The Tale of the Redeeming Villain

Chapter 25- Reunion~1

[The Mana Refining Technique is a mystical practice involving the ingestion of rare herbs and medicines, combined with focused meditation. This method purifies and enhances one's mana, aligning it with natural energies to boost magical abilities and overall vitality.

[Tap to absorb]

Blake's back rested against the tree as he remained seated on the bare ground. He was looking at the description of the reward which would be going to be useful in the long run.

Well, the other two were quite beneficial as well, however, considering that Inventory couldn't help him in battle and he would need to be at least A-rank to wield Dragon Slayer, left Blake with no option other than focusing on Mana refinement.

He has heard of techniques to improve one's magic in his last life through soul stones but that method was brute and often shortened the user's lifespan. Overusing mana in this world does the same thing. But this refining technique was new.

'Will my rank develop?' He asked the system while munching on the berries he plucked from nearby.

[Indeed host. One's purity of mana signifies how long they could retain their spells and also build tolerance against overheating. Maintaining a spell regardless of their rank always takes a lot of extra mana however having a refined mana core and mana cords would allow the host to efficiently utilize his magic.]

"In short, I would get tired less and grow faster than others."


That was quite useful information and after knowing the details of the technique, a grin spread his lips. This was what he needed to train fast in these forty days.

However, before absorbing the technique he was required to find a safe place since the System warned that it would take some time for the information to fully assimilate and in that period, Blake might feel lethargic. Intoxicated even.

He washed his hands and drank three mouthfuls of water before looking around to check if there was someone nearby. Thankfully no beast showed any sign of returning to their dens and the campfire he ignited would make them wary.

He crouched a little before jumping towards the nearest branch. Grabbing the branch he hopped on top of it and sat down smoothly. There was a mattress of fresh leaves which separated his butt from the stiffness.

Leaning his back against the tree, he muttered under his breath, "Absorb."


"You are insane Catherine. To actually drag us here in the Eastern forest just because you got a random tip?" Charlotte sounded irritated by the rashness and foolish behaviour of the nun.

They were currently wearing an oversized cloak that covered their body and faces as they deftly moved through the forest.

Catherine's reply contained a sense of annoyance as well, "I never told you to come along. I asked for Carlson's help. It's just you who cannot get separated from him."

Charlotte's cheeks turned rosy but she didn't retract her glare from the Saintess and spat in her previous tone, "If you are going to risk Carlson's life, I must be there to protect him."

Catherine ignored the girl and focused on walking towards her destination.

She received a small piece of paper in her jacket when she was leaving the dorm, in which it was written,

[East Forest. He might be there.]

Catherine's memory was sharp and without thinking closely she knew—by his handwriting—this note was left by Professor Charles. Given Blake was in his care, there was a high chance that Blake must have shared his plans, if things became problematic.

She couldn't be sure and there was a chance that this was a trap but she didn't care. If there was a chance, even in a hundred million, she wasn't going to lose it.

The matter with Carlson was still not sorted since after what she had faced she couldn't believe everything she heard from others. Her current priority was to find Blake by any method she deemed useful.

" know why this forest is forbidden for students to enter, right?" In a quieter voice, Charlotte asked him.

For some reason, Carlson has been quite silent since earlier—watching Catherine with a strange emotion in his eyes.

However, once he heard Charlotte's words, determination flared in his eyes and the young adult responded without hesitation, "Don't worry, if the great serpent appears, I will protect you two."

Her face became even more heated but she somehow hid behind the hood, as she muttered under her breath,

'Idiot...always being so handsome....'

The search continues. Although it was already dark, they didn't have a problem looking around since Carlson had kept four fireballs the size of an adult human head surrounding them. And Catherine kept on a barrier up around the three, in case of a sudden attack.

Truth be told these three were strong enough and experienced to slay any beast in the forest except for the Great Serpent without much trouble. The unconscious presence they were leaking worked as a warning to the predators lurking in the shadows to be wary of the trio.

"Wait..." Charlotte suddenly called out and the other two instantly brought their feet to a pause.

She was an assassin by class and had quite an experience in adventuring that's why she was able to detect the thin wire connected to two parallel trees.

'No...wait...' She followed the wire and found that not only two but every tree in the vicinity was connected with those almost invisible wires to trap the intruders.

She crouched down and aligned her head in the wire's direction.

The other two were also able to notice the wire now that Charlotte pointed it out to them.

"Just tear it?" Carlson suggested as he brought his finger which was coated with flames near the wire. However, his hand was held by Charlotte as the girl shook her head in denial.

"Don't...the trap is set in such a way, that tearing or disturbing its tranquillity would set off the alarm. See..." She pointed at the tree to which the wire was connected and said, "You see the small stick around which the wires are wrapped? If we cut them carelessly, the connection with the stick would move the other wires and then anything can happen."

Although they were strong, making a lot of sound in the forest could attract both the wild beasts along the security of the Academy. That's why Charlotte decided to be cautious.

"But still...this is some handicraft the person has done...' Charlotte couldn't help but admire the trap with her brows raised.

A sense of elation and pride welled in her chest as Catherine looked towards the forest in excitement. Now her hopes to find Blake have elevated.

'Just wait for me...I will find you in no time.'


A/N:- Finding him or not, you should first sort things out with the Protagonist. Poor guy.

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