The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 50

Chapter 49

Shi Gong Dui took a shower at almost the fastest speed he had ever used in his life.

To make himself look clean after washing, he deliberately turned out the expiring perfume and sprayed it on, then shaved his beard clean and changed into clean clothes.

“Okay!” He hurriedly went downstairs with a super large backpack, and he was relieved to see that Hao Jian and others had indeed not left.

After shaved off his beard and changed into clean clothes, he did look younger than before, but his sloppy hair and white-rimmed glasses still made him a little older.

“You bring so many things and can’t put it in the car, what are they?” Peng Mao asked. He was actually a little dissatisfied. He was obviously the only man in the team. He was only used as a facade, but in the end a fat man came. Would Hao Jian and the others think he was useless?

He took a look at Shi Gongdu’s backpack, and it was all hand-made except for some of his snacks.

“What do you bring these things for? You can’t eat them!”

Shi Gongyu snatched his own Hatsune from his hand and said, “Do you know how much money I spent on these figures? This is my lifeblood!”

Hao Jian tapped on the roof of the car: “You go up and take those equipment down and put them in the trunk, hurry up, there are zombies coming.”

When the two heard this, they rushed upstairs to work again.

Xin Ting glanced at Shi Gongdu’s backpack and said, “He has a lot of snacks.”

There are at least three bottles of Coke in it, potato chips, pineapple cakes, biscuits, chicken drumsticks… and he only has one set of clothes, and the rest are all kinds of figures.

When Shi Gongdu was about to get into the car, Peng Mao squeezed into the car ahead of him and prevented him from approaching Xin Ting. He angrily said: “You are discrimination!”

Xin Ting smiled awkwardly: “This is good.”

Instead of letting Shi Gongyu sit next to her, she would rather let Peng Mao sit next to her.

Shi Gongyu had no choice but to get into the car, but his big backpack really took up space. In the end, under the pressure of everyone, he only left a Hatsune figure, and he reluctantly left the rest. At home.

Even so, he and Peng Mao two big men squeezed Xin Ting aside, and finally practiced Ru Ning and transferred Shi Gong Dui into the passenger seat. She sat behind Hao Jian and Peng Mao sat on the right. Take it easy.

After so long, it was getting late.

Fortunately, after the rain, the dark clouds disappeared and the sky was blue again. The summer night comes slowly, and there are at least three or four hours before the sky will completely darken. During this period, they need to hurry to a relatively safe place.

The reason why Hao Jian didn’t think it was safe is because after listening to Shi Gongdui’s words, he believed that there was a surrounding dragon house within a few kilometers. The people in the surrounding dragon house must also be aware of the movement as they drive past.

It was raining heavily before, and they didn’t come to investigate, but now the rain has stopped, no one knows if they will organize people to come and look for them in Shi’s villa.

If the gentleman does not erect a dangerous wall, the Shi’s villa is no longer safe.

She had removed the license plate and model mark, and made the car shell very dirty with mud. This is to prevent the other party from telling their counterparts elsewhere about the original license plate and model number, thereby intercepting them everywhere.

Hao Jian has always been cautious. Seeing this, Shi Gongdi said, “Sister, when I look at your handwriting, I know that you are also a well-versed man. Brother, I don’t know what you do!”

Hao Jian squinted at him with a faint smile, “My advantage looks good?”

“I thought we were friends.”

Hao Jian showed no mercy: “You are not qualified enough.”

Shi Gongpi was not sad, but he took out the potato chips carelessly, and ate it: “Then I call you Hao Jian like they do? Or is it classmate Hao? Hao Jian, what a rape, your dad. The name is so good.”

“Where and where, the name that Ling Zun Ling Tang gave is outstanding.”

Shi Gongdu kept talking, and Peng Mao couldn’t bear it, and snatched his potato chips: “Contractor, if you want to take a ride, you have to follow our rules!”

“Who is your name? What do you mean?”

“Contractor, you! The boss of the construction team, contractor, do you think it fits your image?”

Shi Gongdu wanted to fight him, but considering that he was still in the car, he had to give up.

Peng Mao handed the potato chips into Lian Ru Ning’s hands, and said eloquently: “With us, Miss Lian is the boss. We have to listen to what she says! If you want to follow us, you must also pay a security management fee! ”

When Shi Gongdu listened to the first half sentence, he looked at Lian Ru Ning’s eyes suddenly a little surprised. He had previously guessed that Hao Jian and Lian Ru Ning were students. But among these people, Lian Ru-ning looks the most tender. Didn’t expect that she is the most prestigious among these people?

He asked: “What is the security management fee?”

“Do you understand the protection fee? We all paid the money. If you don’t have money, you have to hand in valuable things.”

The three girls listened to Peng Mao flickering Shi Gong Dui, and no one spoke. However, Lian Ru Ning didn’t want to eat snacks, and didn’t want to discuss food with them, so he returned the snacks to Shi Gongdui, and Xin Ting adjusted the strategy with the new information they received.

“You can’t go to the airport, so all the routes in that area have to be passed, and the towns and towns with Weilongwu are not safe and can’t settle down, so our route can only be like this…”

“Look at how kind the Lian classmates are!” Shi Gongdi listened to the side, feeling very grateful that he had chosen to be with them all the way. Since they had the courage to go to Southern City, they must have confidence.

Looking at it now, they are all prepared, not fighting unprepared battles, reliable!

Xin Ting suddenly thought: “Mr. Shi is here, don’t you know if you are familiar with the surrounding towns and villages?”

