The Unified States of Mana

Chapter 85 ~ The Lords of Frey

Leadership should be considered more a burden than a privilege.

It’s an idea my older brother quite liked when he was teaching me about politics. It would have been good for me to listen more, now that I’m in a situation to actually use the lessons, but unfortunately, I never quite saw this particular series of events coming.

It feels almost like we’re walking through a mineshaft as Green-feet leads us out towards the lords chambers. The rough construction seems even more evident here than in the markets, and there’s no sign I can see of any recent work.

This entire bastion feels like land newly settled with all the pleasant chaos that it provides. It’s strange to wonder what the lord of this place will be like, but it’s nice to see that he values the markets over his own office.

I hope that he doesn’t want to cause any trouble for us.

Through the winding corridor and up a set of stairs, roughly hewn from the earth, we come upon a rather short and undignified Alaksar slouching on a rather plain wooden chair. The desk which he sits at is scarred from use and is littered with more than a few slips of paper, but besides that there isn’t much in the way of furniture in the room.

He turns towards us as we enter, we must be looking quite the motley crew. Our allegiances aren’t even to the point where I’d consider these people to be properly mine, as much as I’d like to, and Red certainly doesn’t think so.

“Welcome, welcome.” Says the short, blue Alaksar, waving a webbed claw our way. “You’re all new here? From above I’ve heard?”

“From the academy, yes.” I say, ensuring to step out ahead of the others. I might trust Red to deal with leading a combat team, but I will not let her supersede me here where politics are at play.

If anyone should fuck my reputation, it should be me.

“Whatever it is.” He says without a care. “You don’t know the laws down here?” He asks, sitting up a little and looking between us. “It’s a good thing Green-feet found you when he did. Wouldn’t want you accidentally breaking the laws, before getting the chance to learn about them.”

“Well, let’s hear about these laws then.” I say, suppressing my contrarian urge to start shooting the moment someone tries to tell me I’ve broken their rules. If their rules suck too bad, I can always kill them after hearing about it. Or maybe, I could even be patient and figure out a more diplomatic solution, which would be proper.

“The most important rule first. Don’t ever leave the dungeon.” He says strictly, “If you stumble into the ruins above, then try to get out as quickly as you can. Frey watches, and if it’s an accident, or you run trying to escape a beast, she might afford you some leniency, but do not take her kindness for granted.”

“That’s going to be a little difficult.” I say, trying to force my more rebellious emotions into a dark corner while I think. “Some of us have class to get to.”

“I don’t make the rules.” He says, “I just try my best to ensure that no one breaks them. Frey can take care of herself, but it’s always best to try and keep her in a good mood where we can.”

“Frey?” I ask. “You’ve said that name a few times now.”

“The dungeon. Down here, she’s god. You’ll get used to it.” He says, leaning back and looking between us. “Know that she’s always watching us, even if it’s with half a mind. So, there’s no sneaking out either. That’s really the one really big rule, okay? So, it’s best if you get used to living down here.

“You aren’t going to break that rule, are you?”

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t considering it.” I say, “But while I’ve been called insane a few times already today, I’m not so far gone that I’m willing to challenge a god to a fistfight just so that I can make it to class on time.”

“Good.” He says, relaxing into his chair. “Frey is good to us. It’s only right we treat her with the same respect.”

“Oh, she’s not so fussy really.” A familiar face appears alongside the familiar voice, in the midst of a blast of fast decaying mana. The lady who walks into the room from a door behind the lord’s desk, is the same one who healed us after our first trip into the ruins.

“Ar… Arduelle!” Shouts the shocked lord as he nearly falls from his chair trying to bow and salute at the same time, looking like he’s having a stroke.

The lady simply waves her hand at him dismissively as she approaches us, looking between us all but giving a more familiar and gentle smile to those of us already familiar with her.

I recall she said something about being the self-proclaimed caretaker of the world beneath the academy. I should’ve realised something was strange with that claim the moment I discovered the dungeon down here.

“It’s a shame. I didn’t even get the chance to introduce myself.” She says, looking between us, before sparing a single slightly amused glance at the lord. He’s finished with his attempts at politeness and now nervously sits at his desk looking up at her in shock, like a Christian who suddenly has Jesus himself show up for dinner unannounced while they were the midst of saying grace.

“I suppose I can’t afford to complain, since it was I who avoided giving my name at our last meeting.” She says. Her beautiful smile seeming genuinely warm, though from how the lord has reacted to her I can’t help but feel like I’m staring down the nose of an apex predator.

“Though, I suppose I should still introduce myself more formally. I’m Arduelle, friend and caretaker of Frey, survivor of a half dozen realm cleansings, and the most senior dungeon in all of existence; unless another has managed to hide themselves from that old geezer.

