The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 964 - Extra nine

Hearing the third brother’s words, Mu Yiren was secretly annoyed. Pregnancy really made her mind slow for a while, and she felt that many things were reacted with hindsight.

This was mainly because it was too sudden, one thing followed closely one another, and she couldn’t use her brain well these days.

She immediately opened the system panel, and sure enough, she saw a red dot flashing on the main page, like a notification from the mobile phone software.

Clicking on the notification message, a text box popped up. After reading the content, Mu Yiren’s expression was a little dazed.

“How, how do you say it?”

Qin Mingsheng was a little anxious, should their family be able to go back?

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to accompany his daughter-in-law to live in her world, but in the world he lived in, they left very suddenly without any information.

Anyway, to give them a chance, it would be good to be able to explain what happened over there.

Muyi raised the corner of his mouth, “Don’t worry, we can still go back, not only that, our family can choose to travel to different worlds at any time.”

Qin Mingsheng was shocked, “Ah? So good?”

How could he not believe it? Although the system was upgraded and the function of time-space tunnel was opened, this additional section was too powerful, with many rules and regulations.

And it’s not a very specific requirement. In short, it’s a sentence. It needs the right time and place, and the opportunity will be opened. In short, it’s a bit mysterious and mysterious.

But now, her daughter-in-law says that she can travel through the tunnel of time and space at any time?

It’s amazing.

Who would have thought that their daughter would just sit down like this and bring such a good thing to the door.

His family is worthy of being the daughter of luck, luck is prosperous!

Mu Yiren pursed his lips and smiled, and said jokingly, “How can there be such a good thing in the world, there must be a limit…”

Immediately, she briefly explained the contents of the text box.

The couple guessed correctly. The reason why their family suddenly traveled through time and space was indeed because when the energy stone could be put into the storage space, there was a close connection between the two.

The addition of the energy stone provided a great energy support for the time-space tunnel, so that the time-space tunnel was directly broken through without the settings required by the previous system, and the gate of time was opened.

As long as there is a power stone, their family can stay in this world forever, unless two situations occur, their family will be urgently sent back to the original world.

The first one belongs to natural factors, that is to say, after the energy of the energy stone is exhausted, their family will be sent back directly.

The second is an accident, which means that an accident caused or caused by non-human behavior, such as a bug in the system, or an accident in the time-space tunnel…

“Then what if we want to go back?”

Qin Mingsheng was obviously relieved. It would be good if he could go back, and he no longer had to worry about leaving a lot of trouble for his relatives and friends.

Mu Yiren looked happy, “I just read it, there is a small section on the system page, which is dedicated to operating the time-space tunnel, and there are options and settings in it, for example, when we want to open the time-space tunnel, we need to Choose your destination in advance.

When we want to return to the original place, there is a setting item that can set how long we want to stay in this world. When the time is up, the system will prompt in advance, and then return on time. “

“That’s good.”

After listening, Qin Mingsheng praised, feeling that this model is very good, this is completely beneficial to their family’s actions, but he thought of the most critical issue.

“It’s equivalent to saying that if the energy stone is gone, the time-space tunnel will also be closed?”

Mu Yiren said calmly, “It can only be said that we have lost half of the opportunity to travel through time and space, but as long as we meet the corresponding requirements of the system, the time and space tunnel will also be opened, but this depends on the chance.”

After a short pause, she continued, “I just looked at it, the energy stone usually consumes less energy, but once the time-space tunnel is opened, the energy consumption will be more, maybe as we stay longer, the energy consumption will be higher. energy will also be accelerated.

Third brother, do you think it is more appropriate for us to set a few days? This should be set in advance, otherwise who knows if some unexpected situations will occur in the next second. “

Qin Mingsheng didn’t rush to answer, but asked another key question, “Is there a time difference between the two worlds?”

Mu Yiren clicked on the system panel again and took a closer look, “It seems that there is, two to one, two days in this world we are now in is one day in China.”

“That’s good, how long do you want to stay?” Qin Mingsheng asked his daughter-in-law’s opinion first.

Muyi thought, “The set time is based on the time point in the world we live in, let’s set it for one day, after all, in the world over there, we leave no news when we leave, to avoid unnecessary It’s better to go back early.

When it’s dawn, I’ll take you and the children to play in several lively districts in the city. Anyway, we will have a chance to come and play again later, and this time we won’t have to stay for too long. “

Before their family traveled through time and space, she remembered that it was 8:30 in the evening. According to the normal work and rest of their family, there were still about 11 hours.

Based on the time difference of two to one, the family spent a day playing in Rongcheng and returned to their home in Linhai Village, just in time to get up, and there was even a little left over.

“Okay! That’s it, then let’s hurry up and take time to rest, and have a good time tomorrow.” Qin Mingsheng said happily.

As a result, the couple dragged a child one by one, and the family of four lay on a double bed and fell asleep.

Originally, Mu Yiren wanted to bring their father and son into the system ranch to sleep, but Qin Mingsheng refused directly, and finally came to the place where his daughter-in-law lived.

And here is the boudoir of his daughter-in-law. Of course, he wants to feel the breath of his daughter-in-law living here.

The two brothers and sisters also followed their father to coax, insisting on sleeping on the big Simmons bed in the bedroom.

The Muyi people had no choice but to leave their father and son alone.

At about seven o’clock the next day, the family got up and packed up, and spent half an hour slowly solving breakfast.

Before going out, the Muyi people put the commemorative and valuable things in the room into the system. Of course, it is not easy to remove large items, which would be too abrupt.

Then, she took out a pen and paper from the drawer and wrote a large paragraph of text.

“Daughter-in-law, what did you write?”

After Qin Mingsheng dressed the two children, he asked curiously when he saw his daughter-in-law burying her head on the desk.


Mu Yiren replied without raising his head, his tone was very free and easy.

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