The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 48

Chapter 47

Hao Jian would not believe that Shi Gongdu was as weak as Peng Mao because of his weakness. But they will leave when the rain stops, and there will be no more entanglements with Shi Gongdu. So she must hurry up and ask everything she wants to know before leaving.

“Where is your refuge base here?”

“At the airport just seven kilometers away, almost everyone who heard the evacuation announcement went to the airport. Later, because of a stampede and the involvement of zombie virus carriers, the number of deaths and injuries soared.

Later, the guards learned their lesson and strengthened the airport protection first, and then divided all the survivors who had entered their asylum area into many parts, each of which was set up with isolation fences to form a camp. This is to ensure that zombies appear in an isolation fence and cannot continue to harm survivors in other camps.

Although the airport is remote and surrounded by farmland, the view is very good, but after all, many people flocked past, so there are often groups of zombies wandering there. There are fewer zombies in the city now. ”

“These things happened after the communication signal was cut off, how did you know?”

“Of course, I overheard it by connecting to their communication channel through writing frequency!”

This time Hao Jian didn’t say that he was doing something illegal. He pondered for a moment and asked: “Then, apart from the stampede, hasn’t any other serious casualties happened?”

Lian Ru Ning had already returned to Hao Jian’s side. Hearing her question, she knew that she wanted to find out if there was any “guiltless” power here.

Shi Gongtui’s eyes flashed: “I can only monitor those situations occasionally, not every time, so I really don’t know if there are other accidents.”

Hao Jian also felt that he really couldn’t pin his hopes on Shi Gongdu, so he planned to ask the last question: “Can you contact the guards of Southern City?”

Shi Gongdu said: “Southern City is too far away, and the signal I can receive is only half the range of Xinghua City.”

“How about contacting the official through the Internet?” Lian Runing asked.

“Sister, if I dare to send a message to the official, within a second, my network here will be completely blocked. And the guards can touch the door at any time and take me away for torture!”

Hao Jian twitched the corners of his mouth: “Is this bad? Anyway, your food is almost finished. You are not worried that you can’t go to the refuge base? As soon as the guards come, your safety is also guaranteed.”

Shi Gongdi shook his head sharply: “Don’t, I don’t want to go to the refuge base! There are so many people and the conditions are simple. Why do I have to ask for trouble because of how spacious I live here? Besides, I live alone, as long as I don’t get it. If there is any big movement, zombies will not be attracted, but the refuge base? Tens of thousands of people crowded together, no entertainment, let alone life, after the zombies besieged the city, they will only become rations!”

At this time, Peng Mao’s voice came from the walkie-talkie: “Hao Jian, the rain is getting lighter.”

Lian Ru Ning opened the curtains and saw that the sky outside was not as gloomy as before, and the rain was lighter, but now the time has shifted to the afternoon, and the sun is still gone.

Hao Jian said: “Let’s go, go down first.”

The three of them went downstairs, Shi Gongdui curled his lips, closed the door and continued to play with his own.


Xin Ting couldn’t help sighing: “I have never seen such a decadent person!”

From when they came here to when they were about to leave, Shi Gongdi didn’t have any thoughts to resist, and he cooperated obediently. Even if they wanted to vacate him, he didn’t look like he had any objection.

Lian Ru Ning pondered for a moment: “I think he is actually very smart.”

Hao Jian nodded: “He deliberately showed weakness in order to reduce our murderous intent. If his bones were not softer, how did he survive from those who robbed him of food? He was not a vicious person, but It’s because of his family’s property and food. If he doesn’t resist, those people will naturally not kill him.”

And Hao Jian felt that he should still have reservations. Since he didn’t want to say, she didn’t bother to waste time on him.

The rain soon stopped. Hao Jian took a binoculars and glanced into the distance. Although the zombies one or two kilometers away did not find them, they wandered here unconsciously.

“Clean up, ready to leave.”

