The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 49

Chapter 48

“What? You actually installed a bug?!” Peng Mao jumped up, and even if he was peeked, he was also eavesdropped on their conversation. Is there any privacy?

Shi Gongdu glanced at Hao Jian: “Didn’t you find out long ago?!”

Hao Jian hooked her lips: “It’s not a bad thing to keep an eye on it.”

“You exposed yourself just to test us, is that okay?” Lian Runing asked.

“I’m also sure that you are not in the same group with that group of people, so I will test you. If I’m not sure, I won’t let you know what I do.” Shi Gongdu said.

“Then it seems that you said that people in towns and villages spontaneously organize to clean up zombies and create a paradise? You know who set up the roadblocks, and you also know that they say that the roadblocks are set up to prevent outsiders from carrying viruses in. In fact, they are preventing Support the guards! As long as the guards don’t come, they will have the final say in Xinghua City.” Hao Jian said.

“It’s not a lie, just like the people in the refuge base are being used. I am afraid that the people in the township and the people have reached an agreement. In order to survive, it is normal to know the current affairs.”

Hao Jian sneered: “If you didn’t tell the truth before, weren’t you afraid that we would go to the refuge base after listening to you?”

Shi Gongdi muttered: “I think you come from a different place, and it’s not like you need to go to the refuge base to seek refuge… Besides, I am not familiar with you. What does it matter to me whether you go to the refuge base or not?”

His performance was normal. Lian Ru Ning asked, “Then why are you willing to tell us now?”

“Because you are not bad guys. You didn’t **** my food and didn’t hurt my life. If you ran into the zombie den because of me, I would be uneasy.”

As for why Shi Gongdu is unwilling to help Hao Jian contact the official, in fact, there are also his concerns:

“I always thought that the guards who were going to transport food lost contact because they were killed by a zombie attack halfway. But after the panic incident caused by the rumors of’no food’ at the airport refuge base, I felt that things were not that way. simple.”

“The guards once said that their communications were tapped, and it is unlikely to refer to me, because although I eavesdropped, I have not used their frequency band, so it should be someone who accidentally used the official frequency band and was discovered by them when they eavesdropped. Up.”

“Finally, since I can eavesdrop on the communications of the escort, other people have the same means to detect my contact with the official. If they know my existence, I still don’t know how I died!”

Although he didn’t let the official track down his IP for the time being, this matter will be found out sooner or later, and those people will know his existence and come to the door sooner or later, and it will be difficult for him to leave anymore.


Hao Jian did not express her attitude, but still asked: “Why is the place you are going to be Xiangshi?”

Shi Gongdi said that it was because he believed in eschatology at the beginning, and discussed the shopping list of survival materials with people on the forum very intensely.

Under his intention, he inherited a lot of inheritance. Even if he spends several million, the remaining assets can still be used to make money, and there will be no loss at all, so he really started to purchase supplies.

He didn’t think about the Xiangshi house that he hadn’t lived in for a long time at first. Then he remembered the “Cunning Rabbit Three Caves”. He couldn’t suppress all his hopes here, so he began to hoard a bunch of things there half a year ago.

What he thinks is that his parents don’t go back there often. He hides things there under the name of decoration and won’t attract others’ attention. The cleaning aunt who cleaned once a week was also driven away by him, and he changed it. Got a lock.

The reason why he did not rent a house was because he would never live there at all, which would arouse people’s suspicion.

During that time, he went out very frequently, and his parents thought he was getting rid of it. As a result, his hoarding of supplies after his return made them mad. They thought that he had gone out frequently just to do these things.

After the end of the world, his thoughts are simple, anyway, the food here has been enough for him to eat for several years, and by then, the zombies may be gone. If this place unfortunately falls, does he still have food in Xiangshi?

Besides, if someone accidentally breaks the door and finds his supplies, he is considered to have done a good thing, and it is not bad to think about it.


“Your home is in the city.” Hao Jian reminded.

“There are so many zombies in the city, you can’t get through.” Xin Ting said.

Although Lian Ru-ning felt that it was difficult to return to Southern City, she kindly reminded Shi Gongdui: “The situation outside is not as good as you imagined. You must be psychologically prepared.”

Shi Gongzui said: “I know, but although my home is in the urban area, the urban area of ​​Xiangshi is actually an old urban area that was developed at the beginning, which is a bit behind the emerging area, so I think the danger should not be that great. ”

“That won’t work either.” Hao Jian objected.

Shi Gongzui stared, a little annoyed: “I have said everything I know, and I even took out my own details to show you, why are you still unwilling to believe me?”

“Brother, we are not unwilling to believe you, but… How long have you not taken a shower? Our car is small and can’t accommodate your Buddha. Of course, do you think the seat on the car roof is okay? It just happens to use the natural fresh air. Come to help you disperse the taste.”

Shi Gongyu sniffed himself, only to smell a sour smell, he thought for a while, in order to prevent people from discovering that he lived here these days, he did not turn on the air conditioner or fan…

“I’m going to take a shower right away, can’t I clean myself up?!”

Shi Gongdi immediately ran upstairs, and he stared at Hao Jian and the others when he turned the corner: “You have your words, don’t leave me and run!”

When he got up, Lian Runing saw Hao Jian walked out, and followed him out: “Do you really believe him?”

Hao Jian cleaned the water stains on the driver’s seat with a cloth pulled from the house, and checked the car inside and out again. Hearing the words, he said: “I checked before. He did have those equipment in his room, but I only believed 50% of what he said.”

50% is already a lot.

