The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.60 – Six

"You... Fuck each other. For stats?" Tamlin asked as she joined back in the room.

"Well, those two do math for stats and seem to fuck for fun?" Annabelle indicated the dragon and the berserker. "But yeah. Not a requirement, but... We will be." 

Fiona blushed. But it was true, and it was a fair warning to anyone new who was going to travel with them - at least when they weren't dumped in by the tower, forced by the queue to join their party. She might be a pervert, as she was starting to realize, but she didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable, so the warning was fair.

"Yeah, it... Likely, you will at least be in the vicinity of..." Fiona trailed off. Doing it was one thing. Talking to her friends she was doing it was fine. Telling a near stranger she'd likely be nearby while she was fucking her friend. Friends. They all had to link.

"Copulation" Qaerlyz finished her sentence, with absolutely no shame. "We do try to link in more efficient ways, however, we have not completed a single floor without some form of exhibition." The dragon said in a monotone, matter-of-fact voice. She didn't have to phrase it quite like that.

Never mind that Ash was still naked and curled up in her lap - they had let Tamlin know, thinking it was a decent... Start.

"You are... And an interesting party. But I don't mind it... You're not just doing it for the sake, it's a reason. Being prepared is fair in the tower." She looked amongst them all, Fiona was sure she could see her... new equipment under her loincloth. "I could maybe jo... I mean." She blushed a little. "That stat boost you mentioned sounds interesting."

They hadn't given Tamlin the exact details of Fiona's class, just... General overview. They hadn't gone into the boss-fucking. That could come later. Wait no, Fiona shook her head. That would ideally just not come... She'd had enough of that. Not like another amazing, hot, sexy creature would appear, not that she would dream about that, home something amazing appeared and just let her have her way with it. Or otherwise. She was easy. Not easy. Simple. Wait.

"We do try to link in other ways - and we always want to sort it out before we enter the floors. Could be dangerous." Fiona said, as if she'd thought of that consideration and not the incredibly smart dragon queen with them. 

"Will it be safe for Fiona to move tomorrow?" Qaerlyz asked again. 
"Yes it... Will you want to leave immediately?" Tamlin asked.

The group - except Ash, enjoying a scratch behind her ear - nodded in unison.

"While our group is eccentric and, perhaps, curious we are dedicated to climbing the tower at speed. I do believe helping you with this Gertram situation - particularly as he may have it out for our witch, and Climbers like him can become a problem. But we will want to get moving fast."

The bunny nodded. "Tomorrow is okay. Yeah, do I... How do we know if I can link with you? You know, in a uhm..Without." The bunny blushed.

"While remaining clothed? We need to find something we both have in common, and then talk about it, or do it - me and Ash are already linked, both passionate about... Well." She kept petting her pet, then shrugged. "With Qae we talk mathematics, Liddy I tell stories about adventures, Annabelle...Well..."

"I, uhm... I don't really have any hobbies." Tamlin started. 
"Food?" Fiona tried, thinking about things she liked. The bunny shrugged.
"I eat it 'cause I have to?"

Going through every single thing Fiona could think of, it seemed she had nothing in terms of the bunny. 

"I suppose we can't link. That's okay" Fiona said, it did seem she might not be a good long-term fit for the party.
"Unless.. Well, no. No." The bunny looked a bit disappointed. "At least not yet" She blushed a little.

Maybe she would fit in, eventually. Fiona hadn't lost hope of burying her face in those enormous mounds of flesh. She shook her head out of the daydream - she didn't want to find out about the transforming cock sock yet.

"I'll... I will meet you downstairs tomorrow. First thing?" 
"Yeah, we'll eat and then head to the portal." Qae nodded at the Bunny, as she stood up and headed for the door. 
"If you get any worse come get me - I'm staying down the hall as well so if I am needed get me." 

They all waved goodbye for the evening to their temporary new party member. They had a fully dedicated healer, at least. And she'd proven herself. There was just the... Lying. And the entire changing of species? But she seemed friendly. And incredibly attractive. And those ears, Fiona thought as she was stroking Ash's, the fox girl pushing into her hand.

Was she developing a thing for stroking soft ears? It wasn't the worst thing she could think of.

"I do believe we have one important thing to take care of before any linking is done" Qaerlyz announced. "We need to utilize our professions further. Annabelle - good work starting on your potions, however, we need to use mine, Liddy's, and Fiona's further. If you pass me your weapons I believe I have suitable runes for both of you" She nodded to the two women. Liddy handed over her Chakram, and Fiona nodded towards her hammer, thinking it might not be a good idea for her to get up. "We also need to find another person's desire. Mine will be resolved on the seventh floor." She said, confidently.

"What is the seventh floor?" Fiona asked again. Qae smirked, a wicked look on her face.
"You'll enjoy it. It's a surprise." Fiona was... Worried, and decided to change the subject.

"What about you Annabelle? Have you used [Deepest Desire] on yourself?" Fiona asked her.

The goblin seemed confused, thought for a second, opened her mouth, then shook her head. 
"Oh... I didn't think about that. That... Yeah. I guess I am a friendly creature to myself, huh?" She lifted her hands to her temples. "Right let's find out."

The soft glow circled her head, and her eyes popped open. She looked at Fiona and blushed a little.
"Fuck. I should have done this first thing. Definitely over Gertram." she sighed. "Stats left on the table could have used it twice probably"

Fiona looked at her curiously, she seemed upset with herself and was avoiding her gaze.
"What is it? Is it easy? You... you don't want to be..." She looked at Ash. "I can't have two pets..." She said. Friends she played with? Yes. Pets? That's a lot of responsibility.

"No! No I... Uhm. I don't wanna say it loud but. It'll trigger tomorrow. Can I tell you Liddy?" She asked, and the sea gnome hopped over as the goblin bent down and whispered into her ear. She giggled.

"Oh, you're cute Annabelle. Her deepest desire right now is 'Make sure Fiona Ragehammer is safe.'" She gave the goblin a hug, and Annabelle looked away again.

"Oh, Annabelle. Thank you" Fiona's eyes teared up, as she motioned her friend to come over for a hug. She embraced the goblin, her best friend from across the world who had traveled to another world just to look for her. Uprooted her entire life, and sold all her belongings. She held her tight.

Qaerlyz and Liddy had sat down and started working on their professions when the two friends separated, and Fiona kissed her friend's cheek.

"Do you... Wanna stay here? Tonight?" They did need to link... But Fiona just wanted to embrace her friend. Annabelle nodded.

"Okay... Let's do our professions first and then... Yeah." They smiled at each other, Before Annabelle sat down and started creating more options Fiona looked through her tattoo's to see if any would suit her and her friend's needs. The two catching glances between each other.




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