“I haven’t been out for a long time, and I may not know the situation as well as you guys.” Shi Gongdi said with a smile, “Student Xiaoting, your name is Mr. Shi, I have two surnames. You can call me Lao Shi or Lao Gong.”

Peng Mao was very dissatisfied with Shi Gongtui’s always taking advantage of others in his mouth. He stretched out a fist and landed on his head: “Do you really think I dare not take you away?”

He didn’t use much force, Shi Gongyu didn’t feel any pain, but he was caught off guard.

Shi Gongdi angrily turned around to fight Peng Mao’s men’s duel, but when he saw the other side’s muscles, he could only say something cruel: “Have the ability to get out of the car and go heads-up!”

He knew that Hao Jian was unlikely to park. When they got off the car, Peng Mao might not remember it.

Peng Mao naturally didn’t know that he was such a chicken thief, because Hao Jian’s sharp turn prevented them from continuing to argue.


Within the sight of Hao Jian and the others, some surrounding dragon houses appeared one after another, but they thought that they were only blocking the main road, and they discovered that the original township road was not blocked, but the main road was blocked.

Just like the relationship between countless branches and tree trunks, several township roads converge on the county road in Yonghe Town. Pieces of signs or stones lie across the road, leaving only places for two-wheeled vehicles such as motorcycles. .

Hao Jian had already seen the gaze posted behind the fence. She didn’t want to pester those people, so she turned a corner and turned into a country road.

“It seems that they really blocked the main road. It seems that we can only take a long detour.” Lian Ru Ning frowned.

Shi Gongdi turned on his computer and a small box, and said to Lian Ru Ning: “Lian classmates, first lend me your walkie-talkie.”

Hao Jian recognized that small box, which was found in the communication equipment room of the conference center. She freed her hand to throw away the walkie-talkie on her body: “Use mine.”

Failing to talk to Lian Ru Ning smoothly, Shi Gong Dui secretly pouted.

But after he got the walkie-talkie, he didn’t sell it. While tampering with the equipment in his hand, he explained to Lian Ru Ning on his own: “Can’t I monitor that they are using wireless devices to communicate? There is this kind of wireless walkie-talkie. Then it’s easy for me to monitor them!”

Lian Ru Ning smiled and said nothing, Hao Jian glanced at him: “Yes, if you can do it, you will fight Peng Mao one-on-one after getting off the car. I will let him make you three moves.”

“…” Shi Gongpi heard Hao Jian’s teasing. He thought about it. He didn’t seem to provoke Hao Jian just now. Why does she always prevent him from using his personality charm to conquer the hearts of the other two girls?

Then he released it.

However, when the main equipment cannot be used in the trunk, his speed is much slower. After debugging for about half an hour, the car passed several large mountains on the country road, and only a faint sound came from the intercom.

The sound is not clear, and it is a bit intermittent, which is the same as the poor signal of the mobile phone, which makes the call not smooth.

“The frequency band used by this wireless walkie-talkie is for civilian use. Every brand of walkie-talkie has its fixed frequency, but after I tuned it, the frequency and sub-tone of this walkie-talkie can be connected to the military frequency band. Add me This radio station can connect to frequency bands within a range of 8 kilometers. My computer still saves the data of each frequency band in their walkie-talkie. But if there is a car wireless walkie-talkie, it would be great, that thing is the communication distance Up to 20 kilometers.”

Lian Ru Ning and the others showed an expression of “unexplained Jue Li”, which made Shi Gong Dui a great satisfaction. However, Lian Runing asked him: “You are so good, why do you want to squat at home?”

Shi Gongdu retorted: “I’m squatting at home, and I haven’t lost my professional knowledge!”

“No contribution, no matter how much professional knowledge he has, it is just a lonely appreciation.”

Shi Gongdu could not refute.

However, Lian Ru Ning has never been a person who can depress the enthusiasm of others, so she gave him another sweet date: “But I am very fortunate to have you join us, otherwise we will know nothing about the dangers lurking around us along the way.”

Hearing this, Shi Gongzui’s confidence greatly increased. If it were not for the sound of dialogue from the walkie-talkie, he could not help but start boasting about himself along the pole and Lian Ru Ning.

“Have you received Y356? Y377 did not find the car you mentioned here!”

“G295 didn’t find it either.”

“Is there any manpower on Huxiang Road?”

These people are not professional in their words, and they know they are amateurs when they hear them, so they will not be official people.

But listening to their conversation, it seems that they are really looking for them, and they have already attracted the attention of those people.

Someone started to chat, “Are they ordinary people passing by somewhere else? I think Jiangshi might come from that direction.”

“Are ordinary people going to mess around outside at this time? Even ordinary people have to find out the details. If you can bring some information from other places, it would be good.”

“Xinghua is such a big city, and we have not arranged our own people on many small highways, so how can we find them!”

“There are only a few main roads that enter the basin to the east, unless they don’t pass through here, even if they want to make a detour, they have to take the side road!”

“Hey, will they go to the airport?”

“How could it be possible that going to the airport road would be looking for death!”

“They came from outside, don’t you know the situation on the airport road?”

Hao Jian got a few pieces of information from their conversations: “First, they did not set up an interception gate on the airport road; second, they were not able to obtain a lot of outside intelligence; third, they said they were people, and they seemed to follow Some people in the township cooperated, but they did not regard the people in the township as their own.”

Knowing what Hao Jian meant, Lian Ru Ning pondered for a moment: “It is reasonable to say that if they have such a great ability to destroy the guards, then how can they not know the outside intelligence? Unless you say…”

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