The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 306 The existence closest to light in the world!

Reaching Jupiter in five days?

Across a distance of nearly a billion kilometers?

How can this be!

All audiences around the world were shocked. Five percent of the speed of light is 1.5 million kilometers per second!

"What are you bragging about!?"

North America, Washington.

In the conference room, Musk jumped up, his face was livid, and he slammed his fist on the table, "Colonizing Mars is my lifelong dream. However, I have studied all the transportation solutions to and from Mars, and none of them can break the 100% speed of light." One, even if the Chinese have mastered controllable fusion technology!"

"Theoretically speaking, fusion jet technology can indeed push objects to close to the speed of light, but you must know that fusion reactors have energy efficiency ratios and cannot achieve 100% energy utilization." Sergey frowned.

This mathematical genius immediately pointed out the key to the problem. Any energy device will produce a lot of losses during operation.

I feel that Gao Yuan is bragging, and everyone is scolding me, especially Comrade Musk. He is already impatient, because he has been committed to leading mankind to the interstellar era. However, this great goal has gradually drifted away with the birth of Gao Yuan. Now, He could only watch the plateau's nuclear-powered rocket take off while feeling helpless and furious.

China, somewhere in the Tarim Basin.

Gao Yuan smiled and said to the camera: "Although I can't see the expressions on your faces at this moment, I guess you must be shocked and confused now. You want to know why Kunlun Yunxiao can reach such an astonishing speed. What about North America?" My classmates might even be scolding me for bragging and not drafting."

"Haha, I like to brag, but all the bragging I have done in my life have finally come true."

Turning around, Gao Yuan started writing and drawing on the blackboard again.

"Assuming that the jet speed of the nuclear fusion engine is still approximately equal to the final speed, without considering the energy loss or the relativistic momentum gain, the speed formula is as follows: e=△mc^2=1/2mv^2, △m= 1/300mv=0.08165c.”

"What does this formula mean?"

"It's very simple. The theoretical maximum speed of the nuclear fusion jet engine is 8.165% of the speed of light. This is our current technical limit. To exceed the speed of light, we need three major engine black technologies, the anti-matter engine. Warp drive, or space jump drive."

"It can be seen that Liu Cixin's assumption that the final speed of the Earth Wandering Plan is 5% of the speed of light is not entirely bragging. In theory, as long as the Earth's engine is strong enough, it can achieve this speed."

"We have no way of knowing whether the Earth Engine is strong enough, but Kunlun Yunxiao is really strong. Both fusion efficiency and plasma injection efficiency have almost reached the upper limit of this technology. As for whether it can really reach five percent of the speed of light, I After doing some calculations in my own notebook, it should be possible. Even if I can't achieve it, it won't be a big difference. I have led the Kunlun Group for so many years, so I still have this confidence."

"Anyway, please wait and see. In five days, Kunlun Yunxiao will arrive at Jupiter and start the fusion material collection operation. At that time, I will start a special live broadcast."

"As for the question of whether we will fake it."

"It's impossible. At this moment, all the observatories in the world are staring at our Kunlun Yunxiao. If there are any errors in the data, they will definitely jump out to criticize me as soon as possible. After all, we should be lenient to ourselves and strict to others. , referred to as double standard, is the consistent tradition of Angsa Group.”

In the final stage of the live broadcast, Gao Yuan still did not forget to tease his old rival.

It's just that he downloaded the broadcast so quickly, which surprised the audience. A large number of barrages came in. I hope Gao Yuan will talk about it again, even if he talks about technology that most people can't understand. China has officially entered deep space. This is a creation. major events in history.

However, Gao Yuan smiled and waved to the camera and said: "That's it for today's program. For the latest news about the Kunlun Yunxiao, please pay attention to China's largest academic website, Kunlun Ask. All major domestic observatories will pay attention to the Kunlun Yunxiao. route and whereabouts and make real-time reports.”

"Okay, that's all the content of this live broadcast. I'm Gao Yuan. We'll see you in five days."

Twenty-four hours later.

Although it is well known that the European Space Agency is headquartered in Paris, France, in fact, the Paris headquarters is mainly composed of administrative officials and is not involved in specific technical work.

The European Space Research and Technology Center in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, the European Space Operations Center in Darmstadt, Germany, the European Space Research Institute in Frascati, Italy, and the European Aerospace Research Institute in Cologne, Germany. The European Astronaut Center, plus the European Space Astronomy Center in Madrid, Spain, these five centers are the strongest aerospace technology power in Europe.

At this time, the European continent was turbulent. From the warm Iberian Peninsula to the cold Nordic wilderness, all radio telescopes, optical telescopes, and space telescopes in Europe were all chasing an inconspicuous light point in the distant deep sky.

This light spot is the Kunlun Yunxiao nuclear fusion rocket. In the past twenty-four hours, this magical rocket with powerful power has been accelerating, getting faster and faster, until all scientists dare not degree of belief.

