The Tale of the Redeeming Villain

Chapter 24- Forty days

The Eastern forest was quite naturally grown since the school management no longer comes here to cultivate the useful fruits and herbs. The resources are mostly taken by the Academy but not on this side.

Blake had a very content smile on his face when he arrived here. He was a man who had survived through different phases in his last life and being a nomad was among them.

He easily found a large and tall tree to make his shelter. It was the tree of Dragonspire, a type of fruit that seems like a small pumpkin and tastes slightly sour and sweet. The tree has a large trunk and several thick branches elaborated in a roof-like fashion.

One of those branches would be enough to build his house on it. He wasn't looking to build a tree house since it would attract attention, rather he would be making a makeshift bed and use leaves as mattresses and fir for blankets.

The first thing he did was to search for a water source. Since there was no nearby pond or lake, Blake had decided to go for underground water and bamboo stalks.

Taking out a small knife he went towards the cluster of bamboo trees, he stabbed it on the stalk before hitting the blade with a small but thick stick he picked from nearby.

Two and three hits and the knife was dug deep inside the stalk before he pulled it out and began to make another straight cut that met with the previous slanted one—creating a gap for the water to flow out.

He used a container he made with leaves and once it was filled he stuffed the gap with the ball made out of fresh leaves so the water wouldn't go to waste.

Sitting on a small rock, Blake heaved a sigh and slowly drank the water.

The silence of the forest might have felt eerie for many but Blake found peace here. The situation at the Academy has become chaotic and the only thing he could do now was to wait.

His initial plan was to get the protection of the Headmaster through the contract they had made—but this sudden interference of the Emperor was completely unexpected. He didn't think the man on the throne would deal with such a trivial matter by himself.

However considering Catherine's status as a Saintess, it shouldn't be surprising for him.

"Forty days...I need to train." In forty days, the championship would begin and anyone could participate. In that event, the Emperor makes an appearance on the final day and honours the champion with his own hands.

In the original story, the one who wins the championship is naturally the Dragon of Ragnarok, but this time things might need to change a little. Carlson needs to remain away from the Emperor when the ambushers would attack.

There were not many ways to keep Carlson away...except if he gets defeated in the initial round.

'But how can I pull this off?' He still was a C-rank wind mage and advancing to S-rank—which was a must to defeat Carlson—was nearly impossible in forty days even if Blake trained for eight hours a day.

Then what was the answer...


[Host has significantly shifted the plot!]

[The change suggests favour for the host!]

[Generating reward....]

[You have received: 1. Scroll for mana refining technique.

2. Dragon Slayer sword- SS-rank.

3. Inventory- Beginner stage.]


"Heh—was his honest reaction upon seeing the notification.

The plot has shifted? But how? Until he was in the Academy, he would have accepted this notification without any questions. But now, when he wasn't involved with the main was a little questionable.


[Host, because of your actions, the future has changed and now it favours you. The more you gain favour and forgiveness, the more reward will be granted.]

Oh, so it works like that.

He wondered if these were some kind of hidden quest.

The main concern was, what changed? Although he was happy to gain these rewards, knowing that the story had changed, he wouldn't have control over the events. The best and most useful boon of a reincarnator is their future knowledge. And without knowing, he has changed the future.

'Well, not like I need to cling to it with my life. I can always make necessary changes.' This wasn't a novel but his real life now. He had to be proactive and adapt quickly to survive.

'Now let's see what my rewards are....'


[Some minutes ago]

Catherine was in the room provided by the school to live. She didn't have a dorm originally since the time she joined she has been living in the church.

However now that things were a little complicated, Catherine wasn't ready to stay there. The headmaster respected her decision without trying to imply what others wished.

Ever since she heard the news of Blake she was feeling betrayed and excessively worried. She had trusted the wrong person and not only that, the whole world seemed to be now against Blake.

But why? What did he do? Was Catherine complaining? Was she hurt or sick? Then why is everyone blaming him?!

Her hands clutched the bedsheets. She bit her lower lip to stiffen her sobs. This was too cruel. Just thinking about his situation was making her cry...what must be going on with him?

He has always been alone...always disliked by everyone. And now the Emperor himself has branded him as a criminal. Now this world would never accept him.

'Blake...I wish I had some way to talk to you...'


Hearing the knock, she opened her eyes and got up slowly. It was late in the evening and she wasn't expecting anyone at this hour...

Thinking that it might be the counselling teacher, she got up and after wiping her tears she approached the door.

Peeking through the peephole, Catherine frowned to see Charlotte standing there.

'What does she want now...' After Catherine has returned, whenever she meets Charlotte, their conversation always drifts towards Blake and ends up on an argumental note.

That's why she didn't want to make her mood even worse than it already was by talking to her.

"I know you are there so don't try to ignore me." Charlotte's voice shredded all her hopes as she reluctantly opened the door.

"I was in the bathroom." Catherine made an excuse which Charlotte evidently didn't buy and wordlessly walked inside.

The rooms were given equal dimensions to every student and the same facilities. But unlike the others, Catherine wasn't sharing her room with anyone which allowed Charlotte to talk freely.

"I talked to Carlson in the afternoon. He was crestfallen after being slapped, y'know."

"Are you here to demand an apology?" Catherine coldly asked with a sense of provocation in her tone.

"Geez, calm down ma'am. Why, despite being a nun, you are so aggressive?"

"That's a stereotype but let's not focus on that." Catherine took a chair and sat across Charlotte who was acquiring the bed, before the Saintess asked, "Why are you here?"

Charlotte leaned her body on her hands, and tilted her head, "Don't you find something strange in this incident? Like for someone as weak as Blake escaping the clutches of Royal Order and our dear dragon friend?"

This 'Dragon Friend' was none other than Carlson and Catherine discerned it without contemplating much. However, what Charlotte was trying to imply here remained a mystery.

"Can you be a little more direct?"

The brown-haired sighed, "Can't you see that someone has helped Blake escape from his near-death?"

Catherine's brows grew closer as she asked, "Carlson?"

"Yup...he told me. He was feeling down so he confided in me—but he particularly told me to not tell you otherwise..."

"I will try to search for Blake."


Catherine pinched the bridge of her delicate nose before adding, "I would have gone to search for him even if you hadn't told me this."

"I told him that and Carlson is worried that he might have to stop you." Charlotte nonchalantly stated.

Catherine remained silent for a moment before she spoke up, "I need to talk to Carlson."

As she got up, Charlotte hurriedly said, "It won't change a thing. He seemed adamant."

Catherine paused in her tracks before turning to look at Charlotte over her shoulder and with a smirk she announced, "I won't be going to search for Blake alone...I will drag him with me."



A/N:- The story doesn't feel slow right? I don't know if you have noticed yet but the story when Blake was about to be killed has already progressed a lot. Carlson is already S-rank and this was their third year of school.

The last battle isn't far away that's why the story wouldn't be as long as the other fantasy ones. I will build the relationships and give them proper screen time tho.

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