The Troublesome Journey of the Chat Room Gentlemen

Chapter 13

“Tsk, what a hassle.”

Gabriel said no, but her body was still very honest.

She quickly took off her sports jacket and put it on Gabriel.

“Thank you my lord, thank you Lord Angel.”

Joan of Arc’s flattered hands squeezed the sides of the zipper of the clothes and pulled them towards the middle.

But Gabriel’s clothes were too small for her, which accentuated the saintess’ curves even more.

Sure enough, how can the **** not be huge to gather people’s hearts.

Ye You secretly sighed.

It is not unreasonable that Joan of Arc has a [Leadership].

Chapter 17 Dimensional Disturbance

Type month, May 30, 1431.

The Hundred Years War between Britain and France is still unstoppable, and the smoke of the war hangs over the heads of the two peoples.

The Duchy of Burgundy has long sleeves and good dance, balancing between Britain and France.

Although it is a nominal French vassal, the Duchy of Burgundy maintains a long-term ally with England, causing the French royal family to suffer.

At the siege of Compiègne, Joan of Arc, the savior of the suzerain country, was captured and handed over to the bishop who favored England for trial.

Joan of Arc wrongly signed a confession for being illiterate and was burned at the old market in Rouen.

In the end, he was rescued by the arrival of Ye You and Gabriel.

This is generally the case.

However, although Joan of Arc is still alive, in the cognition of people in Britain and France in this era, she is also dead.

The troubadours and the editors of the history books will record it “truly”.

In fact, there is also Ye You’s consideration in this.

You can’t save Joan of Arc with great fanfare, so everyone knows it.

—Because of the existence of Xingyue [Quantum Recording Fixation Belt].

It refers to the point in time at which the average of events is fixed at certain intervals. This universe allows for infinite possibilities, resulting in numerous parallel worlds and different histories of development.

Even so, major events will still be “fixed”.

As long as the “fixed belt” is reached, “history” will be restored to its original state.

For example when the result “British Destruction” is “fixed”. Even if time-shifted, the war in Britain was brought to an end, creating the prosperity sung by the virgins.

But at the moment when history enters the fixed belt, it will still be led to the result of “even so, Britain will be destroyed”. and thus derive the basic world that begins with this premise

One or two people can be saved, but the tide of history cannot be stopped.

In other words, “Joan of Arc can be saved”, but “Joan of Arc was burned at the stake” cannot be changed.

Because it plays a pivotal role in the history of European development.

Otherwise, it may be abruptly “corrected” back.

A bit of Steins;Gate.

Yes, it’s all a choice of SteinsGate.

Moreover, even now, there is still a seat for Joan of Arc on the outer heroic seat.

“So, where are we going now?”

Abandoned Angel asks a question.

Yeah, where to go?

Ye You didn’t even think about it, it would come in this era, and he thought he would vigorously intervene in the Holy Grail War.

Obtaining the Holy Grail is undoubtedly the fastest way to improve strength.

At that time, Kuang San can be **** and fed, and it can be regarded as a repayment for her meal.

But even the first Holy Grail War was in the early 19th century, hundreds of years from now.

Why don’t you go to the Clock Tower in London?

Just as Ye You was thinking about it, there was a ding in the dimensional chat room.

[Dimensional disturbance point +10]

[Dimensional disturbance points can be used for points exchange]

Gabriel also took out her smartphone from her pocket, thumb up.

“God Ji, have you received it?”

“Hmm. Add 10 perturbation points.”

The two of them looked at Joan of Arc together, and the saint was taken aback, what are you looking at me for?

A little panic.

Dimensional disturbance… Could it be because of saving Joan of Arc?

Well, that should be it.

“Redeem points? What can points be used for?”

Ye You looked at the functional area, and the lock-like pattern was opened, “Probably used in ‘Mall’ and ‘Dimension Transfer’. Look, it seems to be activated.”

“Neet Ji: Huh? The mall and dimension transfer are unlocked!”

It’s Kaguya, and it feels like she’s online 24 hours a day.

“Neet Ji: Take a look at the concubine and see what’s there.”