“It’s a pleasure to see that you’re all still alive and well.” She says, smiling happily towards us as we try to break down all the implications that she’s intentionally buried into her introduction.

“You’re a dungeon?” I ask, “And you’re taking care of a fellow dungeon. That much makes some strange sense, I guess. What doesn’t make sense to me, is that you’re the most powerful dungeon in existence, and you’re hiding from an ‘old geezer’?”

“Tut-tut. Most senior, not the most powerful.” She says, “Great power, makes for a great target. Now that’s enough for questions. I did come by for a reason.”

I check on my companions to see how they’re holding up.

Red is gazing upon Arduelle with caution, seemingly both a little frightened and a little excited.

Rare is making her best impression of a statue, while standing in a rear corner of the room. Lui has followed suit but seems to be taking more active measures in his attempts to hide.

Arn doesn’t seem bothered at all, and even seems a little bored at the conversation. The weirdest part in that, is that he doesn’t seem braindead. As far as I can tell, he understands exactly what’s going on, and he simply doesn’t care.

Our snake-man is making a rather valiant attempt to imitate the larger Arn, but his smile is clearly forced and his tail is curled up rather closely to his body.

Eshya, however, is watching with measured caution and excitement, as she touches the grip on her sword. If I know her at all, she’s wondering just how strong this personified dungeon is.

“How are you in a body?” Vii bursts out. “Dungeons are meant to fill a space, aren’t they?”

“Is possessing flesh any different from possessing stone? No.” Arduelle says. “For us, possessing matter isn’t really so challenging, though it does change perspective a little.”

“How are you not freaking out right now?” Rare asks us, unable to hide properly, and clearly having enough of this strange situation.

“We’ve been forced into strange positions before-” I say

“Yeah, you have,” Eshya says.

And,” I glare at our elf, “While it’s not the most welcome surprise, I assume that she’s not trying to enslave us or kill us, so her nature and her strength are irrelevant.”

“An accurate assumption.” Aduelle says. “I knew there was a reason I took an interest in all of you. It’s a shame I couldn’t meet you all, but the others really do not seem the type to survive well in the wilds below.

“It’s interesting that you managed to pull out their collars too. It’s not often that someone figures out a way to do that.”

“What can I say, I’m talented.” I reply, realizing again how easily she can spy on us.

“Well back to the point of my coming here.” She says, taking a step back. “The rules this lord was about to describe are important, but I’m wanting to hear you’re opinion on the first one.”

“Staying in the dungeon?” I ask. “It sucks. We have class to get to, and I’d really like the chance to make the most of that opportunity.”

I decided against trying to hide the truth, partly because I’d fail anyway, and partly because the other option is lying about how wonderful it is to be imprisoned down here.

“So, you want to be able to go back up to the surface as you like?” She asks, leaning against the wall and smiling in such a way that makes me certain that she’s toying with me to some degree.

“What is it that you want?” I ask. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that she wants something in return for this freedom.

“There is some wiggle room in terms of that rule,” She says. “But you see, there is a certain balance that has to be maintained in this world. We have to ensure that the beasts stay below and allow the civilised world above to pretend that nothing is amiss.

“I’m sure you understand what I’m saying. Don’t make a fuss about us being down here, and don’t cause any serious trouble up there and we’ll all be happy neighbours.”

“That’s it?” I ask.

“No, certainly not. That’s just the first condition.” She says.

“And…?” I ask.

“Hmm, what sort of deal should we make?” She says, more playfully than thoughtfully. “Something for entertainment? Perhaps we could make you a lord too. No, you won’t be around to actually take the business seriously.

“An observation talisman perhaps…? Yes, yes, I think that would do well. I haven’t seen the academies in a long while, I doubt they’ve changed overmuch, but it may prove interesting.”

“An observation talisman…?” I ask, thinking back to the statue of Vii keeping watch over our base in the ruins. Perhaps I should be worried about all the other possible uses, but what bothers me most is the idea that she’ll be perving on us in private.

“Oh, you needn’t worry about it so much. It’ll be properly enchanted to guard against passing inspections.”

“You’ll be watching us in private?” Eshya asks, suddenly on guard against the taller woman.

“You do remember that we’re dungeons, yes?” She says, quite enjoying this. “While my perceptions are rather contained, Frey can see everything you get up to down here. I doubt either of us will take an interest in your bathroom or your bedroom habits.”

“Is that all, or are you going to add something more?” I ask, tossing up whether it’s worth accepting her tracker. As she says, we don’t have privacy down here anyway.

“Nothing for now.” She says, all too cheerfully. She summons a small pendant in a flash of mana, likely some kind of space magic.

“Is there a way to turn it off?” I ask, “I don’t much like the thought that you might be recording us. Dungeon or no.”

