The Unified States of Mana

Chapter 86 ~ Leadership

“How much time do we have?” I ask Eshya as we leave behind the lord who waves us goodbye while hanging his map back onto the wall. Green-feet is still with us for now to help guide us, but he’s going to be running off to gather his men shortly.

“A day and some change.” Eshya replies, “We need a chance to rest in that time, though. I’m not sure if you notice it yourself, but me… I need sleep.”

“I’m feeling it too.” I reply, gritting my teeth and blinking my eyes as I bury away the soft bed that floats through my imagination, taunting me. “Just trying not to show it.”

“Sleep is good.” Vii says. “We’ve been up for… since… I don’t remember. I did nap before our attack on the beast prison, though. That was nice.”

“Yeah, we’ll set everything up, then go get some sleep.” I say, thinking of the new sanctuary we’ll be moving into down here.

I’m certainly not going to complain about the favourable treatment we’ve received down here, especially with how desperately we need the help, but I do feel quite a bit put off by it as well.

It’s a gift.

A boon.

It’s not the product of my own work, or even the work of those I consider my people. It’s nothing that I can be proud of, or even satisfied with, no matter how nice of a place it is. If we’d been gifted that city, I know I’d feel just as off-put about it as I am now.

Though, problems concerning my ego set aside, it is something we desperately needed.

My guns are the same, and the armour. My new support device, another gift. Things that I’ve gained due to the good will of others and not my own strength or efforts. Now this new home is added to the list.

It might not make me a particularly strong or great leader, but I’m not such a shit leader that I’d turn any of this away just because of my ego.

Instead, I’ll use these gifts to build something that I can actually be proud of.

A chef doesn’t need to grow all their own ingredients, they should instead use what they can get to make the best meals they can. This is the same. This sanctuary isn’t the last home we’ll ever need; this pistol, and armour aren’t simply gifts that I’ll use for my own personal gain; the support device isn’t simply a cheat I can use to get ahead of others.

They’re the tools with which I’ll build an empire.

But first, I must take a city.

Meeting that rather unrefined lord, and seeing how he reacted, not merely to us, but to the sudden appearance of a god, or at least a god-parallel, I’m more than a little ashamed of myself. While looking as wholly unimpressive as he was, he had the wits to make the most out of the situation without causing offense or trouble.

I’m sure he has more than one way to deal with us if we ever cause him issues. I’ll have to find out more about local politics and culture so that I don’t get myself caught in some trouble unaware.

My counter plan if things go wrong is dangerously simple. Point Red in the right direction, and hope she plays along with me, and is strong enough to handle the enemies we make.

While division of labour is important, I also need to be able to handle this myself in the future, using experts whose allegiance is purely to me. Red is still a lovely asset, but she’s not mine. Not yet.

Finishing up my sleepy self-chiding, I refocus my attention towards the others around me, including our dungeon guide who’s rather keenly marching us back towards the markets. He probably wants to see his crush one more time before we leave.

I try not to think about how disgusting the idea of them together is, considering she’s practically human and he’s… not. So long as it’s not happening right before my eyes, it’s not my place to judge, but it’s still an uncomfortable image.

“That food that you’ve left with us, I can have it delivered to your new home when you’ve set up.” He says, “We should go visit Shira before we leave. The other soldiers are going to take a minute to get ready, but Shira’s fast, I’ll bet she has some of that food ready by now.”

“We can spare a short visit, I suppose.” I say, following him back through the roughly cleared tunnel. Considering that small earthquake from before didn’t even drop a single rock from the roof or wall, this place must be safer than it looks.

The markets are largely as we left them, and we waste no time running over to Shira who immediately sends Green-feet out to carry the meat for her.

“What’s with your relationship there? He’s both a squad leader, and your lacky?” I ask her, leaning on her stall table as she slices up the cooked meat. It doesn’t look like any of the preserved foods that I’m familiar with, but then this isn’t Earth, these aren’t humans, and magic is a thing.

