The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.61 – Upgrade

"Oh... Qae. I think I got one for you." She'd been looking through for a long time - she hadn't thought she would find something for Qae, it needs to be on her face but... This one seemed incredible for the tank. 

"Oh? For my face?" It was the first time she had heard trepidation in the woman's voice. Fiona nodded.

"Yeah... We can do the temporary version, see how you feel?" She asked the paladin who nodded.

"Yes. If it is worthwhile, I will have no objection. I just have limited space, I suppose." Her voice trembled a little, and while she wasn't wrong that didn't seem the entire reason. Fiona got it. 

"Pet, can you go cuddle Liddy for a moment? I think I need Qae to lie down?" She asked her fox, who nodded and crawled off the bed on all fours, her tail swishing, bare bottom brushing against Fiona and she felt a twitch in her groin. No. Not yet. She closed her eyes, trying to not think about the beautiful woman fully devoted to her as her pet. Who she could do nearly whatever she wanted to. No.

"Can you... I shouldn't stand probably so can you lie with your head.... Here?" She indicated her lap, trying to not point right her slightly stiff cock. Qae nodded, and climbed onto the bed, lying down, her horns brushing against Fiona's thighs, her hair spilling over the berserker muscular thighs.

"It's not very complicated but... Will you want it blue?" She asked the dragon, who nodded. Fiona held her hand over the paladin's face, and projected the tattoo onto her face, across her eyes.

A line appeared, starting on the sides of her face, arrows pointing toward her steely eyes. A line went across the bridge of her knows, and narrow to another arrow. Fiona felt unable to look away from the woman... And she knew that was the point.  She shook her head, memories of a dusty room in an arena causing more stiffening.

"Have a look" She said, looking away. This was going to cause problems, if the dragon kept dominating her... She was so intense, and it really did something to Fiona.

Qae stood up and looked at the temporary tattoo in the reflection of her sword.

"What does it do?" She asked, admiring her reflection. "I don't dislike it, but the effect is the important part."

Fiona nodded. "Yes, it... If you look someone in the eyes, they can not look away without great difficulty. I thought it would be useful to retain the attention of monsters."

Qae's eyes widened, and she turned and lifted Fiona's chin. Met her eyes. Fiona couldn't help it, she just had to stay staring, unable to move. Qae looked at her for what felt like minutes, hours, now that she was aware and intent on keeping her gaze it felt like nothing Fiona could do.

"Qae... Please" She said finally, feeling uncomfortable. Excited. Controlled.

"Sorry" The dragon looked away, and Fiona felt a release.
"Yes. This seems useful to my role. What would the permanent version do?"
"It would stay for a period after you looked away. You might be able to keep multiple creatures attention."

Qae nodded.
"It... It is a serious consideration. You are likely to get more options as you grow in your profession, and it seems unlikely I can have more than one or two... But this is a consideration."

Qae walked over to where Fiona's hammer was placed on the floor and brought it back. A single rune was engraved on the hammerhead.

"This is a simple rune, but I think effective. When you hit a target with this hammer, there is a chance they will perceive time in reverse for one second." Qae spoke, and Fiona seemed excited. 

"It's a disorienting effect." She squealed. This was her favorite part of playing characters with big hammers before she came to the tower. Stuns and disorienting, big massive hits.

"Exactly, I thought it could provide an edge in battle, give us an opportunity." She left Fiona with hers and handed Liddy her Chakrams.

"These have a minor version of [Accelerate] on them now - small chance every time you hit to speed you up." 

"OH WOW!" Liddy shouted. "I'm gonna be SO fast. Yeah!" She jumped around posing, the rest of the party having to dodge and calm her down, as she swung her sharp circles of steel around in the small space.

"Maybe wait until we are outside Liddy. Did you find anything useful with your jewelry?" Fiona asked her, and the gnome seemed a little awkward.

"Yeah I... I made us rings. They're friendship rings, I guess" She said and handed one to Fiona. It was a full ring and a half circular band attached to it. She could see the opposite ring - a full ring and a half circular band on the other side, on one of Liddy's fingers.

[Spirit Bonded Ring - Right]
Linked with [Spirit Bonded Ring - Left]
As long as both wearers of the [Spirit Bonded Ring - Pair] are in the same party both take reduced damage, and any spirit healing is more effective on them.

"I thought it could symbolize our friendship" She smiled, as she held it up for Fiona to put on. Fiona held up her hand, and Liddy pushed it onto her finger. Her left ring finger. Fiona blinked. Clearly, the cultural meaning wasn't the same on the gnome's sphere but... The berserker didn't say anything. A symbol of friendship, between friends. 

"I love it. Thank you Liddy." She smiled at the gnome.

"I didn't have enough materials to create more" The beginner jeweler said, looking at the remaining party members.
"We'll try to find you some once we complete the next floor - accessories are very valuable," Qae stated, before looking at the naked Fox girl, now lounging on her dog bed. "Ash, have you found anything useful?"

The fox nodded. "Yes Mistress Qae, but only for myself. I have made a lot of ammo and new projectiles. New powder." 

She smiled a toothy grin.

"Big boom."

"That's... Worrying. Good." Fiona looked at her pet. "Right... I think I'm... I want to sleep so. Annabelle, would you mind putting my pet in her room? I don't wanna risk standing up yet." 

Annabelle nodded and led a willing Ash to her wooden cage, placing her bed inside and locking the door as Qae and Liddy said goodnight and left the room.  Annabelle looked at Fiona.

"Get naked and get up here you big softie." The human smiled at her friend.

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