The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

Chapter 965(END) - Extra ten


Qin Mingsheng was slightly startled, although he was a little confused, but when he saw his daughter-in-law was writing something seriously, he did not bother her.

Mu Yiren wrote the will without any intention of concealment, so Qin Mingsheng stood beside him and read the contents clearly.

Soon, he understood the intention of his daughter-in-law.

She was ‘forging’ a will, but she was pretending that she had written this will in advance.

The content of the will is mainly summed up in one meaning. If something happens to her suddenly, the apartment will be sold to the agency, and all the money sold will be donated to charity, including some related welfare subsidies in her name. .

“All right!”

The Muyi people put the written will in an envelope and put it in the drawer of the desk, not in any documents or books, just like it was put into the drawer at will.

She guessed that maybe the list of victims will be announced in the next two days, and then the relevant personnel will definitely contact her parents, and naturally, they will take over everything for themselves.

Although she doesn’t have much assets in her name, she is someone who has a house and savings. For her parents, she no longer has any affection. Before she met her third brother, all her feelings for her family were devoted to her grandmother’s. on the body.

And her parents, not only failed to fulfill their parents’ obligations to herself, but also failed to fulfill their due responsibilities to her grandparents. Therefore, she is one of the 100 couples who are unwilling to hand over their inheritance to themselves. good parents.

Since they have not fulfilled their responsibilities and obligations before, they have no right to receive their own inheritance, not to mention, this apartment still cost all the savings of the rest of my grandmother’s life.

So, if she doesn’t leave a will, she’ll be taking advantage of others for nothing, she’s not happy!

She would rather donate all her assets, at least to help others in need, and to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, so why not do it?

Walking to the entrance of the porch, Mu Yiren looked back at the small home where he had lived for several years, and then closed the door silently.

“Come on, let’s go out and play!”

Hearing this, the two children happily clapped their hands.

So the family of four went out hand in hand, and once again luckily avoided the sight of the security guard and slipped out of the community smoothly.

Qin Mingsheng and the two children didn’t disguise much, just simply dressed up, and Mu Yiren would have to put a lot of thought into it, after all, she was a real person in this world, and she would even be legally deceased in these two days. man of.

Therefore, she cannot show her true colors in this world.

After leaving the community, Mu Yiren did not take the father and son to the bustling and lively area, but came to take them for a walk around several ATM machines nearby, and divided the 60,000 yuan on her card four times. All the money was withdrawn.

Although this kind of behavior is a bit risky, she can only hold on to her luck, hoping that no one will investigate deeply, plus she deliberately dressed up, even if there is surveillance, she can’t see her face clearly.

Even if she saw a part of it, she was no longer in this world, and she couldn’t find herself. At most, she left a suspense to the relevant personnel.

Today, their family has to play in this world for a day. They must have activity funds, right? And they have to use RMB cash.

Not to mention that the mobile phone is scrapped, even if it is not scrapped, she would not dare to use the mobile payment function. Wouldn’t that expose all her activity tracks?

Even if the money can’t be used up, she can store it in the system. Maybe their family will come here to play in the future. Even if they don’t cross over, it can be used as a souvenir.

After withdrawing the money, Muyi changed another piece of clothes, adjusted the dress appropriately, and then took the third brother and the children to start the mode of playing around and buying, buying and buying! !

Although the system trading platform can meet all material needs, a family of four enjoys the process of consumption and shopping very much.

The Muyi people took their father and son to the most lively pedestrian street in the city center, bought a lot of clothes for them, and felt the bustling and bustling downtown area.

This is the first time Qin Mingsheng and the two children have seen such a scene. Even when they lived in the United States before, they had never seen such a bustling street.

There are high-rise buildings all around, a string of various cars on the road, and there is an endless stream of people on the street.

Then, the Muyi people took them to several famous attractions in the city center, and then took them to eat Grandpa Ken at noon. In the United States, this stuff hadn’t become popular yet, so she wanted to bring the two Children eat and watch.