At first, the European Space Agency was filled with all kinds of noise. Aerospace experts were intensely discussing whether there was any bragging rights on the plateau, the power of fusion jets, and how big the gap between Europe and China was.

But as time passed, the noise gradually subsided, and the place fell into silence, with everyone sullen and scratching at the increasingly sparse stubble on their chins.


Unparalleled depression.

The numbers on the big screen are constantly changing. At this moment, the speed of Kunlun Yunxiao has reached 14,367 kilometers per second, which is only one step away from 5% of the speed of light.

Fourteen thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine kilometers per second.

Fifteen thousand and forty-eight kilometers per second.

Kunlun Yunxiao moved forward indomitably, breaking through five percent of the speed of light without any surprise. However, as the fusion jet engine reached the energy limit, the acceleration gradually stopped.

Finally, the speed stopped at 15,803 kilometers. This should be the maximum cruising speed of Kunlun Yunxiao.

There was no sound from the huge European Space Agency, and it was as quiet as the first winter after the extinction of mankind.

It is self-evident that China has a five percent light speed nuclear-powered rocket. What this means to the entire world.

After all, if a rocket is equipped with a warhead, it becomes a missile.

Even without a warhead, just relying on Kunlun Yunxiao's shocking super speed can destroy the entire earth with kinetic energy.

From now on, the North American ballistic missile defense system and the NATO defense system can all be dismantled and sold for scrap.

As the old saying goes, martial arts in the world can only be defeated by speed. The technology possessed by China at this moment cannot be stopped by any defense system.

If Kunlun Zenith is the most powerful shield, then Kunlun Yunxiao is the most terrifying spear.

The top of the sky plus the sky, from now on, China Aerospace is a two-pronged sword.

From now on, the defense of China becomes God's responsibility, and the Angsa people can do nothing but kneel before God and pray.

"Telephone, Mr. Director."

"Who's calling?"

"Director Neerakhev of Roscosmos."

"The Russians..." Director Maxim frowned, "Why did they come here now? What's their purpose?"

"I think I want to verify the data. After all, the speed of Kunlun Yunxiao is so amazing. Director, look outside, all our aerospace experts, planetary mapping experts, they are all stupid. No one has spoken in the hall for a long time. , because no one knows what words to use to describe this matter."

Director Maxim looked out the floor-to-ceiling window. Sure enough, there were densely packed people standing in the hall outside, but no one spoke. Everyone was staring at the long series of numbers on the screen that represented the speed of Kunlun Yunxiao, and their eyes were slightly empty.


Maxim sighed and said to his secretary: "Put the phone in, don't let Director Neerakhov wait too long."

Immediately, the face of an old Slavic man appeared on the screen. His hair was very short, almost touching his scalp.

"Good afternoon, Director Maxim."

"Hello, Director Nerakhov."

The two people communicated in English. There were no polite smiles on their faces, only deep worries and solemnity.

"Fifteen thousand four hundred and twenty-one kilometers, this is the data we measured." The old Slavic man said in a deep voice.

"Absolutely, our data is slightly higher." Maxim said.

The old Slavic man was startled, and then clenched his fists, "It seems true. China's nuclear-powered rocket can really run at five percent the speed of light!"

Maxim found it funny, "Director Nerakhov, as far as I know, China seems to be your partner. They have mastered such powerful black technology, you should be happy."

The old Slavic man said with a wry smile on his face: "Don't be kidding, you don't know that Gao Yuan doesn't even care about North America, so how can he care about us."

Maxim nodded slightly, feeling that Nerakhov had finally told the truth. The bear was going further and further down the road of decline, and the wealth left by the former Soviet Union would eventually be lost sooner or later.

The old Slavic man seemed to have remembered something, "What are the data for North America? Due to the bad relationship between our two countries, it is not convenient for me to ask."

Maxim also wanted to know this question, so a third person was added to the video call between the two parties, NASA's top manager Brandon.

"Sixteen thousand one hundred and twenty-two kilometers per second, our number." Brandon said with a stiff expression and very numbness.

"WTF! So high? It's much higher than ours and Europe's data. Damn it." The old Slavic man spit out sweet things.

Brandon said disapprovingly: "Japan's measured data is higher. When I just talked to them, Director Kobayashi said very pessimistically that as a small island, China can make them disappear from the earth at any time as long as it is willing. I I feel like it was a little frightened and kept saying that Japan is an island country, Japan is an island country... I just kept saying this for a long time."


Everyone was speechless for a while.

The old Slavic man was silent for a moment and said: "After all, it is ultra-long-range tracking, and errors are inevitable. However, based on various data, it is now certain that the Kunlun Yunxiao nuclear-powered rocket has created incredible history and is the most powerful rocket in the world. Close to the existence of light!”

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