechless.

Dongmenshe's body didn't even move, and the cage in front of it disappeared out of thin air. At the same time, the stone cage in front of Han Xiaodong also disappeared.

With no obstacles in front of him, Han Xiaodong didn't dare to push himself any further, and was about to charge forward with a knife in his hand, only to hear K yelling in his head to stop.

But at this time, he had already started to move, and it was too late to think about the brakes. Even though his body tried his best to make a gesture of wanting to stop, he had no choice but to go too hastily. stone fence.

"Damn!" Han Xiaodong couldn't help cursing angrily.

The impact was not light, but fortunately there was an air shield blocking it, otherwise it would have broken his face directly, coupled with the reaction force added by the bullet, it not only bounced his body back, but also hit Han Xiaodong's head. Leave a big bag.

He rubbed the bump on the top of his head with one hand, and cursed fiercely, his eyes were already full of anger, but he was rarely played by others like this, so he was naturally very annoyed.

The corpse of Dongmenshe seemed to feel Han Xiaodong's anger, and once again let out a weird laugh. This time Han Xiaodong also heard it. The corpse was clearly laughing at himself, and he couldn't help but feel even more angry.

"Don't be impulsive, this guy is hard to deal with. He should be the real body who created this pyramid and the core of power in this space. All the rules are under his guidance, which also explains why the pyramid has passed so many years. There is no reason why it is still here and there is no collapse, he can imitate all your skills, so in order to save yourself trouble, it is best to use melee combat."

K's words made Han Xiaodong calm down a lot, even though the anger in his heart was still not going well, but the words "core of motivation" made him feel a strange feeling in his heart.

"Aren't you Dongmenshe?" Han Xiaodong looked at the strangely smiling corpse and suddenly asked a question.

The corpse was laughing unscrupulously, but after hearing this sentence, the laughter stopped suddenly, and turned to look at Han Xiaodong with a kind of resentment.

"Who the hell are you?" The corpse's reaction made Han Xiaodong instantly alert.

Judging by its furious appearance, it should be the previous question that angered him. Obviously the story is not as simple as they thought, and there must be something inside that they don't know.

But the corpse could only scream strangely. Although he seemed to understand Han Xiaodong's words, he couldn't express himself at all, and even showed deep hostility.

Han Xiaodong didn't dare to be careless, he stared at the corpse without blinking, and at the same time asked K to pay attention to his surroundings, for fear of being plotted by this monster again.

After the corpse roared for a while, its eyes suddenly lit up, and then it rushed towards Han Xiaodong at a very fast speed.

Even if I had prepared for it, its speed was astonishing. It was too late to fight back after seeing the corpse move.

Han Xiaodong simply rolled in the direction of the sarcophagus, and then launched two hidden weapons to shoot towards the position he was in before.

The corpse flew into the air, followed by two killer weapons, but it seemed to be paying attention. After one blow, it continued to pounce in the direction of Han Xiaodong.

It is not certain how powerful this corpse is, but it is extremely fast, and it only pounces on people. Even if Han Xiaodong can try his best to dodge around the sarcophagus by relying on his strange steps, he cannot find a counterattack. Opportunity.

The two hidden weapons were only for chasing them, and they passed the corpse several times, but they didn't cause any real damage to it.

But after a while, Han Xiaodong was cornered, and regardless of K's previous reminder, he flicked his hands and created two not-so-thick ice walls out of thin air, trying to slow down the corpse's speed.

As a result, the corpse went berserk, and it didn't care at all. When it saw the ice wall that came out suddenly, it didn't even try to hide, so it slammed into it. Not slowing down at all.

Looking at its distorted face due to the impact, Han Xiaodong couldn't help but gasp, how could this be considered a human being, it was no different from a beast.

Fortunately, wild beasts also have the benefits of wild beasts, but their brains seem to be insufficient. If it builds a gabion at this time, Han Xiaodong may not be able to fly even with wings. To pounce on people, you don't need any skills at all.

The two chased and fled around the sarcophagus, followed by two darts, and the scene fell into a strange balance for a while.

This game of eagle catching chicks lasted for more than ten minutes, and there was still no distinction between high and low. Han Xiaodong complained in his heart. It was the first time he was catching and running around a dead person, but this feeling of always being chased was really enough. It made him heartbroken.

Especially this time, what followed behind him turned out to be a completely brainless corpse...

It's not that Han Xiaodong didn't think about the Jedi's counterattack. He used the dead body to seize his opportunity, buy some time, and give him a fatal blow.

But with a dead person trading his life for his life, how can this sentence be so awkward?Even if it was a monster in the demon world back then, if you exchanged injuries for injuries, you would get injured or something. The one chasing him now has no vitality, and Han Xiaodong silently extinguished this unreliable creature in his head. idea.

Since it was a corpse, it was already a dead person. It was really not worthwhile to kill him. The corpse had already died once, and there was no way to die a second time.

What's more, the corpse has the Eye of Horus, and it's unknown whether his so-called "deadly fish" will be effective.

Thinking of the Eye of Horus, Han Xiaodong suddenly had a flash of inspiration:
"The eye of Horus can resurrect the dead, what if I cut out that eye?"

While dodging, he asked K who hadn't spoken for a long time.

In this situation, K was also helpless, and he couldn't help at all. Now that Han Xiaodong asked him, he hesitated for a moment, and said in a very uncertain tone:

"What about this... There is no record in the myth, but I think you can try it, even if you can't kill it, you won't suffer too much.

It’s really not possible, at worst, you swallow it in your stomach, and I will use it to revive you..."

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