The Troublesome Journey of the Chat Room Gentlemen

Chapter 12

For the cruel encounter that followed, Joan could do nothing but pray in her heart over and over again, chanting the name of God and the Virgin.

“Your prayers are false.”

Distinguished and prestigious priests have accused her of this more than once.

She was powerless to solve the problem.

There is no set right or wrong in prayer, they must be constant regardless of who is praying.

Joan of Arc wanted to tell the high priests like this, but she also understood that her voice could not reach their ears.

Vision began to blur.

She has no resentment.

After all, when she made such a choice, she had long expected such an ending to come. No one knows the finale better than she does.

– If you looked away at that time? Will there be a different ending.

If you ignore those voices, if you turn your back on the dying laments of the soldiers, you might live a happy life as an ordinary woman, maybe get married, live a happy life as a wife, and as a mother.

However, Joan of Arc threw this happiness aside and ran to a very different end. She raised her sword, put on armor, and carried the flag representing the glory of the country.

She had known it for a long time, and she had already realized it.

She forged ahead on a thorny road to save the motherland.

But in the end, he was abandoned by his own country. It would be too difficult to say that there is no trace of lament.

At this moment, Joan of Arc can only pray.

A pious heart will not betray itself.

Lord, commit yourself to this… “Wow, it’s so hot! It’s so hot!”

There was a phantom sound in a trance, how could there be a girl’s voice?

“Where are we teleporting to? The smoke is so thick that I can’t see it clearly. Gabriel, I hear your voice.”

Another male voice poured into Joan’s ears.

And, Gabriel?

Archangel Gabriel!

Then Joan felt something touch her chest.

Ye You stretched out her hand and groped in the smoke of the fire.

Suddenly, there is a soft, bouncy, extremely tactile feeling in the palm of your hand.

Is this the boobs?

Is Gabriel’s **** so big?

Ye You’s spiritual energy was agitated, blowing away the fire and thick smoke in front of him, and the fire group in the center of the square suddenly expanded several times.

The fire was raging, and the heat wave swept all around, causing the onlookers to take a step back in horror.

Bishop Pierre Cochon in the stands, with a face full of smiles, suddenly became frightened, because a flying torch fell on him, igniting his robe.

In a panic, he knocked over the jug next to him. With a bang, the flames exploded, and he instantly ignited into a burning man, making a piercing scream like a pig.

As the one who framed Joan of Arc and was sentenced to burn at the stake, he would never have thought that on the day of execution, he would also suffer such hellish pain.

“Sir Bishop!”

“Water! Get some water!”

The stands suddenly became riotous.

At this time, in the center of the fire, in the raging fire, Jeanne’s face was dull.

Two incredible figures came into her eyes.

One of them was wearing a red, unknown style. She had white wings spread behind her back, a golden ring on top of her head, and fluffy blond hair was draped behind her, and she stared at her expressionlessly.

The other figure, who was putting his hand on his chest, was not so impactful. However, black hair is rare, and the outline of his face is not as deep and rough as Westerners.

“Huh? It’s Jeanne.”

The man who did not know in front of him said his name, which surprised the girl at the stake.

But then she saw the angel beside her again and seemed to understand something.

Ye You’s hand was still on Joan’s chest, not because of the extremely smooth and soft touch that attracted Ye You.

It’s because Ye You didn’t expect to actually cross here.

If he guessed correctly, this is the execution scene of Joan of Arc.

“Hey, God Ji, what are you doing? Let’s get out of here first, it’s so hot.”

Because it was a male voice who called out Gabriel’s name just now, the angel recognized Ye You at a glance and called to him.

And the word “God” blurted out from the angel’s mouth made Joan of Arc suddenly startled.

Amidst the burning dry wood and the raging fire, Joan of Arc stared blankly at the man in front of her, and the hand he grabbed on her chest.

Chapter 16 Joan of Arc Gathers Hearts

The fire was sizzling, and the flames flew into the sky violently, turning into embers of sparks. Because of the eruption of Ye You’s spiritual power, the flame of the stake suddenly expanded several times, blocking everyone’s vision.

Inside the flame, a vacuum field of a small space was temporarily formed.

You have to leave the stake quickly, Ye You and Gabriel are fine, Jeanne can’t take it anymore.

Considering that there might be church agents around the execution ground, Ye You opened up the imaginary space and put Gabriel and Zhendra into it.

“Why did you bring her here, where is this?”

Looking at the empty space, Gabriel couldn’t help but feel a tinge of heart palpitations, she seemed to feel that her existence would disappear at any time.

No, there should be a loss of physical existence—if it wasn’t for God Ji holding her hand.

“Probably the outermost layer of the imaginary space.”

Ye You held the hands of Gabriel and Jeanne at the same time, feeling that her spiritual power was constantly flowing to maintain their stability.

“What are we doing here?”