Sure enough, the brothers and sisters fell in love with this kind of food instantly.

In order to seize the time to play, the family rushed to the amusement park without even taking a nap.

Seeing all kinds of amusement facilities, the brothers and sisters were completely crazy. They wanted to play when they saw this, and they also wanted to play when they saw that.

Mu Yiren is still a pregnant woman, and many exciting amusements are impossible to play. In the end, Qin Mingsheng, who has been working hard as a father, played with his brother and sister.

After a few exciting rides, the two brothers and sisters screamed excitedly. They didn’t feel scared at all. Instead, they were happy. Qin Mingsheng, who was accompanying him, was pale and pale.

Seeing Mu Yiren stealing for a while, I didn’t expect the third brother, who has always been strong and calm, to be afraid to play this.

But the two brothers and sisters are still young, and many amusement projects must be accompanied by adults. Seeing the two children are rarely so happy, Qin Mingsheng couldn’t bear to spoil their interest, so he had to play with his teeth.

In one afternoon, the two brothers and sisters fell in love with the amusement park completely, and they didn’t want to leave.

Mu Yiren had to be gentle and reassuring, “Mom and dad will bring you to play in the future, okay? It’s late now, we’re going home, don’t you miss your grandparents, brothers and sisters?”

Duoduo raised his face and confirmed, “Mom, can we come again?”

Mu Yiren smiled and nodded, “Of course, as long as you are obedient and obedient, your parents can take you to many fun places in the future.”

“Really?” Duoduo’s eyes lit up.

The Muyi people nodded again.

“Okay then.” Duoduo immediately became obedient.

The man on the side is also a small look of peace of mind. If he can play again, he is relieved. This place is really good, and he likes it very much.

Not to mention the two children, even Qin Mingsheng was full of novelty and excitement. Although he only had one day, what he saw and heard today made him gain a lot.

He saw too many high-tech products, saw the power of this world, and really felt what his wife said before, what is a high-tech information world.

Every technological product here filled him with curiosity, and he couldn’t help thinking about how these things came into being. In short, this journey through time and space has benefited him a lot.

Of course, it also stimulated his determination to work hard, and he felt that what he had done was not good enough.

He wants better!

Afterwards, the family happily went to a high-end buffet restaurant in the city center to settle the dinner. If there was no adventure, the Muyi people would be reluctant to spend more than 200 yuan per capita for a buffet.

To her, it was simply a luxury. At most, she would have a buffet with friends for seventy or eighty yuan per person. Occasionally, a hundred yuan would be quite good.

But it’s different now. She spends the cash she took out today very happily, and she doesn’t feel bad or reluctant at all, because if she doesn’t spend as much as possible today, she doesn’t know when the next time will be.

Although they are supported by power stones now, the couple has also made a decision. They will not rush through the time and space tunnel. Who knows if there will be some sequelae symptoms, or some causal relationship.

Anyway, in China, with their ability and status, they are definitely living a good life. They can’t be too greedy, otherwise they will eat back to nothing.

At around 8 o’clock in the evening, the whole family ate to their heart’s content, and the family of four felt very satisfied and happy about the arrangement for the whole day today.

In the end, at the request of the brothers and sisters, Muyi went to Grandpa Ken to pack several family bucket meals. Anyway, the space can be kept fresh.

After everything was ready, the couple took a taxi to the suburbs with their children and found a deserted and uninhabited place, waiting for the opening of the time-space tunnel.


The next day, Qin Mingsheng escorted the two children to the village primary school on time.

In the morning, Linhai Village was peaceful and peaceful, and there was a harmonious and beautiful atmosphere everywhere. It is now eight o’clock in the morning, and every household has begun to devote themselves to the working state of the day.

The villagers have a clear division of labor, and they are all busy with each other. Everything in the village is as usual. No one knows that in just one night, Qin Mingsheng’s family will travel through time and space and go to another brand new world.

