The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 307 The largest concentration of resources in the solar system!

On November 5th, the time for Kunlun Yunxiao to arrive at Jupiter finally arrived.

Regarding the speed of Kunlun Yunxiao, there is no longer any debate in the scientific community, because the data from all astronomical observation institutions is there. The actual speed of light is 5%. Not only did Gao Yuan not lie, but he was even suspected of being overly modest.

After all, there are various signs that Kunlun Yunxiao has not exhausted its full strength. If it is optimized again, the speed may be improved.

But this is no longer the most important thing. Even Gao Yuan himself admits that the limit of the nuclear fusion engine is about 8% of the speed of light. To exceed the speed of light, three black technologies are needed: antimatter engine, warp engine, and space Jump drive, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible.

The most important thing now is how to obtain helium-3 from Jupiter. All scientists have racked their brains for this and designed one plan after another that the plateau may adopt. However, after all, they are not the plateau themselves. How the plateau will develop and utilize the resources of Jupiter is still unclear. is a huge fan.

The scientific community, to be precise, the Western scientific community, the reason why they are so concerned about Plateau's actions on Jupiter is not only for scientific exploration, but also mainly for profit.

There is a branch in the field of aerospace research called planetary resources. Scholars engaged in this topic have discovered the value of Jupiter a long time ago.

Before the Dyson sphere was established, Jupiter was the largest energy reserve station in the entire solar system. The existence of large amounts of helium and hydrogen was enough to support human civilization's continuous strategic advancement, out of the solar system, and to more distant stars.

Assuming that the resources on Jupiter are not exploited, it may be difficult for humans to leave the solar system on a large scale. You must know that all transportation and movement consume energy.

Traveling through time and space with your thoughts is called science fiction. Science fiction is not the same as science. Don't take it for granted.

From this, it is not difficult to understand the concerns of Western scholars. This is like a big dog who has reached the peak of his life because his ancestors were immoral and owned a lot of petrochemical resources. However, the resources on Jupiter are more than the little oil of the big dog. There are too many. Whoever controls Jupiter is equivalent to controlling the largest energy source in the solar system besides the sun.

The significance of occupying Jupiter is one trillion times more important than Musk's occupation of the moon. After all, if the resources on the moon are compared with Jupiter, they are like a water molecule in the sea, and there is no comparison at all.

The environment of Jupiter is still too violent after all. It is difficult for Western scholars to imagine that someone can take Jupiter as their own. In their view, even mining a little resource from Jupiter is an almost impossible challenge.

"Since Kunlun Yunxiao is so fast, why don't they go to Uranus?"

In the conference room, Musk waited for Gao Yuan's live broadcast to start, while constantly asking himself this question.

Compared with the violent Jupiter, Uranus has a much smaller gravity. Since Kunlun Yunxiao is so fast and can reach Jupiter from the earth in five days, wouldn't it be a more perfect choice to mine helium-3 on Uranus?

However, Gao Yuan chose Jupiter?

This is like when you are playing a game and you don't choose the normal difficulty at the start, but choose the hell level. The person who chooses this way is either a master or a psychotic masochist.

Musk was puzzled. He hadn't slept much in the past five days because he couldn't sleep.

I think back then, it was Musk who defied all opinions and moved the main battlefield with China from the earth to space.

Who would have thought that in a short time, Gao Yuan would catch up! He also ran into space, chasing Musk and West, and continued to beat them!


Musk felt deep despair, after all, it was a nuclear-powered rocket.

Being able to build Kunlun Yunxiao shows that Plateau has not only completed the controllable nuclear fusion technology, but also mastered the method of miniaturizing the reactor. Now it is a fusion rocket. Maybe one day, Plateau will launch a fusion battery?

The terrifying idea of ​​fusion batteries gave Musk a splitting headache and made him feel like his whole body was going to explode. The first step is fusion, the second step is to miniaturize fusion, and then the third step is to popularize fusion.

The sky is filled with aircraft equipped with fusion batteries, and fusion energy vehicles are running on the ground. In the past, to use super batteries, you still had to find a place to charge them. But if you use fusion batteries, a car can be charged once in a lifetime.

Musk's thoughts were divergent, and he sat in his seat and began to think wildly.

Fortunately, at this time, Gao Yuan's live broadcast signal from across the Pacific Ocean came into the conference room. The staff reminded him that Musk reluctantly cheered up and moved his eyes to the big screen in the center of the conference room.

At 9:30 in the morning, the live video room opened on time.

"Go duck, go duck! It's time to witness history!"

"Our little rocket has arrived at Jupiter. The time, speed, and path are clearly explained on the Kunlun Wendao website. Now it is circling Jupiter!"

"Yes, all major aerospace agencies around the world have confirmed this. Boss Gao's boast must come true!"

"It's a pity that the distance is too far and there is a delay in data transmission. Otherwise, it would be much fun if the video could be broadcast live."

"Support cross-planet live broadcast!"

"Support live broadcast across the solar system!"

"No, no, at least it has to be broadcast live across the galaxy to enjoy it!"

"Save it, before high-power quantum communication is achieved, all ultra-long-distance data transmission is just a cloud."