“There isn’t.” She says, laughing in amusement. “Just ask us to look away if it bothers you that much.”

“This is the only way you’ll let us return to the academy?” I ask, trying to clear away the sour taste in my mouth.

“For you? Yes.”

“It will let as all travel to the surface?” I ask.

“Those that won’t cause problems.” She replies turning to Red, “Sorry my dear, but you’ll be staying.”

“For now.” Red replies smiling up at Arduelle.

“Fine, I agree to your terms.” I groan, “But you’d better not mess around with us.”

“Oh, and how will you respond if I do mess around?”

“Hold a grudge.” I reply, with a long sigh. I thought I was escaping politics like this by coming down here. At least the ruins still seem to be a safe middle ground.

She smiles and chuckles at my response, glancing over to the lord, I’m thinking that not many people here speak with her so openly. It’s good luck on my part, I suppose, that the powerful people I keep meeting are all rather unusual rather than stuck up.

“So, even the wild beasts follow that rule?” I ask, as I accept the steel coloured pendant that she hands me. I can’t see any mana inside of it, but I suppose that’s what she was promising. She likely doesn’t want anyone to notice what it is.

“They’re made to understand their place, those that survive learned from those that didn’t. Some still cause a fuss every now and again, but that’s what the lords are here to deal with. If they fail, I’m also ready to deal with things personally, so I’d much appreciate it if you don’t force me drop by for business.”

“So that’s it? We can now leave, but only us, and we can’t cause a fuss?” I ask. “You don’t care about us hunting beasts down here or anything?”

“Not at all. Everything needs to eat. Don’t go expecting Frey or I to save you because you decided to turn yourself into fish food, though. I would be sad to see you go but I won’t likely step in to save you again.”

“Alright.” I say, nodding quietly. Her offer doesn’t interfere with our current plans any, thankfully, even for all the private problems it introduces.

It is somewhat concerning that we might mess up badly enough that we’ll be stuck down here anyway, but that’s nothing new.

“With that said, feel free to make a home down here.” She says, “Frey adores the desperate struggles of groups like yours, so I hope you can be good friends with her.”

“I try to avoid promises like that.” I reply, “Besides, is it even possible to talk to her?”

“Be assured, she’s always watching you while you’re down here. I have taught her how to create a proxy through which she can talk, but she is rather shy so don’t expect much.”

As Arduelle says this a slight tremor runs through the walls around us, as if a minor earthquake is taking place. It only makes the older dungeon chuckle in response.

“Well, I’ll stop interfering then. I think I’ve said plenty enough.” She says, heading into the room and disappearing in a flash of thick mana light.

“Feel blessed.” The lord says, nervously tapping his fingers to the table, “The gods have taken an interest in you. I’d suggest you not treat their advice lightly… but I’m sure that’s not needed.”

He trembles a little before shaking himself and returning to his relaxed posture with a long, weary sigh.

“Well, that’s done.” He says, “No longer speaking on behalf of Frey. The rest of our rules are such that I’m sure you’re already familiar with. Don’t steal. Don’t murder other citizens. Don’t harm other citizens. Don’t be a prick. The last one isn’t a rule, just good advice.

“We do appreciate having more intelligent people down here, the beasts get to be a right pain in our asses, so having other slayers around to deal with the damage makes life easier on us all.

“Kill dangerous beasts, trade, and don’t fuck about. We’ll all be good friends.”

It is strange how easily he transitions away from the fearful young lord, to such a casual warning/welcome.

“I understand that you still need a place to put up?” he asks, while pulling a large map from the wall. “From the sound of it, you’re not looking for rooms here?”

“Not really, no.” I reply. “It’d do in a pinch, but I was hoping for something I can consider a little more mine.”

“That’s fine.” He says, tracing a finger over the map. “It’s not uncommon for people to come out to the wilds like this to get away from civilisation. You’re hardly unique in that respect.

“We don’t have a complete map of the region. A few of the more dangerous beasts have made it impossible, but we do have a few places marked out as potential bases and emergency sanctuaries.”

The map he’s looking over is a work of considerable efforts, and that’s not only for the sake of the artist who inked the parchment. The scouts themselves had to have gone to ludicrous lengths to look over the walls, lakes, and caverns around the large expanse that is this cavern.

A few passages at the edges of the map are marked with names, likely to describe other sections of the dungeon and the passages between. Though they’re not the part that gathers the most attention.

Just as with old maps, that would have dragons, krakens, or other such beasts drawn in the most distant unknown seas, there are beasts of similarly fantastical nature drawn into the blank gaps in this map. If I understand what he was saying correctly, then these beasts are not only real, but the blank parts of the map mark out their territory.