It’s just like nothing happened, there’s no turbulence at all.

Regarding the matter of traveling through time and space, the couple were worried that the children were too young, so they spoke out unintentionally, so they had to repeatedly ask to emphasize the two brothers and sisters, so that they should not mention it to anyone, or they would not be taken to the amusement park to play in the future.

The two brothers and sisters have always been obedient and intelligent children, and they will keep in their hearts what parents say, so outside, the two brothers and sisters have never talked about it to others.

When they were young, they didn’t talk nonsense because the siblings listened to their parents very much. However, when they gradually became sensible and differentiated between right and wrong, they truly realized that some things cannot be said casually.

After the family of four returned from time and space, life returned to normal. Although it was a little dull, it was full of warmth, and the Muyi people felt extra satisfied.

Now, she hopes to give birth to her second child safely.

As for Qin Mingsheng, after coming back, he changed his normal behavior, no longer clinging to his wife’s side all day long, and most of the focus was on new research and development in the laboratory.

Frankly speaking, he was really stimulated. Compared with the prosperity and strength of post-modernism, he suddenly felt the weakness and slowness of their country today.

He hopes that children can grow up in a prosperous and stable social environment, and can enjoy a better education and culture. Therefore, he must work harder to promote the progress of science and technology and drive more economic development.

As a result, the husband and wife waited for the delivery in peace, and the other concentrated on research and development, and the time passed in this warm and usual day.

In mid-November, good news came from the provincial capital. Jian Yan gave birth to a daughter safely, and the couple just made up the word “good” with one son and one daughter.

Mu Yiren saw her belly getting bigger day by day, she was already six months pregnant, and it was not convenient to visit the provincial capital for congratulations, so she could only send a gift and call to care for her blessings.

After Jian Yan gave birth to the second child, Qin Anle followed closely. The two were already two months apart. One week before the new year, Ping An gave birth to another big fat boy.

Fortunately, Qin Anle and Zhao Dongliang were not eager to have a daughter, and both sons and daughters liked them very much.

After the new year, the Muyi people entered the countdown to the expected birth.

Now, her belly is big and round, and the family members are frightened for a while. For fear that she will bump into a bump if she doesn’t pay attention, Qin Mingsheng even stopped all experimental work and stayed with her for 24 hours. around.

Huang Qiuhua and others didn’t dare to be careless, they would visit the door from time to time to take a look, otherwise they would always feel uneasy in their hearts, it was really scary with that big belly.

As for Mu Yiren’s child, everyone in the family speculated that it was another pair of twins. Otherwise, why would the belly be so big?

Not only the Qin family guessed so, but even the villagers in the whole village thought so.

“Mingsheng’s daughter-in-law is really a lucky person.”

“That’s right, this baby must be a double-yolked egg again.”

“It’s still a guess. Her belly doesn’t look like a single child.”

“So, Mingsheng’s daughter-in-law is a prosperous person, not only prospering the house, but also prospering our entire Linhai Village.”

“Bah, more than that, it’s not just our Linhai Village who is affected by her enthusiasm, our townships and counties also benefit a lot.”

“What you said is wrong. What kind of things did Mingsheng and his wife do that are not beneficial to the people of the whole country? I heard that the top leaders have awarded awards to their husband and wife, saying that they are the pioneers of the construction of the new era.”

“Yes, Mingsheng is also a promising and capable person. Our village has their husband and wife to bless them. These days will definitely be more prosperous every day!”

“Mingsheng’s daughter-in-law is going to give birth soon, so I’d better go home and pick an old hen to send.”

“Yes, yes, I will also go home and bring a bucket of fish to send over, and make up for it, and I will have the strength to produce it.”

“That’s right, I’m going home to prepare.”

“Let’s go, let’s go home and get ready…”


In February, Erlong looked up. It had been a week since Mu Yiren’s original due date, but the Qin family was so anxious that the corners of Qin Mingsheng’s mouth were bubbling.