“He comes over here often.” She says with a sigh. “I couldn’t get rid of him, so instead I pay him with some of the products to carry things for me.”

“You two aren’t a thing?” I ask, finding the situation rather amusing. We’re in a dungeon filled with dangerous beasts, under the magical academy which I was unwillingly forced to join, after being kidnapped by a magical lizardman, and now I’m talking relationships with a woman about the alien soldier crushing on her.

What a world I live on. I’m not even sure I ever heard the name of it, though I’m sure it’d be gibberish anyway.

“No.” She replies shortly and harshly. “I’m not… I don’t… Is it wrong to say that I’d prefer to be with someone who’s a little more like me?”

She waves over her elvish features as she does so.

“Not at all.” I say, smiling in amusement, “Have you told him that?”

“I have.” She replies again, short and sharp.

“Kyra?” Eshya asks, looking between me and Shira. “Are we still looking for new members?”

“It’s just small talk,” I say.

“New members?” Shira asks, lopping off some of the cooked meat, slicing it up, and sliding it over to us on a small plate. “Give it a try.”

We all reach out at once, pushing past each other to get a bite.

Just like how we’ve skipped out on sleep, we’ve missed a few meals here and there just to get things done. All the stress until now has pushed those desires down, but the sight of that food on a proffered plate is enough for it to come roaring back.

I slip a cut of meat under my veil and take my first bite.

The meat unravels the moment it’s in my mouth, the mana which was moving in cycles in the meat, scatters and starts infusing into me like a warm soup. The normal razorblades of dense mana simply never appear, and instead I can focus on the mesmerising flavours and aromas filling my mouth with joy.

Perhaps part of it is the ingredients used, but it’s far better than what we get in the restaurant in the world above. It’s bliss.

“Okay, she can join.” Eshya says, taking another slice.

“Aren’t we supposed to talk about it?” Vii says, while not sounding apposed.

“Nel won’t disagree, and Adler has no voice in this yet.” Eshya says.

“You know I haven’t agreed yet either.” I say. “I mean, her cooking is exceptional, but we hardly know each other.”

“What is this you’re all talking about?” Shira asks, looking between us with a smug expression. A victorious smile. She’s glad to see us enjoying her cooking, and I will admit that she is charming, but that’s not the only issue at play here.

“I’m not trying to collect all the pretty women I come across.” I say, “Besides, I’ve barely had any time with everyone as it is.”

“That’s true.” Eshya says, seeming rather happy at my response. “Though we still need to do something to catch this chef before someone else takes her.”

“And that was your first thought?” I ask, laughing at her while patting her shoulder.

“You still haven’t explained yourselves.” Shira says, sounding less and less impressed the longer we ignore her.

“Sorry about that.” I say, “It’s just… how can I phrase this…”

“We were wanting to know if you were going to join the harem.” Vii chirps up.

“I thought we just agreed that we weren’t going to ask that?” I say, and Vii shrugs.

“All I heard was excuses about not having time.” Vii says, greedily taking another slice of meat. “There’s still plenty of time ahead of us, so that’s not really a good excuse.”

“It’s the cooking, isn’t it?” I ask, with a sigh turning my attention back towards the girl. “Don’t mind it so much, we’re all a little tired and it seems it’s making us a little more uncouth than usual.”

“Ah, okay.” Shira says, looking between us in shock. “So that offer…?”

“If you’re interested, feel free to message one of us. Preferably me. Otherwise, don’t let it bother you.” I say, “Is any of that food ready to go?”

“Ah…” She shakes the red from her cheeks and settles back into a professional smile. She lifts a few sizeable packages onto the table, the cooked meat, wrapped in some sort of oiled paper. “I’ll have the rest packed and ready to travel by tomorrow morning.”

“That’ll be great. Green-feet was offering to carry it for us, but I’m sure Red, Bessy, or one of the others could help.” I feel a little bad flirting with his crush while he’s done so much to help us, even though it sounds like he never stood a chance to begin with.

Speaking of the lizard.

