The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 32 - 032, confused

Mu Yiren suddenly choked, should she know?

Suddenly, Mu Yi’s heart tensed. Could it be that there is a reason for this phenomenon? Then she just asked, did she inadvertently reveal something wrong?

But Mu Yiren can’t figure out the key point. She is not from their village, so she doesn’t know what’s going on in the village. Isn’t this a normal behavior?

Seeing Mu Yiren’s puzzled expression, Qin Mingsheng became more and more confused, but his expression did not change, so he answered frankly.

“There has been a famine in the whole country for three years, and the grain seeds have been distributed as relief grains. Where can there be so many seeds that can be used for farming? Not only our village, but many other villages in the country are just like our village. , a large area of ​​land is vacant, and only a small part of the land can still grow some grains.”

“!” This time, Mu Yiren was stunned, and was extremely shocked.

Famine in the whole country? ! And it’s been three years?

From the current time, if you go back three years, then this time point is obviously not right?

How was this completely different from what she knew? ? Where is the problem?

In the era she knew, this meeting had already begun a new revolution, how could there be still a famine?

Did she remember it wrong? Or is the time and space in which she lives now not the world she was born and familiar with? !

The more he thought about that strange feeling in Mu Yiren’s heart, the stronger it became.

Mu Yiren froze in place and felt cold all over. She felt that she was now trapped in a strange circle of time and space.

Qin Mingsheng felt that something was wrong with Muyiren. Thinking of the villagers working not far away, he whispered to Muyiren, “It’s inconvenient here, we’ll talk about it when we go home.”

Seeing Mu Yiren’s sad face, Qin Mingsheng is not good at pulling people. This is outside. There are differences between men and women, so it is not appropriate to pull and pull. If they are seen by the villagers, it is hard to say.

“Dog Dan, Gouwa, take your little aunt and go home quickly.”

When the two little guys saw their uncle’s serious face, the obedient one immediately took Mu Yiren’s hand and took her home.

Qin Mingsheng walked behind, and his heart was extremely uneasy.

Where the **** is she from?

Mu Yiren followed the two little guys back home in a daze and sat in the main room. Until now, she still hasn’t figured out what’s going on.

At this moment, she didn’t even realize the exploratory gaze of the person behind her.

“Goudan, you take your brother to the courtyard to play, and the little uncle wants to tell your little aunt something.”

Qin Mingsheng is going to leave the two little guys. Although the child is still very young, it is better not to let the child hear about some things.

“Okay, uncle.”

Although Goudan was curious, he obediently led Goudan to play in the courtyard. It was not the first time for such an order anyway. .

Humph, he is seven years old, he is no longer a child!

But no matter what, the adults all said that they were a little kid. Goudan and his younger brother squatted under the corner of the yard, poking at the soil and playing with the little earthworms in the soil.

Hey, when will he be an adult, so sad, how old does he have to be to be an adult?

Seeing that the child went out and Mu Yiren was still in a daze, Qin Mingsheng probably understood that she might be frightened.

Qin Mingsheng has no intention of exploring other people’s privacy, but frankly, he is full of curiosity about the woman in front of him.

Qin Mingsheng silently poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

“Drink some hot water.”

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