In this year, the entire provincial capital has developed very well in various industries, and the medical level has also been greatly improved. Because of the support of the economy, the health clinics in major townships have also improved a lot.

This second child is not as particular as the first child. With production experience, all aspects are much better, so Muyi people don’t want to work too hard, not to mention there are two children in the family, so this child did not go to the provincial capital. Waiting to give birth, live directly in the town’s health center.

Finally, in the anxious expectation of everyone, the Muyi people launched this morning! !

Fortunately, everything was prepared, and he was admitted to the hospital a few days earlier, so as soon as Muyi started, he was immediately sent to the delivery room.

Qin Mingsheng has been by his wife’s side these days, and the two children have been taken care of by Huang Qiuhua, but every afternoon after school, the brothers and sisters, accompanied by Huang Qiuhua, first come to town to visit their mother, and then will go home.

Seeing his daughter-in-law being pushed into the delivery room, Qin Mingsheng felt uneasy in his heart, as if his whole heart was about to jump out.

Thinking that a normal pregnant woman will give birth for several hours, don’t let his daughter-in-law come out, and he will faint first, which would be shameful.

In order to divert this excessive and complicated emotion, Qin Mingsheng asked the doctor to borrow the landline in the office, called his family, and informed them, so as to reassure them.

This week, his daughter-in-law’s stomach didn’t respond for a long time, which made everyone suffer.

After Huang Qiuhua and his party received the call, they immediately asked Boss Qin to drive the tractor and take them to the town’s clinic.

Nowadays, life in the village is getting better and better, and the living standard has naturally greatly improved. Not only every household, but also various public welfare in the village have also greatly increased.

For example, this tractor was purchased by the village half a year ago with public funds from the tourism industry in the village, and it was also the first village in the entire town to purchase a tractor.

But the envious eyes of the villagers in the surrounding ten miles and eight townships turned red.

Half an hour later, Huang Qiuhua and his party just arrived at the door of the delivery room when they heard the cry of the newborn baby.

“Is this alive?”

Huang Qiuhua was suddenly excited.

Liu Xiaocui and several others were also shocked. It has only been about half an hour since they received the call, so she gave birth so quickly? This efficiency is too high.

They all suffered for several hours before unloading the goods in their stomachs.

“Third younger siblings are indeed third younger siblings! It’s amazing!”

Liu Xiaocui and others are quite convinced about anything that comes with the Muyi people, because no matter what she does, she can do better than others, even this childbirth is no exception.

Ten minutes later, the two nurses came out with the two children in their arms.

Huang Qiuhua was even more excited, “Comrade, my daughter-in-law gave birth to twins?”

The little nurse smiled and congratulated, “Old lady, congratulations, your daughter-in-law has given birth to a pair of twins, your family is really lucky, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, full of luck!”

“Where’s my mother! The third sibling gave birth to another pair of twins! This is too powerful!” Liu Xiaocui couldn’t help but exclaimed.

The rest of the people were also full of surprises, and excitedly gathered around.

Although they have long guessed that Mu Yiren’s child is a twin, the probability of having a pair of sisters and twins is much higher than having a twin. What’s more, the Muyi people have already given birth to a pair of twins, so everyone’s expectations for this are not very high. Who would have thought that their younger siblings would be so competitive and have another pair of twins.

If it wasn’t for the surrounding villagers who hadn’t heard of anyone giving birth to twins, or they would definitely make them feel that twins were all over the street, how could it be so easy to give birth! !

It is not easy for other women to give birth to twins, let alone twins, but their younger siblings are better, twins are born one after another!

Even they couldn’t help but wonder if the Muyi people would only give birth to twins.

Qin Mingsheng leaned up and asked, “Nurse, how is my daughter-in-law?”

The nurse replied with a smile, “My daughter-in-law is in good health and the delivery went smoothly. Even Dr. Li, who delivered the baby, said that she has never seen such a smooth delivery for a mother.”