“Green-feet there you are. Are the others ready to go? We’ve wasted more than enough time here and the rest of our group is probably getting a little claustrophobic by now. It feels bad leaving it all to Nel and the twins.”

“Do you want to visit the rest of the markets first? See what we’ve got?” He asks, “It’ll just take a few minutes.”

“Not today.” I say, “I really shouldn’t start shopping without Nel around. She’s most aware of what we have for trade, and what we need.”

“Oh, alright then.” He replies a little happier. “Feel free to come by whenever.”

“Yeah, I will.” I reply, looking at the various stalls while thinking.

Everyone here is crazy supportive and helpful. The dungeon herself seems to be welcoming of us, with conditions, and even the local lord, unlike any feudal counterparts I can name, allows us to live here without any overly restrictive rules or laws.

It leads me to thinking about my own leadership style and the community that I’ll want to build.

To be honest the best thing for everyone would be to give them a room here and let them figure it out for themselves while I get back to my school life. Learn, grow, and work towards my goals when I’m better prepared.

The only reasons that justify me building my own community down here are selfish in nature.

I want leadership experience, so that I can make mistakes now. So that I can make an impression on others, like that lord and Arduelle, so that I’ll be seen and treated as a leader and not simply just another random ‘slayer’ as they put it.

Letting out a long sigh, I try to reconcile my personal desires with what I consider my moral responsibilities.

I’ll still take this opportunity, but I won’t deny the others the option to leave and strike out on their own. They should be free to stay or go as they please, and I have to ensure that they understand that and that they are properly equipped to give it a try.

“Here we are, the exit.” Green-feet says, leading us into a wide room with another flowing river passing through it. “I’ve got to go round up the others. They’re going to make us wait otherwise.”

“Thanks.” I say, nodding to him. “To you and everyone here.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He says waving my concerns away, “We all get stuck in the muck now and again and need someone to pull us out. It’s when we watch out for each other that we can stand up to the beasts out there.”

“Or you can just get stronger.” Red suggests with a shrug. “The strongest people don’t need to stand in a formation.”

“Hah.” Green-feet laughs her comment off. “You keep thinking like a beast and you’ll end up eaten by one. Life’s only fun with friends around.”

He leaves before anyone can say another word to him.

“They’re all rather nice.” I say, relaxing with my back against a wall as I let my eyes dip closed for a second. A soft bed would be lovely right about now.

“Could still be dangerous.” Red says, “That lord wreaks of politics. With those dungeons ruling over this place, there’s going to be politics fucking everywhere.”

“Doesn’t change that much,” I say, “At least not for now”.

“Out here in the frontier, maybe.” Red continues, spitting on the stone ground. “Collect enough Lords and Ladies together, and you’ll find more backstabbing and politics than you can dream of.”

“Tomorrow’s problem.” I reply. “Today’s problem is getting our troupe squirreled away in this new home that we’ve been promised and ensuring that it’s secured.”

“Do you have an enchanter?” Red asks, lazing by the side of the waters flow.

“Ria helps us out, but she’s overworked already and only a student.” I reply.

“That’s a shame, any good fortification needs enchantments.”

“Isn’t that true of everything?” I say stretching my back out on the stone wall. “Practically everything gets enchantments, but I only know one enchanter…”

“Good enchantments last,” Red replies. “Like a talented reinforcement mage, enchantment mages can make almost anything better at its job. Of course they’re important, but without a good smith, carpenter, or mason, they have nothing to work with.”

“It’s only together, yada, yada.” I mumble.

“If you want fancy things that is. If you just want strength follow the path of the omega beasts and eat up all the mana you can.”

“Still working on bursting through to my liquid stage.” I reply, “It’s a little hard getting my body accustomed to it.”

“Mana-less moron.” Red laughs at me, “You’ll get there soon enough, I’m sure.”

“Just a matter of training…” I mutter, as a group enters into the room. They’re not Green-feets team, but they seem friendly enough.

