The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 31 - 031, find the problem (add more to the recommendation ticket)

“!” Mu Yiren was stunned.

how come?

There are no seeds in such a big village. Listening to Goudan, it seems that the land in the village has been empty for a long time?

No, even if there are no seeds in the village, the surrounding villages should have them, right? If not, the state should support them, right? How can such a large area of ​​land be left unplanted?

If you don’t plant it, what do you eat?

Suddenly, Mu Yiren remembered the dark yellow and thin faces of everyone in the Qin family, looking at the appearance of malnutrition.

Could it be because there are no seeds in the village and there is not enough food to eat? So, often not full, hungry?

“Dog Dan, who are you pulling? Are you coming to relatives?”

Hearing the sound, Muyi looked away from the ground and turned his head to look at the passing person. It was a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a big round face, wearing an old gray padded jacket with patches, combed with two coats. with a hemp braid and a bamboo basket in his hand.

It looks like a very authentic and simple peasant girl!

“Aunt Hongmei, this is my little aunt~”

Goudan took Muyiren’s hand and happily introduced.

Qin Hongmei looked at Mu Yiren, frowning slightly, wondering in her heart, when did brother Mingsheng have a distant sister? Over the years, I haven’t seen any relatives come to my door.

Mu Yiren felt the gaze of the other party and said politely, “Hello.”

Qin Hongmei looked at the other party’s smiling face and greeted her, and immediately retracted her gaze, nodded uneasily, not knowing how to respond.

Listening to the other party’s accent, it’s the same as the educated youth from the big city in the village, and the other party’s skin is so white and the hairstyle is completely different from the girls in their village, so, is this from the city?

In an instant, Qin Hongmei felt the gap and the difference.

“Dogdan, I’m going to pick wild vegetables.”

Qin Hongmei greeted her and walked away in a hurry. When she passed Muyiren, she glanced vaguely again.

Muyi didn’t care about each other’s sight, and immediately followed Goudan to visit the village.

“Little aunt, we can’t go ahead. My parents are all working there. There are many people.”

Goudan raised his small head and said sensible.

“Then let’s go home!” Mu Yiren said with a smile.

Since everyone in the village works there, she, a stranger, should not go there.

However, along the way, Mu Yiren had a vague guess in his heart.

Mu Yiren was about to lead the two little guys home when he suddenly heard a shout from behind.


The quiet and well-behaved dog baby immediately released Mu Yiren’s hand and rushed towards Qin Mingsheng.

Qin Mingsheng was about to go to fetch water when he saw a familiar figure from a distance and was worried, so he chased after him.

“Why did you come out? Is your body okay?”

Qin Mingsheng led the dog and walked to Mu Yiren and asked.

Mu Yiren replied with a smile, “It’s alright, come out to get some air, and I’m about to go back.”

Qin Mingsheng nodded, it’s fine, people who have been in a coma for several days, just woke up and ran out, looking at how can people not worry.

Thinking of the doubts in his heart, Muyi asked bluntly, “Why are there no seeds in the village?”

Hearing this, Qin Mingsheng was stunned and looked at Mu Yiren thoughtfully.

Mu Yiren was a little puzzled by Qin Mingsheng’s eyes, “What’s the matter?”

Qin Mingsheng asked back, “You don’t know?”

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