The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 199 Collaborative Artificial Intelligence! The matrix of zero! (Four thousand chapters)

Musk was very angry. Three days had passed and Gao Yuan had not contacted him.

Musk did say at the beginning that he was not in a hurry and had plenty of time to let Gao Yuan think about it slowly, but how could he take his polite words seriously? Everyone is so busy, why don't you take some time?

"No, I want to talk to Gao Yuan." Musk said with a slap on his thigh.

Levi, who was familiar with China's situation, shook his head and said, "Don't."

"Why? Do you want to keep waiting like this?"

"Mr. Musk, you don't know something. There is a trick in the Chinese Art of War called play hard to get. The reason why Gaoyuan has not contacted you for so long is probably intentional. He just wants you to be anxious and take the initiative to find him, so that he can Can take the initiative in negotiations.”

Musk nodded slightly, it seemed that what Levi said made sense.

"But waiting like this is not an option. We have come all the way to China, and we must go back with the results."

Levi said disapprovingly: "I suggest you continue to wait. If the estimate is correct, Kunlun Group and their partners will soon run out of stock sensors. When they run out of stock, they will come to us to beg us!" "

A ruthless look appeared on Levi's face. He recalled the scene more than a year ago when he came to negotiate terms with Gao Yuan on behalf of the DuPont Group, only to be forcefully pushed back. A hundred thousand alpacas flew past his heart.

Jews are good at holding grudges. This time, Levi planned to make Plateau pay ten times the price. He wanted to bite off a piece of flesh from the Kunlun Group.

Bang bang bang~

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Musk asked.

"Mr. Musk, I am Tan Qinggu, the editor-in-chief of Kunlun Dao." The person outside the door said.

Musk was suddenly startled, with a look of surprise on his face, and winked at Levi, saying that Cao Cao was here, and Tan Qinggu must have compromised on behalf of Gaoyuan.

"Editor Tan, please come in quickly." Musk opened the door enthusiastically.

After sitting down, drinking tea, and chatting, Tan Qinggu finished the due courtesy, smiled and said to Musk: "The boss asked me to come, there will be a temporary live broadcast event tomorrow, and we are going to announce our latest technology products, Mr. Musk And Mr. Levi, if you are interested, you are welcome to visit the site. Other members of the team who come to China with you can also go together, and I will send a car to pick them up tomorrow morning."

Join the live show! ?

Musk certainly knows that Gao Yuan is the No. 1 UP owner in the technology industry. At the beginning, Kunlun Group was just a small company with little reputation. Gao Yuan used live broadcasts to build momentum and gain popularity for himself.

Today, Gao Yuan has become famous, and his live broadcasts have also been given more symbolic meanings. Many technology enthusiasts regularly watch Gao Yuan's live broadcasts and have already formed a habit. If they don't watch the live broadcasts every once in a while, they feel that there is something missing in their lives. What.

Gao Yuan also used his voice and actions time and time again to cheer up his compatriots in his hometown, boost everyone's confidence, and try his best to reduce the vulgar phenomenon of worshiping foreigners.

Levi sneered: "Boss Gao is so excited. The sensor crisis hasn't passed yet, but he still has the heart to do live broadcasts. As far as I know, you don't have much inventory left, right?"

Faced with Levi's unfriendly voice, Tan Qinggu said very gracefully: "I am only responsible for Kunlun Wenqiao. I am not particularly clear about the management of the group."

"In short, I have conveyed the boss's wishes. Whether or not to go tomorrow is entirely up to you two."

After Tan Qinggu said this, he said goodbye and left.

After sending him out of the hotel room, Levi turned around and asked Musk, "Should we go tomorrow?"

"Of course I want to go." Musk affirmed: "I want to see how this dying fish on the plateau can survive."

There was nothing to say all night, but early the next morning, Kunlun Group's commercial vehicle came to the hotel to pick up people, and Tan Qinggu was still the representative.

Everyone drove to the suburban convention and exhibition center and saw that Gao Yuan was already preparing on the stage. There was no time to say hello. Gao Yuan nodded to Musk, which was considered a greeting.

The staff counted down, "Three! Two! One! Start!"