“Oh, are you the new guys?” The lead man asks, short and midnight black, his eyes shine bright as he looks between us. “We don’t get many new faces around here.”

These lot seem to have better weapons and armour than the others we’ve seen thus far, and don’t carry around shields. Even so, their armour is an eclectic mix that reminds me a little of a loot-based video game. They’re just wearing the scraps with the best stats attached to them.

“We’re the best local slayers around these parts.” The cheerful man says, hefting an axe that’s a little taller than he is.

“We’ve been the most successful, we shouldn’t assume that means we’re the best.” A tall, young woman says to his side. Aside from a few feathers growing at the edges of her hair, and the same pointed ears of an elf, I would think her a human.

“Isn’t that what makes us the best?” The man asks back.

“What if they are better than us?” She replies waving at us, as she continues in a quiet and somewhat nervous voice. “Or what if a more Skilled team has entered in the last day or so that we don’t know about. We shouldn’t make such large claims.”

“No one cares if we boast a little Charé. Let him introduce himself.” Says a third member of the group, a hooved man with a bow and many knives.

“I’m Darrell, and this is my slayer team.” The axe wielder says, waving back over his armed group. “Come by and say hello if you see us down there. There’s more than enough beasts out there that we don’t need to compete.”

“I’m Kyra,” I say, taking his extended hand. “It’s nice to see some friendly faces, until I came here, I was thinking the dungeon was only filled with mindless monsters.”

“Some days it certainly feels like that.” He says rather happily, “Well, we’d best start the hunt. Be seeing you.”

With a little wave he walks over to the stream and falls right into it.

“Nice to meet you.” Charé says with a little nod before following him. The rest of his team gives their own quiet platitudes before racing off.

“Strange lot.” Red says, itching at her head.

“Are they really?” Eshya asks. “Slayers seem to be their response to the Unified States hunters. It would make sense that they’d be friendly I’d think.”

“Or they’re just hiding their true natures.” Red says. “I’d keep an eye on them, they could be the kind of people to smile to your face and kill you when your back is turned.”

“Is everyone a possible backstabbing sociopath to you?” Eshya asks, sounding genuinely curious.

“What do you think the rebel alliance is?” Red replies, “A bunch of low lives, and misfits who are trying to make a life for themselves. Or, as you put it, ‘backstabbing sociopaths’.”

“That sounds just amazing.” I say, shaking my head.

“Still better than the city up top.”

“For most people, I think the opposite is true.” I reply.

“Well, yeah. Most people aren’t destined to be scrapped and made into dinner.” She replies, “The worlds shit, and you make the most out of it. I’d just rather not die as a slave.”

“Well, we agree there.” I say, waiting for Green-feet to come back by.

The rather uncomfortable truth is that most people would live better lives in the Unified States of Mana than they would here, or among the rebels. While there are cruelties, they’re focused and limited. The few suffer so that the many won’t have to.

It’s sensible, and I know that I can’t do any better than that.

Still, I refuse to be made into their sacrifice. To be a soldier to make their ‘better world’ stay as it is. Besides, it can’t stay as strong as it is forever. It’s crumbling, and this strange academy world, sitting over this dungeon shows just how true that is.

“Sorry I’m late!” Green-feet cries as he rushes into the room with his group of soldiers. “You didn’t have any trouble, did you?”

“We’re fine. Let’s get this started.” I say.

“Good, good.” He says, regaining his posture, “We’ll head down first and secure the area, I’ll send you a warning, and we’ll be off.”

With only as much as a warning, the group of soldiers dive into the water, splashing it everywhere.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Skills & Stats


~Mana Form:

Current mana density: 793 units

~Mana distribution:

Skin: 5/28%

Muscle: 33/33%

Mind: 20/65%

Cardiovascular: 11/11%

Misc.: 10/10%

Efficiency: 79/79%


~Favourited Skills:

-Chip Shredder



-Mana surge movement

-Mana surge punch

-Reactive mana skin

-Infused delayed Casting

-Fire burst punch


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


//Author Note

More chapters available



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