Shi Gongdi is different from Xin Ting and Peng Mao. He knows too many things and conceals many things at first, so no matter how many truths he tells, Hao Jian will not completely trust him.

She and Lian Runing are both people who have experienced the “Conference Center Incident” in Jiang City, and they can also see that Wugui, which was originally an MLM organization, has now given birth to the ambition to seize power.

And their backbone members and believers are a group of people with no moral bottom line, so no one can predict what cruel things they will do.

And there will never be one “blameless” in the world, there will be more people like them who are ambitious, ignore morals and laws, and want to make a fortune by taking advantage of the chaos.

So even if the things at the Xinghua Airport weren’t done “blamelessly”, some people have already developed the desire to control Xinghua. They plan to take advantage of the chaos outside to turn into a pot of porridge, and the official has no time to take care of them, so they plan to dominate here.

Xinghua City has fewer guards than Jiang City, and if there is only one refuge at the airport, their attack targets will be more concentrated.

“Shi Gongzui’s rhetoric is flawless, but according to what he said, he received the news of the loss of contact with the guards transporting food on August 1. What happened that day, do you remember? “Hao Jian asked.

Lian Ru Ning thought for a while: “That day we just arrived at the Jiangxin Island refuge base in Jiangshi, and according to Chen Jin later, it was also that day that there was an accident in the Civic Park and Conference Center.”

“Yes, the incident at the airport refuge area in Xinghua City was done by’blameless’ or other people who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to seize power. We don’t know anything about it. Judging from the operations of those people at the airport refuge base, it is extremely It may be the handwriting of’No Blame’.”

“If it was done by’No Blame’, is the date of the accident due to a coincidence or because they agreed? If it is not a coincidence, what did they rely on to communicate to achieve synchronization?”

In terms of timeline, on August 1, the Xinghua city guard team found that the food transport team had lost contact, and the evacuation center of the Jiang City Conference Center lost contact. On August 2, the same incident occurred in the evacuation area of ​​Xinghua Airport as in the Jiangshi Civic Park and Conference Center.

Although the incident occurred in the two cities on the same day, the nature of the incident is that Jiang City first occurred when the conference center was occupied, and then the incident occurred at the refuge area of ​​Xinghua City Airport.

Hao Jian and Lian Runing thought of going together: “This can’t be a coincidence. Before the Jiang City Conference Center incident, why didn’t the same incident of the loss of the food transport team happen?”

Hao Jian personally guessed that it was because there were traitors in the guards in Jiang City, and because of the role of traitors, “No Blame” could omit the step of hijacking the food transport team.

Relatively, they can at least be sure that there are no traitors in the guards of Xinghua City.

However, the operation of the Xinghua food transport team was leaked. Either it was eavesdropping on official communications like Shi Gongdui, or there was a “blameless” backbone member of the official upper level, who directly contacted the traitor of Jiang City’s guard team and Xinghua City’s “No Blame” member.

“Being able to plan such a big incident must not be as simple as the cooperation sought between the two “blameless” sub-teachers. It should be under the unified command of the upper echelons.”

“But didn’t Lei Mu, the teacher of the “Fragrance Master” in Jiangshi say that he didn’t get enough attention at the beginning, so he came up with such a method?” Lian Runing was a little puzzled.

“Judging from what happened here, he shouldn’t confess all the truth, he is probably hiding his upline.”

On August 2, the Xinghua city guards issued a warning to the neighboring cities, namely Jiangshi and Chengxiang, but it was the occupied conference center that received the signal at that time, so whether it was Yu Jiyou or the commander of the refuge of Yigao I didn’t know that something happened in Xinghua City.

After the matter at the conference center was over, Xinghua’s guards couldn’t get in touch instead.

Lian Runing sighed: “It would be great if I could contact Chief Yi and them, and we can tell them what happened here.”

Seeing her worrisome, Hao Jian couldn’t help but chuckled the tip of her nose with a chuckle: “All these inferences are based on what Shi Gongpi is telling the truth. Let’s just believe that what he is telling is the truth. , But don’t forget, Yi Gao and An Minghui are not vegetarians.”

She did this action subconsciously, but she was stunned when she practiced Ruing, staring at her without blinking.

“What?” Hao Jian looked back at her.

The moment their eyes touched, the hearts of both of them stirred.

Lian Ru Ning was worried that the other party could see her thoughts, and she hurriedly looked away: “It’s okay, let’s talk back to your opinion of Shi Gongdui!”

Hao Jian still stared at her, tilted his head, and found Lian Runing’s gaze again.

“What do I think of him? His rhetoric is flawless and his ability is too outstanding, so I can’t fully believe him. He can be what he calls an “electronic information engineer” or one of those people responsible for monitoring official communications. , The spy who passed the news to them.”

“Then why bring him?” Lian Runing felt that with Hao Jian’s personality, if the other party hadn’t gained her trust and was of no use value, she would not have left such a person.

“He is a man or a ghost. We will know when we have a look at it. And since he can debug communication equipment, when he arrives in Southern City, we can ask him to help invade the education system of the university town and check if your parents are there. During the zombie virus outbreak, I logged into the school system…”

Lian Ru Ning’s eyes condensed, and she immediately added a touch of brilliance. She didn’t think of this layer at all, but…

“He is going to Xiangshi. Will he follow us to Southern City?”

Hao Jian looked up and showed a sly smile: “Since he voluntarily got into my car, can he decide where he wants to go?”

“…” Lian Ru Ning thought secretly, very overbearing, but what was going on with her inexplicable joy?

It seems that she has also “turned bad” in the last days.

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