The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 963 - Extra eight

After walking for a few minutes, the couple finally saw a small supermarket.

Muyi thought for a while, and immediately found the wallet that had traveled through time and space with her from the system. On the day of the accident, she was traveling abroad. She exchanged some foreign exchange notes in her wallet, but there were also Chinese renminbi. of.

She opened her wallet and counted it. She had exactly one thousand dollars, which was just enough to use.

“Go, go to the supermarket!”

Although it is a small private supermarket, it is still very novel for Qin Mingsheng and his two children. After all, such a purchase model is not available in China.

What’s more, those shelves are also full of novel things, of course, with the Muyi people’s system in hand, the three of them can usually eat some novel snacks.

But now the feeling is completely different, they can browse by themselves, and they can also choose by themselves.

In an instant, Qin Mingsheng entered the shopping mode with his two siblings with excited faces, while Mu Yiren stood by the cashier with his wallet and chatted with the proprietress.

But her eyes were on the TV mounted on the wall, and she was not surprised to see that the time was displayed at about 9:30 in the evening. The only regret was that the current TV channel did not display the year, month and date.

“This woman is pregnant, and her memory is poor. Madam Boss, what day of the week and how many numbers are coming. I still have a lottery ticket to buy.”

Hearing this, the proprietress was no different, but she echoed Mu Yiren’s words, “Hey, don’t say that you are pregnant and forgetful about your sex, that is, none of us usually remember the day of the week, we only know the time every day. “

After joking, the proprietress also took out her mobile phone and checked the date, “Today is Sunday, May 7th.”

“What? Madam, what’s your number today?”

Muyi’s whole person is a little bad. She knows the year, 2022, but now the lady boss tells her that today is May 7th? !

The date of May 7th actually had no special meaning to her, nor was it a memorable day, but this date made her feel very terrified.

Even though it has been several years since she was in the plane crash, she still clearly remembers the date when she took the plane.

May 6, 2022.

The proprietress didn’t quite understand why the other party was so excited, but she kindly repeated, “May 7th.”

Mu Yiren was a little dumbfounded. She traveled through time and space back to the day after her accident. Does this allow her to continue her normal life?

She lives a normal life, her identity is gone, how can she live?

“Daughter-in-law, what’s the matter?”

Qin Mingsheng heard something wrong with his daughter-in-law’s voice, so he hurried over.

Mu Yiren smiled and said, “It’s alright, have you finished buying it?”

“Well, it’s almost there, I’ll bring them here.”

Qin Mingsheng immediately took the brothers and sisters to the cashier. In his hand was a shopping basket full of various snacks. The brothers and sisters liked the feeling of letting them choose their own food.

The usual novelty snacks are what their mother gives them, and they can only eat what they can eat, but they can’t choose by themselves. With such a purchase today, they instantly fell in love with it.

Muyi paid the money, and even asked the proprietress for two newspapers. Then, the family of four disappeared in a remote corner.

After entering the system ranch, Muyi couldn’t wait to flip through the newspapers. One was from yesterday and the other was from today. She wanted to see if there were any news reports about the plane crash.

Sure enough, she saw a news report about an air crash on a page, but the content of the report did not detail the specific information of the current plane, but only indicated that the plane had an accident and crashed, and the further situation is still being ascertained. .

As for the list of the victims, it has not been released yet, but it is said that the state has sent a marine rescue team to salvage it.

“Daughter-in-law, what’s wrong?” Qin Mingsheng felt that his daughter-in-law was in a bad mood, and after greeting the two children, he came over and sat beside her.

Mu Yiren directly handed the newspaper to the third brother.

Qin Mingsheng took the newspaper and looked down at the current page content. In less than a minute, he understood in his heart.

“Is this the plane you had an accident on?”

Mu Yiren nodded, “Yes, although the list of victims has not been announced in the report, it is estimated that the cause of the accident has not been investigated clearly, so I want to stabilize and appease the direction of public opinion.

But I remember very clearly that when the plane hit the sea, the whole plane was blown up. Under the circumstances at that time, it was very difficult to have survivors. Unless it was my situation, I didn’t expect the time Chance takes us to the day after my accident. “

Just, what’s the point of that?

If she wore it until yesterday morning, maybe she could stop the accident from happening, er, that’s not right, if she stopped it, how could she travel through time and space to get to the third brother?

This is a complete cycle of death!

So, what’s the point of bringing her back to today? Nothing can change. The various bonuses and scientific research subsidies she has worked so hard to earn, as well as the inheritance left to her by her grandmother, although not much, is also a sum of money.

In vain, it is so cheap to others.

Suddenly, Mu Yiren had a flash of inspiration and slapped his little head, “Why am I so stupid, third brother, let’s go out and do things while it’s dark.”

Hearing his daughter-in-law’s screams, Qin Mingsheng’s mouth twitched slightly, what is it that it is easy to do things in the dark, as if they were going to do something bad.

Just before he could wait for him to ask, his daughter-in-law directly dragged her hand out of the system ranch.

As for the man who was still washing his little feet in the stream, he just looked up and quickly withdrew his gaze, and went to do whatever he should.

For the parents who disappeared suddenly, the siblings said that they have long been accustomed to it, and they are not surprised.

After a while, they will reappear.

Although they don’t have a deep understanding of things that travel through time and space or suddenly disappear and reappear, but in the eyes of others, things that are very miraculous and mysterious, in the eyes of their brothers and sisters, they do not feel surprised or at all. Strange, it seems to be a very common thing.

When the Muyi people left the system ranch and were about to take a taxi, they slowly realized that they couldn’t see the light with their current appearance, so they took out two masks and put them on their faces, covering most of their faces.

