The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 302: Haters

I left a panicking bartender at the Fishy tavern. I mean the guy was clearly overreacting haha. 

What is the worst that can even happen? 

I quickly go back home to prepare for tomorrow. 

I wake up refreshed and happy. 

As soon as I open the door I am confronted with an angry mob. 

"It's him!"

"He's here!" 

"Don't let him retreat!" 

There seem to be many bakers for some reason. 

I recognize grumpy, dumbass 1, dumbass 2, and the guy that wanted me to worship KooKing. 

There are also a few new faces. 

The only one missing is the guy that REALLY wanted me. 

[What's up guys?] 

"This is unacceptable!" 

"You have to stop these scummy business practices!"

"We'll report you to city hall you know!"

[So, what are you guys even talking about?] 

"The fake rumors you've been spreading!"

"That lie about training going faster here!"

"People are thinking pies to be better and are not buying as much bread!"

[How is that my problem?] 

"It's all because of you!"

"You aren't letting us live!" 

[That's rich knowing I tried to apply to literally half of you guys bakery and you guys rejected me haha.] 

They can't help but be awkward. 

To have a golden goose show up at your door and disdain it is incredibly stupid. 

[So? What are you guys even here for?] 

"You must start selling bread too! Then the rumor that pie is better will stop!"

"Yes! This is a disservice to the public!"

"This is a morally corrupt practice!"

"Otherwise we'll band up and shut down your store!" 

[*Sigh* You guys are right. I can't just let you deal with the issue alone.] 

I see them beam. Looking proud about their successful intimidation. 

[How about I sell you guys some pies? Then you can sell it at a very small margin. Who knows it might just work?] 

"Screw you!"

"You'll regret this!"

Thus they start their ramblings again. 

Oh well, who cares. 

I shoo them away and start my preparation for the day. 

At some point, I hear some slight howling and screams of fear. 

Then something about how they will take this to city hall. 

Probably my imagination, however. 

During the day a visitor arrives. 

A well-dressed young man with a cartwheel necklace. 

He gets guided to the kitchen. 

At first, he is looking all over the place even while delivering his message. 

Apparently, there is about to be an auction in the city soon. 

All merchant guild houses will participate. 

There will also be unidentified rocks and treasures. 

Why they are doing rock gambling at an auction is beyond me. 

They want me to work as an appraiser for them. 

[I'll think about it. If I'm not too busy sure.] 

That is when he finally fixes his gaze on me. 

Then his expression changes suddenly. 

"It's you!" 

[What are you talking about?] 

"You're the one that…!!" 


He doesn't say anything and simply leaves in a hurry.

What the hell?! 

Now, what should I do about this? 

The whole auction house event will probably present some really nice opportunities. 

I tend to lose my regular equipment pretty fast. 

The only thing I still have is that emblem and my necklace from Bald Eagle. 

I wonder if there would be a way for me to gain enchanted jewelry. 

My friend did say enchanting was a lost art, but then again there may be an exception to this rule.

I'm kinda getting excited. 


I am a merchant working for the Traders Guild. 

Or I used to be one in any case. 

I'll always remember that day. 

We got attacked by bandits. 

We had no choice but to hand over our wealth. 

Leaving with only our boots and clothes. 

None of it mattered for we had a secret mission. 

One to transport an extremely valuable gem incognito.

I had cleverly hidden it in my boots. 

Everything would have been fine, but then he came. 

The asshole that tried to approach our caravan before. 

Staying away from us merchants is proper courtesy after all. 

Since everyone can be a bandit in disguise. 

There he was. 

Not only did he not help, but he even suggested they search me more carefully.

If it wasn't because of him I would have succeeded. 

I would have gotten a promotion. 

I would have had a brilliant future. 

No, instead I got demoted to a messenger. 

The worst is he used us completely. 

He gained the goodwill of the bandits with that trick. 

By screwing us over. 

Now he is here in the same city as us. 

Even getting recruited as an appraiser. 

This makes no sense. 

There is no way such a man is trustworthy!

I quickly make my way back to the guild. 

Then I request an official meeting with the branch master. 

This is not something I would usually dare. 

At all. 

The situation is special. 

He agrees to meet me, before long I am sitting in his office with a cup of regular tea. 

"What is it?"

Then I tell him the whole story. 

About how lacking this man's character is. 

About how he is a danger for us. 

I tell him everything. 

At the end of my speech he simply goes. 

"Thank you for informing me, you may leave now." 

His face is impassible. 

I have no way to know what he has decided. 

I do get the feeling we will regret it should we work alongside him. 

Anyone that does business with bandits is a rotten apple for sure. 

Soon after I meet with a colleague.

One that was there at the event too. 

Another poor sob except that this one actually lost his job. 

Because of that, his wife left him. 

Now all he does all day is wallow in sorrow. 

I tell him that there may be hope for revenge. 

He perks up instantly. 

Then starts laughing. 

At first, I'm confused. 

After all, it is only a chance, not a certitude. 

That is when he whispers to me about a secret. 

There is a secret assassin guild in this city. 

That much is common knowledge, but they are extremely well hidden. 

The thing is he has a way to contact them. 

I can't help but be startled. 

How does someone as normal as him…

Then he tells me that he would be ready to pay any price for this devil to pay for his crime. 

He pats my shoulder and goes. 

"Don't worry brother. I'll settle it all." 

As I see him leave part of me is worried, but the other part just can't wait for retribution to befall our enemy. 

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