When the countdown ended, Gao Yuan appeared in the live broadcast. He was still wearing a white shirt and jeans, with the same smile on his face.

"Good morning, viewers, and welcome to Kunlun Group's temporary live broadcast. I am Gao Yuan."

According to statistics, there were approximately 42 million people present. Since the temporary live broadcast was only announced yesterday, and it was not a weekend or a holiday, it was already quite a remarkable achievement to have so many people watching online.

Gao Yuan motioned for the camera to focus on Musk, and then introduced: "Before the program officially starts, I would like to introduce a special guest to you, Mr. Elon Musk from North America!"

Immediately, Musk's face appeared in the live broadcast. He did not expect that Gao Yuan would introduce himself specifically, and he was a little embarrassed. However, he was a veteran after all, and he quickly regained his composure, waving gently at the camera with a smile.

"It's really Musk!"

"Why is this guy here?"

"It is rumored that Kunlun Group has been cut off from the supply of advanced sensors and many production lines are facing shutdown. Could it be that Musk is here to negotiate terms with Boss Gao?"

"It's very possible that, judging from the way Boss Gao introduced Musk with a smile, maybe they are already in cahoots."

"Don't say that. If you were Boss Gao, you wouldn't be able to survive without important core components."

"Hey, I suddenly have a bad feeling."

"When ByteDance was sanctioned, Boss Zhang immediately knelt down and was scolded by us. Now it seems that Boss Gao is not slow to kneel down."

"Capitalists all have the same virtues! Don't expect them to have backbone!"

"My opinion of Boss Gao has completely reversed. I didn't expect him to be such a person."

"What do you know? Use tactical compromises in exchange for longer-term victory in the future. I don't think Boss Gao is wrong."

"No matter what, support Boss Gao! He has done so much, and he cannot erase his previous achievements just because of one compromise!"

"Tch! Don't say it so grandly. If you kneel, you just kneel!"

There are a large number of technology fans in the audience. They have already heard about Kunlun Group’s lack of sensors and Musk’s visit to China.

So when Gao Yuan introduced Musk, many people suddenly had a bad premonition, thinking that Gao Yuan had been forced to compromise with the West, so Musk appeared at Gao Yuan's live broadcast. There might be adultery involved.

The barrage fell into a quarrel, and some people were able to stand up to the plateau. They felt that compromise was a helpless move.

More melon-eating people expressed their incomprehension, thinking that Gao Yuan was quite brave, but they did not expect that he and Boss Zhang were the same thing. He was worthy of being a kneeling clan in the new era.

Gao Yuan continued: "As a leader in the global technology community, Mr. Musk does not need my introduction."

"When we came to China this time, Mr. Musk brought us some unfortunate news. As we all know, our product line uses a large number of advanced sensors, including Sony's optical sensors, Applied Materials' spectrum analysis sensors, and Infineon's Ling's motion trajectory sensing and so on, we spend billions of dollars every year to purchase advanced sensors.

"However, according to the latest resolution of the Western Science and Technology Alliance, from now on, the West will no longer sell us advanced sensors, so we built one ourselves."

"Please look at the big screen!"

Gao Yuan was as straightforward as usual, but the ups and downs in his words were too great. One second, everyone was shocked and angry that the West cut off the supply of sensors, but in the next second, Gao Yuan suddenly changed the subject. , saying that he made a set?

"I'll go! Kunlun Group is awesome!"

"Good reviews! I made a great set of good reviews!"

"This turn of events almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Thank you Mr. Musk, thank you to the West! Kunlun Group has worked so hard, thanks to your encouragement!"

"I was laughing so hard. Didn't you notice Musk's expression? When Boss Gao said he had built a set, his eyes almost fell to the ground!"

"As expected of a straight man, if it were another boss, why wouldn't he be able to talk about such an important technological breakthrough for three hours to whet everyone's appetite before announcing the results? Boss Gao would have said it in just one sentence."

"Haha! I just like Boss Gao's straightforward character!"

The Chinese audience cheered and talked. According to Gao Yuan, it seems that the sensor crisis has been overcome. If this is true, history has been made and it is definitely worth celebrating.

At the same time, Gao Yuan's words also caused an uproar in the Western world.

