The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 200 Super digital camera! The clarity is sky-high! (1)

Gao Yuan walked over and uncovered the black shading cloth on the car, revealing a strange, boxy thing.

The huge and sturdy digital camera has a body made of carbon material. Hundreds of lenses are densely packed together, like countless black eyes, making patients with trypophobia can't help but have their hearts beat faster.

Gao Yuan explained: "This is a super digital camera. Last night, we installed it on a special flying car, walked around and took several photos."

"This is a night view of Shanghai City, taken from Puxi from above Lujiazui."

After Gao Yuan finished speaking, the big screen changed, and a brightly lit city night view appeared in front of everyone.

"It seems to be nothing."

"There are so many photos like this. Countless photographers come to take photos of such a famous scenic spot as the Huangpu River every year."

“The night shooting capability is good, on par with Huawei’s night scene function.”

"Are you serious upstairs?"

"Are you specifically trying to hack Huawei? Even a fool can see that Boss Gao's picture is obviously clearer."

"I'm a professional photographer. I don't mean to brag. From this point of view, there's really nothing outstanding about it. It's just a qualified photographic work."

The audience had a heated discussion and sent barrages one after another.

Although network technology is now developed, it is still very difficult to judge whether a photo is good or bad through the screen.

The response from the audience was average, and they felt that there was no obvious difference between this photo and the high-definition commercial photos circulated on the Internet.

However, after a pause of more than ten seconds, the backstage operator began to enlarge parts of the photo, and more details were revealed to everyone.

For a moment, everyone was stunned!

What on earth did you see! ?

On the Huangpu River, at the Peace Hotel, the images of the guests and waiters in the top-floor restaurant are all clearly visible. The eyebrows, mouth, and vegetable leaves on the teeth are so clear and precise that it doesn’t look like a high-altitude shot, as if it was taken from a close-up just a few meters away. .

People were shocked, but the magical performance had just begun!

As the backstage operator continued to move and zoom in, the audience could clearly see the brand of mineral water on the table. On the menu, the price of a plate of French plum chicken stew was as high as 480 yuan. It was like a money grab...

It's just that people scratch their scalps and can't figure it out. What kind of technology is this? How can you shoot the content on the menu from such a long distance?

Moreover, this is nighttime!

The angle of the picture was adjusted, zooming in further, and people were shocked to see the crowded streets of Jing'an Temple. A girl in a short skirt was playing the cello and performing on the street. A man in a suit with a wretched look was scanning the code with his mobile phone, preparing to reward the performing girl. .

The child was running with the marshmallow. His foot slipped and he lost control of his body. The white marshmallow flew up. The father, with quick hands and eyes, grabbed the child's pants and lifted him up.

Scenes like this were accurately captured by the camera!

What a powerful ability this is, what incredible clarity!

I was able to photograph Jing'an Temple in Pudong! ?


Unparalleled shock!

There were thousands of people at the scene, but there was not a single sound. There were more than 40 million viewers on various major platforms. At this moment, people were sluggish and forgot to post the barrage. The picture was clear and clean.

"Awesome! What kind of magical pixels are these!"

"It's incredible! I've never seen such a clear photo in my life!"

"By the way, the man and woman seemed to be practicing wrestling behind the hotel window just now. Did you see it?"

"As you can see, the battle is fierce. The female player currently has the upper hand and uses her body to pin the male player to the floor."

"You can do it, you can drive here!?"

"There is no need to talk about clarity, but if Boss Gao does this, what kind of privacy will there be in the future?"

"It's like you have privacy, but you can't keep it anyway. Rather than letting a profiteer named Ma use your personal information to cut leeks, I would rather trust Boss Gao."

“Technology doesn’t hurt people, people hurt people!”

"As a professional photographer, I kneel down to Boss Gao today!"

"A professional retoucher made me kneel down! How can I retouch a photo with so many details!"

"Is there a misunderstanding about artificial intelligence upstairs? When it reaches zero popularization, it is not a question of how you repair it, but whether the graphics editor still exists."

"Awesome! This hurts my heart!"

