The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 33 - 033, parallel time and space?

Mu Yiren was stunned, took the enamel cup, and whispered, “Thank you.”

She is in a mess now. The calm and calm state of mind before has become chaotic again. She feels very insecure about this unknown feeling.

Mu Yiren drank the warm white water lightly, and her emotions gradually calmed down in the warm current.

To put it bluntly, she is just a girl who has just turned 20. Apart from her incomplete family and no parental love, her life has not suffered any major setbacks before the plane accident.

From childhood to adulthood, she was indeed very smart, but her mind was almost spent on learning, and she did not have a lot of social experience. She suddenly experienced such a fantastic thing.

At this moment, Mu Yiren has clearly realized the problem, but she still needs a process of acceptance and adaptation.

“Can you tell me about some important things that have happened in the country in the past ten years?”

After half a cup of water, Mu Yiren asked slowly.

Now, apart from the person in front of her, she doesn’t know who to look for. He is her savior, and the Muyi people have a natural sense of trust in him.

She felt a reliable and steady feeling in him.

Qin Mingsheng looked at Muyiren with deep eyes, and finally, suppressing the turbulent emotions in his heart, he began to tell her about the country’s trends in the past ten years.

Fortunately, he often pays attention to the policy trend and knows some things, otherwise, he will be stumped by her girl’s family now.

How can the men in the village care about or pay attention to the policy trend of the country every day? For them, being able to grow the crops in the field is a major event.

Moreover, Qin Mingsheng himself is different from the authentic peasant man. He is the only college student in the village. Although he has only been in school for two years, he has not read it, but it cannot be denied that he is indeed a serious college student, and he is a serious college student. There are still differences among the young people in the village.

Mu Yiren listened to Qin Mingsheng’s story quietly throughout the whole process, but the hands that held the enamel cup tensed for a while.

There is only one sentence repeated in my mind: it’s different, it’s different!

It is completely different from the development of the country she knows!

The major events Qin Mingsheng talked about were completely incompatible with the knowledge points in her memory!

Mu Yiren was shocked by his own knowledge.

What the **** is going on here? This is the country in which she was born.

Since waking up, she has never thought about whether this time and space is the power country she knows and is familiar with. In her cognition, even if time is reversed in this time and space, it is the civilization she knows well.

But now, reality poured cold water on her.

Where is this place?

Muyiren asked with trembling lips, “Then what is your country called?”

Hearing this, Qin Mingsheng’s heart sank, what is your country called? Isn’t she from their country? Impossible, she obviously looks the same as them and speaks the same language.


The Muyi people collapsed, “What? China?”

Qin Mingsheng nodded.

Mu Yiren didn’t quite believe it. She wanted to understand thoroughly, so she selected several ancient dynasties to ask questions. In the end, she found speechlessly that the historical development is surprisingly similar, but they are not the same country, the same time and space.

what is this?

Parallel time and space?

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