"Impossible! Can you solve the problem of advanced sensors in just a few days? Do you really think that sensing technology is just cabbage?"

"That's too much to brag about. If sensing technology was so easy to solve, what would you have done earlier?"

"So many Chinese companies are struggling with sensing technology. Why are you, the Kunlun Group, so awesome? You solved the problems that others couldn't solve right away?"

In fact, the skepticism is not without reason. After all, the time is too short. Even if Kunlun Group has strong scientific research capabilities and carries out targeted scientific research, there is no reason to be so fast. Scientific research also takes time.

At this time, the animated short film began to be staged. Gao Yuan likes to use cartoons or documentaries for auxiliary display, and this time is no exception.

One, two, three...

Different sensors are combined together, like the compound eyes of a dragonfly. Some of them are laser ranging sensors, some are image sensors, some are infrared sensors, and some are motion capture sensors.

Different types of data are captured through different sensors, and finally brought together, it is the sensing matrix technology!

When the machine tool is running, it depends on the laser sensor to determine the angle and distance. Without advanced laser sensors, it is difficult for the machine tool to achieve accuracy.

Now, hundreds of laser sensors scan from different directions and at different distances. Laser scanning is combined with infrared scanning and light and shadow analysis scanning to ultimately produce more accurate results, far exceeding those of so-called advanced sensors.

No matter how powerful the advanced sensor is, it can only capture one set of data.

The sensing matrix performs cross calculations on dozens, even hundreds, or thousands of sets of data to obtain the final conclusion.

"I understand, Boss Gao is going to work hard to create a miracle!"

"The quality is not enough, so we have to make up the quantity! One sensor is not enough, so just take a hundred sensors and form a matrix!"

"It's interesting! This reminds me of a group fight. If one person can't defeat it, then ask a group of people to fight together!"

"Well, wouldn't this approach be bulky? With so many sensors stacked up, the weight and volume should be quite large, right?"

"Whatever! As long as it solves the problem!"

"You guys underestimate Kunlun Group too much. Who doesn't know how to stack sensors? The key is how Kunlun Group achieves the coordination of multiple sensors? The algorithm behind this is probably the key."

"The guy upstairs is right. Matrix technology has never been a hardware problem, but a software problem! As long as you master this crossover algorithm, there are so many things you can do in the future!"

"If I give you a hundred digital cameras, can you become a first-class photographer? Of course not. You can't even hold so many digital cameras, but Boss Gao can not only hold them, but also run them like flying. This is technology !This is strength!”

Everyone was shocked by the matrix technology, and countless technology enthusiasts posted comments explaining the difficulty.

In the real world, in fact, great efforts may not bring about miracles, but it can easily mess things up.

If you think the car is not powerful enough, can you buy a few more engines and put them in it?

Of course not. The coordination between several engines is much more technically difficult than building another engine with a larger displacement. Very few people would do this.

The matrix technology demonstrated by Plateau is far from as easy as it seems. The superposition of sensors requires extremely advanced algorithms and incredible multi-unit coordination, that is, logical computing capabilities.

Although it is a short film, this animation is actually quite long, starting from motion capture, to laser ranging, to image processing, and even dynamic capture of Pacific ocean currents, and simultaneous analysis of the movement of the earth's plates...

People's views have been refreshed time and time again. They never imagined that there are so many things that matrix algorithms can do?

Barrage broke out again and again, and cheers of surprise came one after another.

At the end of the short film, Gao Yuan faced the camera and said calmly: "This set of algorithms is called the Zero Matrix. It is our third product in the field of artificial intelligence. It has strong real-time coordination capabilities. No matter whether the data coming from the front is a channel or There are a hundred channels, no matter how complex the data types are, Zero Matrix can sort it out immediately, summarize and analyze it, and turn it into a standard data flow."

"The cartoon just now was relatively abstract. To ensure that everyone can truly understand the functions of the Zero Matrix, today we brought the Kunlun Group's first digital camera since its establishment."

"Because it is a product of lab work, this digital camera is still relatively crude. Please forgive me."

After Gao Yuan finished speaking, he saw two engineers pushing a trolley onto the stage.


Gao Yuan walked over and uncovered the black shading cloth on the car, revealing a strange, boxy thing.

Two chapters in one.

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