“Neet Ji: Isn’t there a code for everything?”

There are still some, such as “dimensional anchors”, and the coordinates must be determined to perform dimensional transfer.

In other words, if you want to perform a dimensional shuttle, you must spend points to buy anchor points in the mall, and then spend points for dimensional transfer.

Therefore, neet Ji said nothing.

The cheapest “dimensional anchor point” is also 100, and “dimensional transfer” is also 100.

In addition, the mall also has a lottery system, every 10 points, one spin.

“Chiba’s Fallen Saint Black Cat: Huh? That is to say, we can travel through dimensions at will.”

Black cat is very excited.

In fact, Ye You glanced at it, and now there are only 11 anchor points.

10 of them are the worlds where each person in the chat room is located.

And the last anchor point reads “unknown”, I don’t know which world it will be teleported to… After a long time, do you still want to be an adventurer?

“[]: There is also an “invitation volume”.”

Invitation volume, a ticket to invite others to join the chat room.

There is no specific indication of how many points are required, only “varies from person to person”.

Ye You selected Joan of Arc as the target, [3000 points].

He secretly clicked his tongue, so much?

And saving Joan of Arc, only 10 disturbance points, converted into points, that is, 10 points.

“Chiba’s Fallen Saint Black Cat: What’s the way to get points?”

The girl was a little impatient.

“Kato Megumi: Click on the details page for an introduction.”

Kato Megumi also won a Coke last time, so she was skeptical about the dimensional chat room.

There are three main ways to earn points:

1. Sign in. Check in every day to earn a point.

If you sign in for 200 consecutive days, you will be able to transfer the dimension.

2. Complete indoor tasks.

3. Interfere with intelligent creatures in other dimensions. That is, dimensional disturbance.

“Is there a special indication of sapient creatures…”

Ye You and Gabriel looked at the chat room silently.

The air was suddenly quiet when we were chatting just now, which made Jeanne a little apprehensive.

What happened?

At this moment, Ye You is looking at the details page of dimensional disturbance, which refers to the “degree” of “direct” impact on primates in various worlds.

Yes, “directly”, not “indirectly”.

There is no “butterfly effect”.

That is to say, only one wave can be harvested.

It is impossible to obtain the disturbance value for the chain reaction of subsequent parties or the world.

Joan of Arc at the moment is an example.

Save her, a series of chain reactions will definitely occur in the follow-up, but the disturbance value is only 10 once, and there is no additional follow-up.

It turns out that Ye You understands that if you want to do it, you need to make a big news.

Ye You suddenly smiled and looked at Gabriel, “I know where I went.”


The waste angel fiddled with his smartphone without looking up.

“Battlefield.” Ye You said.

“Battlefield?” Gabriel slowly raised her head.

“The Hundred Years War between Britain and France, life was devastated, blood was lost, people were displaced and hungry,”


“So, don’t you think you, as a kind and holy angel, should redeem them?”

“It makes sense, but it feels so troublesome.”

“You don’t need to do anything, as long as you spread a pair of white wings and a golden ring on your head, you can come.”

Gabriel pondered the feasibility.

At this moment, Jeanne was watching Ye You with reverence on her face.

Chapter 18 Angel? What the hell, that’s a heretic, a witch!

The sun shone in the sky, pouring out a warm light.

Between the Jura Mountains and the southeastern tip of the Paris Basin, black smoke rises, blood and tattered cloth armor down the Rhine.

Ye You and Gabriel Jeanne went up the river along the river.

Jeanne followed closely behind.

Ye You tried to intervene in the war to see if he could gain anything.

“There is an English garrison in front, about 500 heavy infantry, and a little light cavalry, plus logistical supplies, about 1100 people. At the battle meeting the day before yesterday, we originally planned to attack their baggage and cut off the supply of food. Line. Judging from the smoke of gunpowder in the distance and the traces on the ground, we probably failed and encountered their regular troops.”

Joan of Arc frowned and analyzed, and couldn’t help but worry.

Starting from the hometown, this is to save the motherland.

Ye You was a little surprised.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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