Especially for her, on the airline’s list, she was already a victim. If she still left relevant traces in the Sky Eye surveillance, the world would be a fantasy.

If you don’t specifically investigate it, it’s fine. After all, there are millions of people in a city, who would deliberately screen the images of Tianyan’s surveillance for a deceased person.

Just don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case! What if you meet someone who knows you?

As for her third brother, there is no one who knows him in this world. As long as his behavior is normal, he will not arouse suspicion.

So, Mu Yiren took Qin Mingsheng into a taxi. Due to the presence of others along the way, Qin Mingsheng didn’t have time to ask a few questions, so he had to hold back his curiosity and let his daughter-in-law give orders.

More than 20 minutes later, the taxi stopped at an apartment complex. In order to save a sum of money, the Muyi people did not buy high-end apartments, but ordinary small-sized apartments with relatively high cost performance.

It was already ten o’clock, and there were still many residents in and out of the community. Muyi was worried about being detected and questioned by the security guards. community.

If there are no other people to distract her, she is worried that the security guard will detect them. After all, they are all elderly people in the community, and many people in the community know each other.

Seeing his daughter-in-law’s careful avoidance, Qin Mingsheng also noticed that something was wrong, and he didn’t want to speak out hastily, so he tried his best to keep a natural and calm look.

It wasn’t until he followed his daughter-in-law into a small narrow room with iron on all sides, especially when he felt his body sway slightly, and then when he felt that the narrow room they were in was rising, his heart was pounding.

But fortunately, he has also seen the world with his daughter-in-law.

Soon, the small iron door in front of him opened, and Qin Mingsheng was dragged away by his daughter-in-law again, and then he was taken into a set of rooms. The layout of the room was simple and clean, but it showed a warm feeling of a woman.

The Muyi people brought the brother and sister out of the system ranch.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment, with an active temperament and not afraid of life, he asked directly, “Mom, where is this?”

From the time of birth, full of little heads, conscious thinking is earlier than other babies. From the time Dad hurriedly wrapped them around their waists and grabbed his hands, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Especially in a white ball, he could feel the white ball fluttering, and then their family came to a very unfamiliar place in the blink of an eye, but he thought this place was very interesting.

Muyi replied with a smile, “This is my mother’s home. My mother used to live in this house.”

Duoduo nodded in confusion, not knowing whether she understood or not, but it didn’t affect her good mood.

“Mom’s house? Is that our other home?”

The reason why Duoduo has such a perception is entirely because they once lived abroad for two years and also lived in a large mansion in the provincial capital for a few days. Will explain to her the concept of ‘home’.

Mu Yiren nodded with a smile, “Yes.”

“Oh~Oh~ Mom’s house~”

Immediately, Duoduo began to run around the house happily, and even the always quiet and mature Man Man, who was always quiet and mature, also strolled around in this small apartment one by one.

Qin Mingsheng pulled his daughter-in-law and sat down on the sofa. After holding back the question for a long time, he could finally ask.

“Daughter-in-law, what’s the matter? How do you say that you can wear it after traveling through time and space?”

Mu Yiren also knew that her third brother had a lot of doubts, and couldn’t help but joke.

“It may be because of my crow’s mouth. When I talked about that the power stone might open the time tunnel, didn’t I mutter at the time that it is impossible to take people away suddenly? How could I know that my crow’s mouth was so smart, it appeared the next day.”

“Impossible? It’s possible to pass through the tunnel of time and space by just talking about it? Think about it carefully.” Qin Mingsheng felt that the reason was not very sufficient. At most, it was a coincidence, right?

Mu Yiren frowned, thought for a moment and then analyzed, “Could it be that power stone!”

Their family can travel through time and space, but it can only be the ghost of that energy stone, otherwise how could they take away their family so casually and suddenly.

“I just put the power stone in the storage space, and within two or three seconds, I received the sound of the time tunnel opening in my mind, and then when our family was wrapped up, the system popped up the text box again. , let me choose the era of crossing.

I’m not familiar with other worlds, and if I rush through it, I’m worried that there will be a causal relationship, so I chose my original world in a hurry. “

After hearing this, Qin Mingsheng guessed, “That must be the reason why the power stone was stored in the storage space, which created a deeper connection between the two, and thus made our family travel through the time-space tunnel…”

Before, the carrier of the mobile phone and the energy stone were in contact, so Duoduo was out of body and traveled through the time-space tunnel, but this time, the energy stone was directly put into the system storage space, so it was even more triggered. The opening of the time tunnel.

After listening to the third brother’s analysis, Muyi nodded in agreement, feeling that the situation should be like this. If the mobile phone was the carrier of the system, then the farm and ranch were the add-on of the system, which was converted through upgrading.

The storage space is the main body of the system, which is included in the system from the beginning. From the recent events, it can be concluded that the impact and effect of the energy stone when it contacts the additional body and main body of the system There is a difference.

After all, before this, the power stones had been placed in the pasture well, and the time tunnel had not been opened. The only change was that the energy was absorbed by the system in a subtle way.

Qin Mingsheng suddenly urged, “Daughter-in-law, please open the panel again to see if there are any hints. We can’t let our family wear it here, so we can’t go back, right?”

If their family suddenly disappeared, it would be a big mess.

If their husband and wife were just ordinary people, maybe they would vanish soon after the investigation had no results, but now their husband and wife not only represent them personally, or the identity of the Qin family.

To be ashamed, they now play a pivotal role in the field of scientific research, and even internationally. If they disappear for no reason, I am afraid that some people will do something and affect their families. It will be bad.

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