The Two Hundred and Eighty Pound Fat Girl and Her Five Husbands

Chapter 80: Moving House

Chapter 80

When Wang Family Wife saw Immortal Lin's eyes turn cold early, she didn't dare to hesitate anymore. She directly picked up the cup and drank all the water in the cup.

After Wang Family Wife had drunk all the water, she immediately felt the pain in her body was greatly reduced. Even her blurred vision, which she had since she contracted the plague, became clear at this moment.

"How is it? Does the medicine of this great immortal work?"

"It works, it works. Immortal Lin, thank you for your life-saving grace. Tomorrow when I come back, I will definitely bring you one hundred taels of gold."

"That's enough, don't thank me anymore. Now you should take your husband from the Wang Family and leave here quickly.


Immortal Lin looked at Wang Family Wife and her husband coldly, and said seriously word by word:

"Remember, when you come back tomorrow, don't step into my yard. It doesn't matter if you die, just don't spread the plague to my family."

"We understand, Immortal Lin."

After Wang Family Wife left with her husband, Immortal Lin turned around and looked at the old village chief standing aside. She hesitated for a moment, then walked up and directly held the old village chief's hand to transfer the sickness from his body.

To be honest, she really didn't want to care about whether the old village chief lived or died. It was him who brought Wang Family Wife who had contracted the plague to her, which forced her to accept the system's task.

The most important thing was that the task given to her by the system was to completely eliminate the plague.

"Little Hua Lin, what are you doing?"

"Nothing. I know a little medical skill and want to see if you are infected with the plague."

"So, am I infected with the plague?" The old village chief asked anxiously.

"I'm not sure yet. Please let me think about it before I can give you an answer."

After speaking, Lin Zaozao lowered her head pretending to be lost in thought, and called out to the system in her mind.

[System, is the old village chief infected with the plague?]

[Yes. The old village chief was just infected. The symptoms are not obvious yet. You just need to transfer the sickness from him once to cure his plague.]

[System, do you have any way for me to confirm if others are infected with the plague?]

[There is. In order for the host to complete this task smoothly, the system will give you a special reward now. That is, giving the host a pair of eyes that can see the pain and sickness of others.

Once anyone is sick, the host can see red bars on that person. Once the red bars on that person are full, that person's life will enter a countdown.]

[Thank you, system.]

[Host, you're welcome. Let me add, I hope the host will soon become a four hundred jin fat ball to come to the system to exchange for a level 5 antidote.]

[Stupid system, stop joking.]

[The system and the fat ball do not need to speak human words. After all, a four hundred jin fat ball is just a single-celled organism without a brain.]

[Cut the crap, stupid system. If I were a single-celled organism, then youTM are just a string of unemotional code.]

As soon as Lin Zaozao's words fell, the system immediately fell into dead silence. Hearing no sound in her mind, Lin Zaozao became a little anxious for a while.

What was going on, was the system really angry with her? Just as Lin Zaozao thought the system had gone offline from her anger, the system's voice came back to Lin Zaozao's ears.

[The host is right. The system is just a string of unemotional code.]

[No, system. I was just joking with you, don't be angry.]

[What the host said is true. The system will not be angry with you because of this. However, host, the system reminds you now to take good care of your husbands during the plague outbreak! One of them may die from the plague.]

[Who is it? Which of my husbands will die?]

[Host, the system cannot say. If the system says it, the Way of Heaven will obliterate the system.]

[Then is the resurrection pill you prepared for me for one of my husbands?]

[Host, this is the most the system can do for you. Life is so precious. Please cherish it. In the future, the host will get what you wish for.]

After speaking, the system's voice disappeared from Lin Zaozao's mind.

Be careful of my husbands?

Lin Zaozao looked back at the door she had locked behind her.

Did the system's words mean that one of Gu Shan would lose his life because of this plague?

Just as Lin Zaozao was lost in thought, the voice of the old village chief timely brought back her thoughts.

Lin Zaozao looked up and retracted the sickness she had collected. Looking at the red progress bar above the old village chief's head displaying zero, it proved that the old village chief's body was now plague-free. Then Lin Zaozao turned to look at Zhao Yingmei and her husbands who had been standing next to the old village chief all along. The red progress bars above their heads also displayed zero.

Fortunately, they were not infected with the plague either.

"Little Hua Lin, am I infected with the plague?"

"Village chief, you are not infected with the plague."

Seeing the old village chief breathe a sigh of relief, Lin Zaozao thought for a while and still asked:

"Village chief, when you brought Wang Family's people to me yesterday, did you know Wang Family Wife was infected with a plague?"

"I didn't know. When Wang Family's people came to me, they only said that you could summon lightning in broad daylight, so they gave me a lot of silver, wanting me to recommend you.

At that time, they only told me that their wife was possessed by an evil spirit, and didn't say their wife had contracted a plague.

But after I went back last night, I heard the government's notice saying that the plague was rampant recently and had spread extensively.

I thought about Wang Family's description. I realized their wife was very likely infected with a plague. But I had taken Wang Family's silver, and the silver had been taken away by my useless son.

I couldn't get it back no matter what, and my wife made a fuss. I had no silver to return to Wang Family, so I could only, I could only..."

