The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 1405 Pharaoh

"You bastard!"

Han Xiaodong cursed secretly, and at the same time twisted his body quickly, avoiding the pounce again.

Because of a trick with K, he didn't dodge again this time, and stabbed straight with his backhand, the sharp point of the knife piercing the corpse's neck.

Almost at the same time, the corpse also turned around, grabbed Han Xiaodong's shoulder directly, and opened its mouth to bite his neck.

Han Xiaodong desperately held the knife against the corpse. His original intention was to use one hand to withstand the attack of the corpse, and the other to goug his right eye.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the corpse was so great that the top couldn't withstand it. Seeing the corpse's big mouth full of fangs, it bit down on his neck.

The change came so suddenly that Han Xiaodong didn't have time to react. With one bite, the corpse's fangs bit right through his neck.

This is a result that neither he nor K expected. Han Xiaodong's strength is not small, and he has the most powerful air shield on his body. Even at the last moment, a layer of ice armor was condensed on his neck. , hoping to block the bite force of the corpse.

However, everything he did was in vain. In front of the beast-like corpse, all defenses became vulnerable, and the struggle that seemed to be dying was so ridiculous. The fangs in the corpse's mouth, Like an indestructible sharp blade, it pierced through layers of defenses and pierced directly into the neck.

Han Xiaodong's eyes widened, and he looked at the empty coffin in front of him in disbelief. He grabbed the corpse's head with his hands, trying to pull it away. He pinned his last hope on the mysterious right-handed coffin. eyes.

After pulling the head a few times, it seemed to be growing on his neck. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't let it go. He also thought about using skills, but after trying a few times, he couldn't mobilize any elements around him.

Now the corpse has grasped all the initiative. At this moment, Han Xiaodong felt a little regretful. It seems that he and K thought things too simply. The corpse’s control over the space was actually far beyond their understanding. .

Slowly, Han Xiaodong felt that the strength in his hands was getting weaker, and his eyes began to blur. He had seen in the movies what it was like to be bitten by a vampire. This time, he had a personal experience. It's just that he didn't like this kind of experience at all.

The time in front of him seemed to slow down, and the strength of his body was finally exhausted, not even enough for him to open his eyelids. Slowly, he gave up resistance and closed his eyes unwillingly.

Is it all over?

It was his last question, and it became the first he heard when he woke up.

"Is it all over?"

A cold voice came into Han Xiaodong's ears, and he tried to open his eyes, but everything in front of him made him feel confused.

This is a magnificent palace, shining with the color of gold everywhere. In front of him is a huge table. You don't need to look closely to know that it is made of a whole piece of wood. The table is surrounded by gold borders. It is also inlaid with various gemstones of red, green and green.

Han Xiaodong felt a little dizzy. He wanted to reach out and rub his temple to relieve some of the uncomfortable feeling, but that hand didn't seem to be his. No matter how hard he tried, he didn't lift it up, but held it firmly. The golden cup, which has been filled with red wine, shakes slowly.

"Yes, Master, everything has been arranged, and I am waiting for your visit at any time."

A humble voice sounded in his ear, Han Xiaodong felt that the voice was a little familiar, he wanted to turn his head to look at the speaker, he didn't even listen to his orders, he just straightened his neck slightly and stared at the front, like a Like a proud rooster.

"Lead the way." The cold voice sounded again, and Han Xiaodong felt his head buzzing. Only now did he clearly feel that the cold voice came from his own mouth.

No!To be precise, he seemed to be in the body of this voice, like a spectator, watching every move of this so-called Master.

The master put the wine glass on the table, stood up, and walked towards the door alone.

Han Xiaodong wanted to take this opportunity to take a look at the person who spoke, but the person's head was very low, and the master didn't pay attention to him, he didn't even look at him, and walked straight past him .

It's not the first time for Han Xiaodong to enter someone else's body, but last time, he not only has his own consciousness, but also can determine the body's mobility. It's more like playing another No. 1 perspective game.

This time, he was a complete spectator, imprisoned in a body without any freedom. This feeling made him very uncomfortable and powerless.

Following the perspective of the master, passing through complex buildings, Han Xiaodong and the speaker came to a high platform in a large square.

The square was already full of dark-skinned people, men and women, most of whom were naked from the upper body, with strange hats on their heads and brightly colored skirts on their lower bodies.

There are all kinds of jewelry hanging on their necks and arms, and they look somewhat similar to Egyptians, but Han Xiaodong immediately recognized that they were not Egyptians, but typical Kushite people!

Because there are many warriors among them, and the black iron weapons in the hands of those warriors are very sharp. This is not something that the Egyptians could do at that time, but a masterpiece of the Kush people with more advanced industries.

"K, are you there K?" Han Xiaodong panicked for a while, he didn't know what happened, and his first reaction was to ask K to find out.

But it was not the familiar voice that answered him, but cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami. It seemed that thanks to his being in this body called Master, he naturally understood their language, all of which made Han Xiaodong feel dizzy in an instant.

The master stood on the high platform, he didn't seem to care about the favor of the crowd, he stared at a stone road below the high platform without squinting. More than ten meters, this allows people standing on the high platform to have a good view to see the whole picture of the stone road.

One end of the stone road is connected to the stone platform, and at the beginning, there is a small round platform, which looks like some kind of ceremony is being held, but the direction from which the stone road comes can’t see the end, it seems Like a road of no return leading to an endless distance.

Han Xiaodong always felt that this scene seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw it. It wasn't until a prison car appeared under the high platform that he suddenly remembered the true function of this stone road.

Because he knew the person in the prison cart, and it was the first pharaoh of Egypt—Menes!

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