As soon as the words fell, Shi Gongpi’s cries came again. He ran downstairs “boom, boom, boom”, and saw Hao Jian and others still there. He couldn’t help but cried: “My internet is blocked, I am Found!”


Shi Gongdi hugged the laptop with a look of unlovable appearance: “Just after you sent those messages, the official seems to have captured my domain dynamics, and then took the initiative to launch an attack. Fortunately, I blocked it. Come on, or my location information will be exposed! But my network is completely blocked, what should I do…”

Although they didn’t understand it well, they guessed that there was a contest between the “hacker” and the “white guest”. Of course, it was Shi Gongdu who lost in the end.

Although he is an expert in this area, after all, he was just a dead house that came back to work as a squatting house after two or three years of work. Naturally, it is impossible to fight against talents at the national level. He was found to be expected.

Lian Runing and Xin Ting apologized a little, but Hao Jian’s cheeks were very thick: “We are laymen, and there is nothing you can do about it, you can figure it out!”

Shi Gongdu pointed at her: “You are ruthless, you are indifferent, and you are irresponsible!”

“Fortunately, you can discover her true face in such a short time!” Peng Mao said cheerfully.


Shi Gongzui said: “I don’t care, I can’t access the Internet because you are harming me. I don’t care if I don’t have food, but if there is no two-dimensional girl, my spiritual food is gone, you are responsible to me!”

“Why, don’t you save dozens of terabytes of resources in your computer?” Hao Jian asked.

“These are two different things!”

Peng Mao felt that something was wrong: “Hey, no, even if there is the Internet, there is no entertainment broadcast for you. Are you trying to find fault on purpose? Isn’t it?”

Shi Gongdui shrank back, and Lian Ru-ning felt that Shi Gongdui was the one they were instigating. He was a bit unkind if he didn’t admit the account, so he stopped Peng Mao and asked him, “But none of us understands. We can’t make up for these, what do you want?”

When Shi Gongdi rolled his eyes, he raised Hao Jian’s displeased expression in his heart, and changed his words to: “The official will definitely follow the traces to find me here. It is no longer safe for me to stay here again. Yes, you send me home, I’m even with you!”

“Isn’t this your home?”

“This is the villa my grandfather left for me, and my family still has a three-bedroom house in Xiangshi!” Shi Gongdui said.

“…” Why is there a strong scent of showing off wealth?

Hao Jian refused without thinking: “No, we won’t be in Xiangshi.”

“Lying, I just read your browsing records, you checked the situation of Chengxiang, Xiangshi, Southern City University, Nanhai University, so you must go to Southern City! The university town is not far from Xiang City, you don’t I will deliberately bypass Xiangshi and go to the university town!”

Hao Jian glanced at Lian Ru Ning, who also looked back at her. The tacit understanding formed by the two parties’ cooperation for a long time made the other party quickly understand that Shi Gongdui’s behavior was suspicious.

They couldn’t believe what Shi Gongdi said was true. Apart from seeing his photo in the bedroom, there was nothing else to prove that this was his home.

When Hao Jian asked him about the roadblocks set up by the survivors, his answer was somewhat inconsistent. He only said that people in the township organized to kill zombies spontaneously, but did not say that they set up roadblocks, so he must have concealed some facts.

Hao Jian later asked him to contact the official. Isn’t it a temptation?

Shi Gongdui avoided going to the refuge base, because he was worried about becoming a ration. However, the degree of danger in Xiangshi is no less than that of Southern City. His family is in the urban area. Even if he goes back, how can he live on?


In view of his suspicious behavior, Hao Jian said: “Even so, we can’t take you. However, we can send you to the refuge base in Xinghua City.”

Shi Gongdi knew that Hao Jian and the others completely distrusted them, so they sighed and said, “Well, it’s not easy for everyone. It’s better to be honest, let me tell you the truth!”

“Huh? Dare to love what you told us just now is a lie?” Xin Ting asked in surprise.