The audience was buzzing and going crazy for Zero Matrix.

Musk and Levi in ​​the audience had extremely ugly expressions. After all, they are not ordinary people. They know very well what such powerful clarity means. If this kind of camera is installed on a satellite, it will be able to see into every corner of the earth. It's really too scary.

After showing the rich details of the city night scene, Plateau also showed the photos of the moon taken by Zero Matrix, large and small craters, undulating hills, and even the traces left by the Apollo moon landing in 1969, all of which Qing appeared in people's sight.

The third photo is of a drop of water, with bacteria moving in the water. The bacteria eat each other and kill each other. It is also very clear. The magic of the microscopic world makes the audience surprised and admired.

After the demonstration, Gao Yuan faced the camera with a smile and said: "I admit that this machine was actually built to show off skills. It is too big and too expensive. It will only be used in the scientific field and some commercial fields. "

"So what effect will the Zero Matrix achieve in actual use? Now let me show it to you."

After Gao Yuan finished speaking, he casually took a mobile phone handed over by the staff.

Gao Yuan raised his mobile phone to take a photo, and the photo appeared directly on the screen. The staff chose to zoom in, which once again caused a burst of exclamation.

"No way, this was taken with a mobile phone?"

"It seems that it's not much different from the huge scientific camera just now."

"Halo, I caught a blood-sucking mosquito! It's only May, and the mosquitoes are so rampant!"

"How come these strands of hair are so clear? It's hard to imagine that Boss Gao picked them up casually."

"An artifact! An absolute artifact for shooting!"

“A mobile phone with such shooting capabilities is simply awesome!”

"In the future, all mobile phones produced by China will achieve this kind of fortress effect?"

“The latest iPhone for sale! At half the price!”

"Take a ride and sell it together! Cash out and exchange for a domestic machine!"

“Such a magical photography tool suddenly gave me a bold idea!”

"Ha, be careful the police uncle arrests you."

The barrage scrolled wildly, and compared to the previous scientific camera, this time it caused an even greater sensation.

After all, mobile phones are products that everyone uses every day. No matter how awesome the scientific camera is, it has nothing to do with everyone’s lives. But mobile phones are different. Girls think that Zero Matrix technology can make themselves more beautiful, while boys want to use awesome ones. I have great shooting ability and take some pictures of my own hobbies.

Plateau showed how Zero Matrix has greatly improved mobile phone photography, and then turned to the technical aspect.

"We used four sets of identical domestic lens modules." Gao Yuan shook the mobile phone in his hand and said: "The total pixels are not too exaggerated, only 120 million pixels, but through brand-new lenses and background zero With the Matrix algorithm, we can restore more details, and if you need it, the Zero Matrix is ​​also a good tool for retouching.”

"I'm so envious. I want a phone like this too!"

"Whoosh! The Linghe Abandoned Houses really need this kind of mobile phone! When we are supporting, standing in the audience and taking pictures in short skirts will make my nose bleed just thinking about it!"

"It's impossible. With the urine on the plateau, I'm afraid it won't be sold to the West. We'd better use apples with peace of mind."

"You don't understand this. It's not a question of whether Boss Gao can sell it or not, but whether you are willing to add money!"

"Yes, if you add money, sell it!"

In several major live broadcast rooms in the West, people's emotions don't seem to be too high. The Zero Matrix is ​​certainly awesome, but considering that it may not be available in the West, and even if it is available, it will cost several times the price. Western people generally feel that they are being left behind. Discriminated.

After talking about mobile phones, Gao Yuan began to explain the role of the Zero Matrix in the industrial field.

Originally, Kunlun Seiko machine tools relied on imported laser sensors to complete measurements. Now four domestic laser sensors form a matrix. A total of sixteen sets of matrices are installed on the entire machine tool, and the accuracy is at least six times higher than in the past.

If you think about it carefully, the Zero Matrix and the Kunlun Group's Galaxy Eye are actually similar. However, the success of the Galaxy Eye relies on the powerful abilities of Plateau's individuals, while the Zero Matrix relies on artificial intelligence.

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