Hearing this, Qin Mingsheng’s uneasy heart finally calmed down, and he was willing to turn his attention to the child held by the nurse.

Huang Qiuhua couldn’t wait to take the child in the hands of another nurse and teased the child in her arms with a smile on her face.

“Nurse, which child will come out first?”

Chen Chuncao looked at the child and asked a key question.

The nurse said with a smile, “The old lady is holding her elder sister and this is her younger brother. The two sisters and younger brothers weigh three pounds and eighty-two. They are in good health.”

“Okay, worthy of being a descendant of our Qin family.” Huang Qiuhua smiled and was full of joy. An hour later, the tractor drove back to the village, Muyi was carried back to the house by Qin Mingsheng, and the two children were also placed in their cribs.

Huang Qiuhua was reluctant to leave and watched around the crib.

When the villagers heard that Mu Yiren had given birth to another pair of twins, the pot exploded in an instant, and their mouths were amazed! !

It is already very lucky to be able to give birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses. Now that I have given birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, this is probably a great blessing! !

The envy of everyone has become numb and no longer felt.

Now everyone has only one feeling, it seems that it is a great good thing, as long as you get involved with the Muyi people, it is not a big fuss, and it feels that everything is the same.

Under the stimulation again and again, the current villagers have already cultivated a calm and strong heart.


In the 74th year of China, the second day of the second month, commonly known as the day when the dragon raised its head.

In China this year, the changes are undoubtedly huge, especially in the development of scientific research and commercial economy.

Scientific research represents technology. If a country has strong technical support, its economic development must also be strong. After all, the two are closely related.

Of course, this does not mean that the development of other industries is not good, but it is particularly prominent in these two aspects.

This is recognized by countries all over the world. Who made China have two extremely outstanding scientific research leaders, who have made extremely outstanding contributions to scientific research.

From the perspective of Mu Yiren, the current domestic development is equivalent to the scale of the world she was born in in the early 1990s.

Especially in the past year, Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng have published 12 academic papers with far-reaching significance in agriculture and technology, which caused a sensation in the world.

In addition, the two have also developed six major scientific research achievements, which not only created great benefits for the domestic people, but also brought great influence internationally.

Just one year! It can be said that the two have created miracles in the field of scientific research.

At the end of last year, the names of Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng resonated all over the country, and the husband and wife won the supreme honor of the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’, which attracted countless scientific research enthusiasts at home and abroad. And admiration, they are proud of being able to get the guidance of the two big men.

The Qin family’s food workshop, Universal Technology Company and Universal Travel Service also followed the spring breeze of reform, chasing after victory, and slashingly expanded the territory of their business.

Universal Travel Agency has set up travel agency offices in all first-tier cities. Universal has not opened too many branches. After all, the nature is different, but their scale is getting bigger and bigger. Now there are more than 200 people. This is just the number of employees in the company’s physique.

In addition, Universal Technology has also established its own scientific research and experimental base, as well as two manufacturing plants.

As for the food business of the Qin family’s big room, the second room, and the two sisters and three families of the Qin family, the team is also getting bigger and bigger. At present, there are three food chain stores in more than a dozen counties in the whole province.

Qin Lao Er and Zhang Aiguo have cooperated with Global Technology Company to open a maritime transportation trading company, specializing in maritime transportation business.

Universal company has the ability to ship, and the second and second Qin have the resources and connections, plus the ability to manage. When the two parties get together, the business will naturally flourish.

This is also the first marine transportation company established in China, and their cargo ships have gone farther and farther.

As for the tourism industry of Linhai Resort, not to mention, it is still hot, and now it is necessary to agree on a schedule in advance, especially the “End of the World” created by the Muyi people, which has been welcomed and highly praised by countless lovers and couples.

Today’s Linhai Village Resort is not open to the public and does not receive any tourists, but the anger in the village is even more lively than during the New Year.

