The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 308: Just Divine Power

I still can't wrap my head around the fact that the old man suddenly wants to retire. 

I guess he was worried for a while about the bakery. 

Lately, everything has been going well. 

Still, the timing is weird, yesterday he didn't even show any sign of wanting to leave, then this morning he suddenly announced that. 

In any case, it is his choice, so I simply get to baking. 

Even the salesgirl notices his absence, but we leave it at that. 

But then a little while later Wolfie barges into the kitchen. 

Growling lowly obviously asking me to follow her. 

"What's happening?" 

She just bolts away. 

I'm still in the process of cooking a batch of pies, but I follow her, nonetheless. 

Before long she guides me outside the city. 

I was wondering if there was some sort of check procedure but apparently not. 

We walk for a long while until finally appears a small farm. 

She goes toward it. 

At this point, I have no clue what we are doing here but I trust her.

We enter and there he is. 

The old man.

Sitting on an old chair apparently reminiscing. 

Mumbling to himself lowly. 

He doesn't even notice me enter. 

He's saying something about how he should have been the one. 

How she should have lived instead. 

Is he talking about his wife? 

I know he had one but seldom talks about her. 

Saying that he would have killed himself years ago if it didn't mean rendering her sacrifice useless.

I get the feeling something tragic happened to them. 

Then he chuckles sadly. 

Saying that no matter what he is about to die, that finally he can join her. 

While saying so he fixes the wine bottle he is holding. 

Is it poison?! 

He did leave with that earlier. 

I thought he was planning to celebrate; seems I was extremely mistaken. 

I do not want him to die. 

At all. 

Still, do I have the right to decide for him? 

I do not know what he has gone through. 

No, I do not have the right. 

If he wants to die, who am I to stop him? 

Logically I should simply walk away. 

But screw all this! 

Just as he's about to drink I snatch the bottle away. 

[Hey old man! Celebrating without me?!]

Then I drink. 

I drink it all. 

Until there is none left. 

This way he won't be able to use it. 

Tastes like grapefruit. 

I'm not sure how I'll cheer him up yet, but there must be a way. 

He seems confused for a second. 

Looking at the bottle and me alternatively. 

Then he comes back to his senses. 

"No! What have you done! This will kill you!"

[Then why did it seem like you were about to drink it?] 

"That…. that's not important, kid! This is poison! We need to …"

[Don't worry. All good.] 

He looks stupefied at me. 

Then he waits a bit, then seems in disbelief. 

"How are you still alive?!" 

[Tell me what's happening old man. All of it.]

He sighs saying he knew I would try to help. 

Then he tells me his story. 

Before long I'm crying all over the place. 

Meanwhile, he's comforting me. 

How the hell did our roles get reversed so fast?!

Apparently, when his wife gave her life for him, he did survive, but there remained some aftermath of the poison. 

He lost all chance at life and his power. 

Since he is about to die, he wants to leave the world here. 

In this place that was supposed to be their happy nest. 

Seems he's not suicidal at all. 

He simply wants to end it on his own terms, rather than die at a random place. 

I can understand that. 

I approach him. 

Then I put my hands on his skull. 

"What are you doing?" 


He seems perplexed but he doesn't move. 

I need to focus. 

Need to remember that feeling. 

Back when I helped little Bai. 

He was on the verge of death too. 

This time it's something different but still. 

I know divine energy is the bane of poison. 

I just need to circulate it in him without damaging him. 

He is but a frail old man now. 

I send a tiny strand of divine energy inside him and make it make a complete round across his body. 

I picture the poison getting evaporated like snow in the sun. 

I keep going until finally, I feel like I cannot do so anymore. 

[There you go old man, should be fine.] 

Then I took a step back and …

[What the hell?!] 

In front of me is no old man, but a handsome middle-aged man. 

One that would definitely make ladies' heads turn around in a city. 


He seems stunned, trying to figure out what is happening. 

To be honest, so am I. 

Since when can I make people younger?! 

I should totally sell that service! 

I'll just open a small stall in the city with a sign written eternal youth. 

Bam! Instantly rich!

Ah, but he was poisoned too. 

Maybe that made him look older. 

[Are you feeling well old…man?] 

It feels kinda weird calling him that now. 

"I... I have my power back. The poison is gone! How?!"

[So, is that a yes?] 

"If that isn't a yes then what would be one?!!" 

[That's good.] 

"What was that?!"

[Come again?] 

"That thing you did! I have no clue what that was, but you sent something in my body!" 

Normally I wouldn't say, but…

[Oh, nothing much. Just divine power.] 

"Nothing much …just divine power."

He keeps mumbling that over and over for a while. 

"How the hell is that nothing much?! Ah, I get it! You must be the aspect of Compromis himself! I was so foolish."

[Compromis? That's the diplomacy god, right? If anything I have no reason to hate him yet, but I'm definitely not him haha.] 

"Then who are you really?! Ah, wait, I shouldn't be asking!"

[You are overthinking things, old man. 

I'm just me. Nothing more haha. 

Everyone can learn to use divine energy you know. 

Ah, it may require a trip to the gods' realm. 

I'm still not sure about that one.] 

"I feel dumb haha. I went through all that trouble just for it to be easily resolved."

[Don't worry about it, it gave insight into your backstory at the same time.] 



"Never mind, I guess. Still, what am I supposed to do now?"

[Whatever you want old man, if you want to retire you can. As long as you are happy.] 


[So what will you do?] 

"I think I will stay here a bit. Renovate this place. It is the farm we used to dream of retiring to."

[Of course old man.]

"Wait, if you are that powerful why are you simply baking?!" 

[What should I be doing? Fight with other champions for world domination? They can kill each other's for all I care.] 

"HAHAHAHAHAHA that is so you!" 

[Oh crap! I just remembered I have some pies in the oven! Later old man!] 

He watches giggling as I'm hurrying back home. 

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