“Of course it’s to avoid trouble.” Ye You explained: “Almost half of the 27 ancestors of the world’s top fighting force were sealed by the Church of the Holy Church. They are still very strong. If there are representatives of the church elites nearby, they are indispensable. There will be a conflict.”

“All right.”

It probably means that he doesn’t want to fight, and the waste angel doesn’t want to do anything too wasteful.

Gabriel squinted her eyes, staring at Ye You holding her hand, her lips moved, but she hesitated.

At this moment, Joan looked at Ye You and Gabriel blankly. Although this space was also very strange, Joan could clearly hear it. It was obvious that they were not speaking French, but she could understand it.

But thinking of their identities, Jeanne was relieved.

He even delusionally tried to figure out God’s will with the knowledge of mortals.

But compared to this, God why does he always hold his hand.

Joan of Arc is still just a stronger ordinary person. Without such a strong inspiration as Gabriel, he cannot feel the crisis in this space.

She rubbed her arm carefully, not daring to use force, for fear of offending God and making him unhappy.

Ye You felt Joan’s movement, “What are you doing? Don’t move.”

When Joan of Arc heard the oracle, she could only bow her head in obedience.

When she bowed her head, she was startled, the soft flesh of Bai Huahua came into view, and the secluded ravines hidden under the rags were clearly visible.

The fire just now had almost destroyed her clothes, but now she was naked, and even her long blond hair was hot and slightly curled.

Joan of Arc really panicked now, “That, my lord…”

Um? French?

Ye You knows a thing or two – as a fan writer, isn’t it common sense to know a little bit of the language of other countries?

However, he didn’t understand Joan’s words, to be precise, he understood what she wanted to express.

Yes, there were a few words in it that he didn’t know what it meant, but he just understood.

Maybe it’s because of the dimensional chat room.

Comes with real-time translation.

After all, it is a “dimension” chat room, I can’t understand the words, how can I chat? Use body language?

Speaking of which, it was the same when I first crossed.

The AST unit speaks Japanese, and he can understand it without any hindrance. And in the dating world, I have always heard that it is Japanese, so I didn’t have much reaction to Gabriel’s language just now.

So, actually join the chat room at that time?

Ye You thought a lot in an instant.

And Joan of Arc lowered her head with flushed cheeks, like a flaming cloud of red, spreading from her cheeks to the base of her ears.

“God Ji, why are you staring at her like that?” the angel shouted at Ye You.


Ye You was thinking about things, but really didn’t notice Joan’s clothes.

At this moment, under the reminder of Gabriel, I found out that Joan of Arc’s plump and graceful body like a peach was only covered by a few pieces of rags, showing the exquisite curve of extreme temptation.

Large areas of snow-white and smooth skin are exposed, and the black and messy fireworks are dotted in it, like a pitiful little white rabbit.

As expected of Zand.


Especially the fullness of the chest, the curve is amazing.

Ye You silently retracted her gaze, expressionless, and said, “I’m thinking about something. I’m ready to go out.”

Hearing the voice, Joan raised the corner of her eyes and glanced secretly. His eyes were so clear and his face was so solemn.

Joan of Arc was shocked and couldn’t help lowering her head again, ashamed of her rude thought just now.

Ye You broke through the imaginary space and landed on a small hill more than fifty kilometers northwest of Rouen.

“Ah, I finally saw the sun, that space is too depressing.”

Even if the time was short, the sight of the light still made the abandoned angel feel endless.

At this moment, Jeanne devoutly knelt down towards Ye You and Gabriel, interlaced her fingers, and put them on her chest, “Thank you my lord.”

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter.” Gabriel waved her hand and put away her wings and halo, “That group of people is too savage, they actually want to burn you to death. I’ve only seen it in textbooks before. Speaking of which, you’ve committed a crime. What sin?”

Hearing Gabriel’s question, Jeanne made no excuse. Judgments of right and wrong vary from person to person, and she believes that the Lord can discern every detail.

Ye You said: “The two armies are fighting, my hero is my hero, and the enemy is my enemy. There is nothing to say about it.”

“Oh, it turned out to be a war.”

Gabriel is still very smart. As the chief graduate of Angel Academy, she can get a general idea with only fragmentary information.

But usually she hardly thinks about anything, it should be said that she focuses her attention on the game.

The same is true at this moment, she quickly lost interest in Joan of Arc, “God Ji, you said, help me with gold.”

“no problem.”

Ye You smiled sincerely – if I could go to your world.

Otherwise, how can you help you?

The network cable is not connected, and the recharge page cannot be found.

The waste angel didn’t think so much. Hearing Ye You’s return, he nodded contentedly.

Ye You asked Jeanne to stand up, and her delicate and delicate body leaked out, so Ye You could only stare at the void without focus.

“Gabriel, lend her your clothes.”

“Lend her yourself.” It’s not that the waste angel likes to wear sports jackets, but that she really has no money to buy clothes.

“I’ll take it off again…”

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