Because today is the first birthday of Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng’s second pair of twins, many people who admire and admire the couple want to come and join in the fun after hearing about it.

But the husband and wife did not want to create too much ostentation, nor did they want to bring a burden to the villagers, so they did not plan to hold a banquet outside.

At the same time, in order to prevent people from all parties from flooding into Linhai Village in this name, causing unnecessary crowding and confusion, the village committee decided to close the village for one day.

This proposal has also been unanimously approved by the whole village.

Everyone in the village is grateful, and they are full of gratitude for the couple Mu Yiren and Qin Mingsheng. On such an important day, everyone is willing to close business for a day.

In the hearts of everyone, the two pairs of dragon and phoenix fetuses born by the couple are undoubtedly the blessings of their Linhai Village, a symbol of auspiciousness, representing good luck, happiness and well-being!

This is a blessing for their Linhai Village.

Early in the morning, the village became lively. On the cement road built in the village, each family set up two tables, and then one family was next to each other, and finally a long line of dining tables was directly and spectacularly assembled.

At this moment, the Qin family is even more lively.

Many relatives and friends of the Qin family gathered here, and everyone took turns to tease the two protagonists today.

Manman and Duoduo, as brothers and sisters in the family, today’s primary task is to take good care of a pair of younger siblings. Therefore, Duoduo leads his sister and Manman leads his younger brother.

“Huanhuan, come to Auntie’s side.”

“Lele, uncle, give me a hug.”

“Huanhuan, Grandma Zhao will give you candy~”

“Lele, I have a toy horse here.”

“Huan Huan…”


For a while, the whole courtyard was echoed with the shouts of “Happy Joy”, and the atmosphere was very happy and festive.

Mu Yiren looked at the joy that was looted by the crowd, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t stop rising.

Huanhuan is the nickname of the elder sister in the womb of the dragon and the phoenix, and Lele is the nickname of the younger brother. She and the third brother hope that the children’s life will be happy and worry-free, safe and happy.

Huanhuan’s name is Qin Tianru, and Lele’s name is Qin Tianyi. The meaning of the sister and brother’s name is taken from the meaning of Ruyi. It also means that the sister and brother can become the children of their husband and wife, which is a kind of fate destined by God.

Before Mu Yiren was pregnant with two siblings, she always wanted a little daughter who would be coquettish and sweet and soft, but she didn’t expect that she would be happy. Huanhuan was a typical soft and cute girl. The type of people who are rubbed into a puddle of water.

The little expression is cute and soft, and even the voice is sweet and glutinous. He even knows things very well. He has good eyesight and can do anything directly.

It’s just unbelievable, I can’t put it down.

As for the youngest son Lele, he is a little overlord. He competes with his eldest sister Duoduo. She and the third brother both seriously suspect that their youngest son is being led astray by Duoduo.

Although Duoduo is smart and clever, he is too lazy to use his brain most of the time. He looks careless, straightforward and cute. He is the image of a big sister.

Only when I started to learn to speak, I knew that my strength was pitting my sister, but this stupid big sister, who has not noticed it until now, is instead cheerful and keen to lead her younger brother.

There were two more children in the family, and it was really lively, and there was a lot of jitters all day.

“Why are you standing here?”

Qin Mingsheng didn’t see his daughter-in-law in the courtyard, so he looked for her and saw her standing alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the lively scene in the courtyard.

Hearing the sound, Mu Yiren turned his head, smiled at her third brother, and couldn’t help holding his hand.

“Third brother, I feel so happy and happy now. I have a feeling that my life is very fulfilling.”

Qin Mingsheng hooked his lips and smiled, “Fool, our life is still going on, and we will definitely be more happy and happier in the future.”

Mu Yiren nodded with a smile, “Okay!”

The couple faced each other in silence, with deep tenderness in their eyes.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the faces of their family members are full of happiness and joy, and their relatives and friends are all surrounded by children.

The whole courtyard is full of joy and happiness…

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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