Hundreds of millions of viewers poured into the live broadcast room and started a heated discussion. The barrage was so dense that it made people dizzy. Even if the barrage was blocked to level nine, it still wouldn't have much effect.

Stimulated by the official launch of the space strategy, humans around the world responded with unprecedented enthusiasm to the plateau's Jupiter project. They paid attention to the real-time data published on the Kunlun Wendao website, and left crazy messages in the forum, wishing that humans would soon transform from earth residents to Inhabitants of the solar system.

It's a pity that once Gaoyuan took action, it became a one-man show again. NASA and Musk, who were originally aggressive, were immediately ignored. Now the whole world wants to know how Gaoyuan can mine helium-3 from Jupiter, and whether it can succeed.

The West is still working hard on the moon. To collect helium-3 on the moon, we need to hoe the earth and plow the entire lunar soil. So this so-called hard work is really literal.

All in all, China's space journey has begun, and unknowns and challenges are also unfolding simultaneously. The Chinese compatriots hope that the plateau will create miracles, while more people, led by Ang Sa, want to see his jokes.

Soon, the time came to ten o'clock in the morning, and Gao Yuan appeared again wearing a white shirt and jeans. He didn't seem nervous at all today, and his smile was brighter than before.

"Good morning, dear viewers, welcome to Kunlun Group's live broadcast. I am Gao Yuan."

"As the world's most hard-core technology live broadcast program, I boasted a very hard-core thing not long ago that we will send our Kunlun Yunxiao nuclear-powered rocket from the earth to Jupiter within five days."

"Now five days have passed, and now is the time to witness the miracle!"

"Please look at the big screen!"

"This video is the orbit of Jupiter captured by our deep space telescope. The small flying object emitting blue light is our Kunlun Yunxiao nuclear-powered rocket. It has successfully arrived at Jupiter a few hours ago!"

As the plateau is introduced, a video begins to play.

"The reason why everyone can see Kunlun Yunxiao so clearly depends on our artificial intelligence Zero. The video was very blurry at first, but because we have been training recently, Zero's image resolution and processing capabilities have achieved outstanding results, so Only then can the original video be restored to such a clear level.”

“ALL IN AI, I must emphasize again here that Zero is the core option for all our scientific research projects in the future. I believe that as time goes by and Zero carries out more machine learning, everyone will feel the true power of artificial intelligence more and more. .”

Gao Yuan seized the opportunity and wildly touted his artificial intelligence, and the audience was fascinated. It turned out to be Zero's credit for being able to see the Kunlun clouds surrounding Jupiter so clearly.

The reason why Gao Yuan likes to push artificial intelligence so much is actually selfish.

You know, Zero has a master, and there is only one master, and that is Gao Yuan himself.

Once a loyal little guy enters Wall Street, he will have the ability to control Western finance. Once he enters Silicon Valley, he will be able to secretly control mainstream Western technology companies. As for joining the military...


This kind of thing can be forgotten immediately. If the Pentagon is stupid enough to use the plateau's artificial intelligence, then the Angsa Group really deserves to be exterminated.

Impossible. In fact, the West is strictly guarding Gaoyuan, let alone the Pentagon. Gaoyuan wants to use zero ability to break into Wall Street. This small goal has not yet been achieved.

However, foreign countries are a huge concept. In addition to the West and the Angsa Group, there are also many small and backward countries. For example, The Gambia, which claims that three hundred marines can destroy China, has only 100 million citizens and 1.3 billion treasuries. Legged cattle of India and so on.

These weirdos in human civilization are completely vulnerable to the offensive of artificial intelligence Zero. Currently, Zero has successfully lurked within them.

Mr. Lu Xun once said that the third young master's sword is most powerful only when it is not unsheathed. Therefore, the benefit of these secret intelligences to the plateau is not in who it can threaten, but in that at critical moments, the plateau can kill many people.

"Sure enough, we have arrived at Jupiter!"

"Awesome! The Yunxiao goes forward without hesitation and breaks through the sky!"

"Hahaha, it really made me laugh. That guy Musk spent so much money to go around the moon, but he didn't know that our goal was not the moon at all, but Jupiter!"

"our target is?"

"Occupy Jupiter!"

"our target is?"

"Occupy Jupiter!"

The barrage was refreshed crazily, and today became a happy festival for the Chinese audience.

At the same time, the audience across the Pacific Ocean remained awkwardly silent.

What a slap in the face. Look at the huge iron base built on the moon. It really doesn’t even have a ball. The plateau has no intention of competing with the West for helium-3. There is enough on Jupiter, enough for China to use a thousand. Why go to the moon and work so hard to hoe the earth for billions of years?

"Impossible! The wind on Jupiter is as high as six times the speed of sound! The atmospheric pressure on Jupiter exceeds 10,000 standard units! Coupled with the crazy gravitational tearing, it is absolutely impossible for them to mine resources on Jupiter!"

In the conference room, Musk roared angrily, his eyes bloodshot.

Recently, I have fallen into a kind of unreasonable panic. Every day I think about why people come to this world. Since we will die one day, why should we be born?

The tremendous mental pressure caused me to suffer from severe insomnia, fatigue, and a gloomy complexion.

Descartes once said, I think, therefore I am, but after solving the problem of self-existence, I looked through all the books and still couldn't find the answer to what I am.

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