Seeing the old village chief hem and haw, Lin Zaozao knew what he wanted to say next even without him finishing.

Although she knew the saying "people do anything for money, and a bird dies for food", the old village chief's family's actions of not caring about their lives for money still shocked her deeply.

The old village chief's son and wife were simply obsessed with money.

What's the use of money when you have lost your life!

If it wasn't to complete the task given by the system, she wouldn't even bother about whether the old village chief lived or died!

That old fogey, how could he pit her like this!

But seeing the old village chief's ashamed face, Lin Zaozao could only take back what she was about to say next.

She looked at the old village chief and said earnestly:

"Village chief, what's done is done. I'm too lazy to haggle with you. Now you go and notify the villagers that because of the recent plague outbreak, they should not move around and interact with each other. It would be best to lock down the village."

"Little Hua Lin, Luoshui Village can't be locked down anymore. Today a family in the village held a wedding. Many outsiders entered Luoshui Village for the wedding. With so many wedding guests stirring things up, the people of Luoshui Village must have all been infected with the plague."

Hearing the old village chief's words, Lin Zaozao was so angry she wanted to curse.

The old village chief had received the government's notice last night, but why didn't he lock down the village last night and instead allowed the villagers to hold a grand banquet.

His actions really made him unworthy to be the village chief. At this moment, Lin Zaozao was extremely disappointed with the old village chief's actions.

After the plague ended, Luoshui Village really needed to elect a village chief with some brains. But this was not something Lin Zaozao could decide.

What she needed to do now was to quickly get the plague under control. Otherwise, she was afraid she would lose her life.

After seeing the old village chief out with some speechlessness, Lin Zaozao went to Zhao Yingmei and her husbands who had been standing there foolishly, and said:

"Zhao Yingmei, the ghostly energy on you is not fatal, but if you are infected with the plague, it may cost you your lives.

"In that case, I suggest that you stay at home before the plague passes and don't go anywhere. After the plague passes, I will come back to expel the evil spirits from your bodies. Is that okay?"

"Okay, okay. In that case, we'll go back now."

"Mm! Go back! Remember, stay at home before the plague passes and don't go anywhere."

Zhao Yingmei nodded firmly at Lin Zaozao, then immediately pulled her husband back home.

Because once they were infected with the plague, they would have no way out except death without treatment.

Seeing that everyone in the yard had left, Lin Zaozao finally turned around and opened all the doors of the room.

When Ji Fantian and the others came out, Lin Zaozao hurriedly signaled them to hurriedly pack up their packages and move to the neighboring house.

"Lin Zaozao, what do you mean? What do you mean we move to the neighboring house, what about you!" Ji Fantian asked in puzzlement.

"Ji Fantian, there is a plague outside now. For your own good, move to the neighboring yard now.

Take all the rice, flour, oil and food with you. If it's not enough, I'll find a way to buy more for you. Remember, don't go anywhere before the plague passes."

Seeing Lin Zaozao dragging her fat body and panting as she tidied up packages for them, they were suddenly filled with an indescribable feeling.

They were just some powerless disabled people, but the fat wife in front of them, when disaster struck, the first thing she thought of was protecting their safety.

The feeling of being cared for felt so good, why did they only feel it for the first time!

"Ji Fantian, Murong Hai, Ruo Qiu, why are you standing there blankly? Hurry up and pack up." I'm afraid that when the plague spreads, it will be troublesome if you get infected."

Thinking of the system telling her that one husband would die, Lin Zaozao became more nervous involuntarily.

Although she could use her body fat to exchange for a level 5 antidote in the future, one can never be too careful.

If Murong Hai and the others really died from the plague, Lin Zaozao would never forgive herself.

But after Lin Zaozao tidied up a package, her few husbands were still standing there blankly.

"What are you froze for? Hurry up and pack up. Pack up and get out of here. To be honest, I feel annoyed just looking at you guys standing here!"

Hearing Lin Zaozao's urgent roar, the first to speak out was Xiao Taohua. A charming smile appeared on his face. After winking at Lin Zaozao, he walked straight to Lin Zaozao's side and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Little fatty, aren't I the cooking servant you hired? If I leave, what will you eat?"

"That's easy. After you finish cooking, pass me a bowl over the wall. If that doesn't work, I can cook some rice porridge myself."

After speaking, Lin Zaozao pulled Xiao Taohua's hand, intending to take him to the neighboring house. But when she pulled, she couldn't move Xiao Taohua.

"Little fatty, didn't you get pregnant with my child? You're a pregnant woman now. As a husband, how could I abandon my wife when she's pregnant just to save my own life!"

"Oh, come on, Xiao Taohua. You know clearly that I don't have a child in my belly, only fat.

Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and take Gu Shan and the others away. Right, Gu Shan's mobility is poor, take extra care of him when you get to the neighboring house.

Also, Ji Fantian can't see, help him out with Ruo Qiu and the others if he needs anything."

After speaking, Lin Zaozao pulled away Xiao Taohua's arm and turned around, intending to take Gu Shan over first.

But before she could take two steps, Xiao Taohua grabbed her again.

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