The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 301: Brewing

"Hey! Your wonderful boss is back! How has business been?" 

Comes a well-dressed young man. 

Classy but his demeanor remembering one of a playful youngster. 

He seems way too young to own this place.

Also extremely joyful. 

As if he was finally released from house arrest or something. 

Then he stops suddenly. 

"Wait! We have customers! Welcome, welcome!"

His smile could instantly melt any frozen heart. 

His arms extended in a grand gesture. 

"I'll get you both a pint! On the house! To celebrate my success!" 

He quickly and enthusiastically pours three beers. 

[Hey there, what are we even celebrating?] 

"Hehe, I have finally attained rank 3! He does a small victory pose!"

"How is this possible?! X2!" 

[Oh? And how old are you?] 

"18 this year." 

[That's pretty good then. Pretty much champion level I think.] 

"Pretty good?! That's your reaction?! Rank 3 is extremely powerful!"

"This is insane!" 

Then the boss follows. 

"No, he is right. This doesn't matter. What matters is that I am finally free! I have free time to brew! Victory!" 

[*Thumbs up* Nice!] 

"Alright, let us drink! By the way, you can call me Number One Brewer like everyone does *wink*! Cheers!" 



There are no words to describe the taste. 

It is heavy. 

It leaves an aftertaste. 

It makes one consider life itself. 

It could potentially be a torture tool. 

I swear that guy that drank piss on TV was better off. 

The saying is so damn true! 

[How the hell is it so atrocious!] 

My thief friend is freaking out on the side. 

Fearing me offending a bigshot. 

After all, there is no way he doesn't come from a powerful family. 

"I don't know. Otherwise, I would have fixed the issue." 

Somehow, he manages to keep a straight face while saying that. 

Only showing slight dislike when drinking. 

How many failed products did he go through to get used to the taste?! 

More like does he even have tastebuds?!" 

[So, people call you Number One Brewer ironically?] 

"Actually I won many competitions. Look there." 

He points to a wall full of trophies. 

Nice looking ones. 

[How much did that even cost you in bribes?] 

He gives a sly smile. 

"Not even a copper!"

[Family influence?] 


"Not even!" 

[Then how?!] 

"You see during these competitions the judges need to taste all."

[Don't tell me…!] 

"Yep, none ever dares to taste it. Whenever they give me a mark that isn't perfect, I contest it."

[Then they have no choice but to taste it to seriously rate it?!]


[What about the other contestants? Don't they make a ruckus?] 

"Not really. I tell them they can taste it and that they will know how good it is."

[Oh my god, this is savage!] 

"How about it, do you want to visit my brewing facilities?"

[Of course!] 

Before long I am seeing his secret lab. 

It doesn't look anything special. 

"Let me explain there are four vital steps to brewing. 

The first one is to carefully prepare all ingredients needed. 

Also to make sure all tools are clean."

[How do you do that?] 

"Like this haha."

He extends his hand. 

Above it starts floating a small water ball. 

He starts playfully playing around with it. 

Changing the shape, the size, everything. 

His proficiency seems awesome. 


"Then the next step is to brew everything. You want to make a nice mixture." 

He makes a small flame appear this time. 

Dancing mesmerizingly. 

[Aren't fire and water opposites? How does that go for the control?] 

He summons a water ball in one hand while keeping the fire in the other. 

"*Grin* No issue whatsoever."


"Once that is done comes the fermentation.

That step is just about having the right temperature environment. 

Away from the sun. 

Also time. 

Lots of time."

[Oh? So you regularly visit to start a new batch whenever that step is done?]

"Nope. Sadly recently I've been busy. Training and all."

[I mean, maybe that's why your beer is so crappy.] 

"I know right?!" 

[If you know then why don't you ask anyone to take care of it?] 

"Well, I'm not sure about the timing myself."

[How about asking a professional?] 

"That's the thing. I can't. They all want to brew only their own recipe or disdain every single one I show them."

[I see, it defies the point. If you get someone else to make the recipe you may as well just go drink at another tavern.] 

"Exactly! Finally, someone that understands me!"

Pretty much the whole DIY current. 

There is a satisfaction to be had from overcoming one's limits. 

I know for a fact. 

When Nomzilla complimented my pies, I was ecstatic. 

I'm still waiting on these spices now that I think about it. 

[So, what will you do?] 

"What do you mean?" 

[About this place? If you don't really use it, you may as well just do it from your own place no? Starting with small quantities for tests.] 

"*Sigh* My family doesn't approve of me doing this stuff at home."

[Then how do you even afford this place?] 

I mean certainly not clients haha. 

"Hehe, they set what they believed unrealistic training goals. Telling me they'd buy me this place if I managed to accomplish it."

[So they were trying to motivate you and it worked?] 

"I guess." 

[Still, if you want to succeed as a brewer, you'll have to spend more effort on it.]

Of course, he will fail if he only does it every other month or something. 

"You know what brother? You are extremely right!" 

[Of course. Any skill takes time to master. You can't expect to succeed suddenly.] 

"Thank you! You have opened my eyes! I will confront my family tonight and tell them that I am starting this full time!" 

[Sure, but you'll have to tell me when you finally manage to create something half-decent.] 

"Of course! I have to live up to my title after all!" 

[That's the spirit!] 

"This is great. This actually gave me inspiration!" 

[It did?]

"Yep, there is something I want to try!" 

[Alright, I'll leave you to it then.] 

I climb back up. 

My thief friend is still talking to the bartender. 

[Hey guys] 

"How was it?" 

[Oh, pretty cool. He explained the rough process of brewing to me.] 

"That's nice." 

[Oh right, seems I inspired him to start brewing full time too.] 

That is when the bartender jumps up. 

Then he starts screaming. 

"Y-you! What unspeakable evil have you brought upon this world!!! We are fucked! There is no way this will end well!!" 

What the hell?! 

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