There’s a massive two-legged beast that has the posture of a T-rex, which apparently roams the lands in the centre of the map. Another beast with massive claws and sharp spines covering it’s back has carved out a small space for itself in another section of the map.

These things make sense to me, monsters that are truly worthy of the name.

The flock of birds in one corner, and what looks like a little rabbit in another, seem much less threatening to me, but most confusing of all is the picture that sits over where the ancient city should be.

“What… is this?” I ask, pointing at the group of gremlins that seem to be jostling each other playfully.

“That’s the ancient city.” The lord says, “It’s controlled by the gremlins. Though, as with most of these creatures, they often travel outside of their marked territory, some are trying to expand their influence, others are merely hunting. Some we can’t really understand at all.”

“So that city is their home?” I ask, trying to understand. I feel like for the first time I can truly sympathise with the side characters in ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’. A bunch of violent, uncivil creatures like that do not belong in a rich, and regal city like the one they’re living in.

“Yes, essentially.” He replies again, “They refuse to cooperate with us lords however, and seem to hold little respect for Frey and the rules we live by.

“What I’m trying to say is that you won’t trouble us any if you decide to hunt them down.” He replies, “In fact, we’d be quite happy to see another threat gone. We’d also like to see if there’s anything locked inside that city. I doubt there’s still anything from the first age, but plenty of people have come and gone in that time leaving relics of their own.”

“Setting aside all that extra fluff.” I say, barely keeping myself from interrupting him, “No one else has dibs on this city? I’ve asked others but…”

“Plenty of people are interested, that’s for sure, but no one has the people or the strength to raid it. Let alone try and hold it.” He replies.

“Good, good.” I say, thinking through a few plans that will likely take months to come to fruition.

“Ah, Kyra. Shouldn’t we worry about where everyone is going to be sleeping tonight, first?” Vii asks, from my side.

“Ah, I got distracted.” I admit, shaking my head clear of all the grandiose ideas that distract me. I partially blame my lack of focus on lack of sleep, but regardless of excuses, I need to focus.

“Right. We need more immediate accommodations. Somewhere reasonably safe, and large enough to fit a few dozen. It needs to be near to this entrance here.” I say pointing at the entrance where the others are waiting.

“Near the lake…” he says, looking around. “It would be close by too, so we can support one another and trade easier… Here. This place would fit your demands.”

The place he points towards is a small network of marks scratched over the mangrove roots. It’s rather small on the map but considering scale it’s probably more than enough for our currently small band of misfits and escaped slaves.

“It’s been thoroughly checked once before and is currently acting as an emergency sanctuary so it’s as secure as you can get from wild beasts.” He says, “It’s close and easy enough to access. All that I ask is that you provide assistance to anyone you come across out in the wilds, especially if they come seeking shelter.”

“Of course.” I reply, “I’d do as much if you weren’t giving us free real estate.”

“Then I’ll have a troop put together to help get your people there safely, and to show you the way.” He says, smiling happily as if he’s a merchant who’s just turned silver into gold.

“You’re helping us out so much...” I say, feeling a blend of guilt and suspicion. I know I wouldn’t usually be so selfless as this in his position.

“We are.” He declares, opening his mouth slightly in such a way that my translator describes it as a smug smile. “I hope you feel the weight of that assistance and properly give back to our community when your hearth is warm, and your boots worn in.”

It’s actually rather nice to hear that he expects something so mundane from us.

Favours for favours. Support for support.

We’ll protect each other in emergencies and trade generously, all as good community members.

I don’t much like the idea of not being in complete power, it itches at me like a rash that just won’t go away, but it’s not unbearable. Arduelle has given us leave to squeeze by some of those rules too, though her cursed amulet is certainly going to become a burden.

If they tried to convince me that they were working purely out of kindness I’d probably have to refuse, run away, and find some way to survive on my own. It’s easier to trust someone when you understand what they’re after, and while our relationships still have a long way to grow, I’m feel rather positive about the nice neighbourly relationship already building up between us.

Things can and will change, but for now things are looking good for us.

“I won’t forget.” I say, “I expect that we’ll be providing plenty of trade in the coming months and years. That city certainly seems rich, I’m sure there’s more than enough loot to be shared around with allies and trade partners.”

“Everybody needs good neighbours.” His crocodilian smile is almost as bright as the smile in his eyes.

Now if only the gremlins acted like this.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Skills & Stats


~Mana Form:

Current mana density: 789 units

~Mana distribution:

Skin: 5/28%

Muscle: 33/33%

Mind: 20/65%

Cardiovascular: 11/11%

Misc.: 10/10%

Efficiency: 79/79%


~Favourited Skills:

-Chip Shredder



-Mana surge movement

-Mana surge punch

-Reactive mana skin

-Infused delayed Casting

-Fire burst punch


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


//Author Note

More chapters available



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