The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 860 - 860, a hundred years of inheritance

Hearing what Mu Yiren said, Liu Xiaocui hurriedly expressed her position, “Don’t think about it, my family has this name, I think it’s pretty good.”

What are you kidding, let her think? will kill.

She had just scratched her hair for half an hour, so she worked hard to write two names together, but the two names didn’t look like the name of the store at all. They were messy and twisted, and she was too embarrassed to say them out. .

“I don’t mind either.”

Immediately after, Chen Chuncao and Qin Anxi said in unison, to be honest, they really don’t have that brain cell, and it hurts to think of a name, so it’s better for them to give up struggling.

Seeing that they were all satisfied, Mu Yiren made another proposal.

“Well, when it’s time to make a signboard, you’d better add four words to the signboard, a hundred years of inheritance! This is just a gimmick, which means that our taste and craftsmanship is good.”

“Okay, got it.”

In the evening, the three Huang Qiuhua rushed back, and after everyone had dinner, they concentrated in the Shiguang Bieyuan to discuss things.

Qin Lao Er opened his mouth and said, “Brother and sister, we went to see that shop today, and it was pretty good. We were worried that someone else would cut him off, so we paid the money directly in the afternoon and went through the relevant procedures. As you said, the agreement was signed.”

“What’s the store environment like? What’s the area? Are your stores separate or not?”

The Muyi people picked out a few key questions. She had no opinion on what they had already handed over. After all, this was their business, and they were solely responsible for it.

Mentioning the shop, Qin Lao Er was happy for a while, “Very good, that location is on the main street of the county department store…”

This time, it was really thanks to Mother Zhao’s help that they found out about such a good main street shop. They bought a two-story bungalow.

This house is a bungalow assigned by a retired cadre. Later, the owner added a floor by himself, so it became a two-story building with an area of ​​about 120 square meters and a 20-story building. Square meter backyard kitchenette with a water well.

There are three rooms on the upper and lower floors. If you want to do business, you need to renovate the first floor. The door is made of wooden boards, so you don’t need to make any modifications.

The door of the house facing the street is like this. The door needs to be opened as wide as it is, and the corresponding number of boards can be removed.

They also understand that it is difficult to find houses in the county seat these days, so they originally only planned to rent a room facing the street as a store, which would be more conducive to finding and negotiating with the landlord.

I just didn’t expect that the Zhao family was so powerful, and they happened to meet them. The owner of the family happened to sell the house to live with his son’s family in another province, so the two brothers bought it directly as a joint venture.

They can have this idea because the area of ​​the house is spacious enough, the location is also very good, and the overall environment is very good. They can completely divide the first floor into two and change it into two storefronts. Say, enough is enough.

Anyway, their store will not invite customers to enter the store to eat. It doesn’t need to be too wide. It only needs a counter to display their products. What to do? There is a small kitchen in the backyard, which is very convenient.

The room on the second floor can be reserved as a place for them to rest, so that when they come to the county town, they will have their own house, and the money for the hostel can also be saved.

Although the price is a bit high, they feel that the house is worth the price, and the most important thing is that it will be difficult to meet them again in the future. It would be a pity if they missed it.

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