“Half true, half false! Actually, the refuge base has long been unable to stay, because it has long been an amusement park for zombies.” Shi Gongyu slumped his shoulders.

Hao Jian’s four expressions became solemn: “What’s the matter?”


As Shi Gongdui said earlier, the airport was indeed used as a refuge by the security team. In order to prevent the zombie virus infection from continuing to be infected, the security team asked people to observe and report to each other.

In this way, the risk was indeed greatly reduced, and the situation in the shelter soon stabilized.

Although Shi Gongdi was robbed by the nanny and outsiders at that time, he didn’t go there because he still had surplus food, and because the environment of the refuge base was not good.

In sadness, he remembered a bunch of equipment he had bought at that time.

Tanyou said that the arrival of the end of the world is very likely to be disconnected from the Internet, power, and water. This is the real doomsday for a person who can’t live without a signal, so he spent millions to buy so many equipment.

Although the generators and everything were robbed, those people didn’t understand that the really valuable equipment was actually an unremarkable pile of “scrap iron”.

Although he entered the official local area network, he had no access to the official secret files. He wanted to keep abreast of official trends, and also wanted to give himself more means to save his life, so he thought of using these devices that can receive electromagnetic waves across the city to capture the communication band of the escort.

After his debugging and filtering out the useless signals, he successfully connected to the frequency band used by the **** communication. Then I learned a lot of news from it, including “All localities have sent out food shortages to their superiors, requesting to allocate food, and then the city’s guards will be sent to the granary to get the food” and so on.

He thought that the country is reliable. But when someone came by to rob him, he had to put the equipment away first.

After waiting for this day, when he received communications from the escort, he heard that the **** reported to his superiors that they had lost contact with the team members who had been sent to pick up food.

Although he didn’t know what happened during the period, he felt that the guards who lost contact should have been bitten by zombies so that there were no bones left.

Then the day before yesterday, he monitored that the survivors at the airport refuge base did not know where the relief food was gone. They stayed at the refuge base was like waiting for the news. Then the survivors were angry and wanted to leave the refuge base one after another. .

However, many zombies had gathered outside. When they opened the gap, the zombies gathered around…

The **** hurriedly sent a signal requesting assistance to the neighboring city, by the way, to inform that someone had tapped their communications and that their communications were no longer secure.

Shi Gongdu thought that the guards had spotted him, and he was so frightened that he did not dare to move for a long time.

But until yesterday, he didn’t find anyone coming to catch him, so he had the courage to quietly connect to the communication band of the **** again.

Although there was no signal from the guard, he received a signal from the same waveband.

The content of their conversation has nothing to do with the guards, but they are discussing how to clean up all the zombies in the surrounding dragon house, and then use the dragon house as a stronghold to start the operation.

They plan to block all major arterial roads and clean up the zombies in Xinghua City, making this a paradise.

Although Shi Gongdi didn’t know who they were, he guessed it was definitely not a member of the guards.

Soon he had a question, why these people can use the band communication of the escort? Are they not afraid of the guards finding out?

There is only one answer, and it must be that they have obtained the communication tools of the escort, and 80% of the **** of the airport refuge base has already had an accident.

He was not sure of the identities of those people, and he was skeptical of the identities of those passing by, because he was worried that if he learned these secrets, he would be caught and killed by those people.

When Hao Jian and others came over, it was in what he thought was the “dangerous period of being discovered”, so he hid upstairs and watched Hao Jian and others from the beginning.

However, he heard Hao Jian and the others’ initial conversation and accent through a wiretap, and he knew that they had just arrived from a foreign country, which might be different from those people.

So he tried to test them by providing the Internet to make sure that they were just ordinary people passing by. Only then did he completely let go of his guard, and he was willing to tell them some truth.

It’s just that he did this to expose himself to the official eyelids, so he was entangled with Hao Jian and others with the intention of leaving from the beginning, and now is a good time to leave.

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