The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 309: Scene of Destruction

All is well that ends well. 

I managed to save the old man. 

Now I just need to save the pies!

While it isn't as high on the list of priorities it remains a worthy mission.

I happily walk to…

What the hell?! 

What awaits me is a scene of destruction. 

"Sir! They destroyed everything!"

The bakery is gone. 

Completely gone. 

No trace of it at all. 

The building. 

The cool art. 

The furniture. 

The gold I had inside. 

The pies. 

What the hell?! 

Who would be so evil! 

[*Growling* Who did this?]

"The Untainted sect, Sir!" 

Untainted my ass! 

If they are untainted, I'm a fucking saint!

What kind of god is that purity god bastard. 

To let his followers do something like that. 

A crime against humanity. 

But most importantly a crime against pies!

[I want to know everything.] 

"T-that they somehow heard that the old man was retiring…"

[Since I left too, they thought now was a good time to strike, eh? What about the anti-crime system, why didn't it activate?] 

"They got help from someone from city hall!"


"I don't know anything much, Sir!" 

Bunch of duplicitous bastards. 

We had a truce with the first and good relations with the second. 

They probably think the old man dead. 

They are having a great time, aren't they? 

The untainted bastards I'll punish for sure. 

But first I wanna know why that two-faced bastard betrayed us. 

Calmly visiting to sip tea with us, then reducing all to ashes. 

That fucker! 

"Sir, what should we do?" 

[You simply take care of yourself. As for me, I'll be busy making sure they regret thoroughly ever messing with me.] 

She seems worried as I leave. 

I mean I did just tell her I was going to fuck up both a sect and the government. 

Before long I reach city hall.

I use my scouting ability to locate him. 

That so-called friend. 

I'm told that I can't access the area where his desk is but I don't care. 

I simply go in. 

Slamming the door open and close after I enter. 


He seems surprised at my entrance, but then he calms down. 

"I take it you've seen the bakery."

[Give me a good reason not to beat you up right now!] 

"You would end up getting screwed by the anti-crime system. 

I am not the one that wanted to destroy the shop. 

It was decided by all sects and the other disciple of the old man. 

Finally, it wouldn't bring the bakery back."

[Then why did you simply watch as it happened?!] 

"There is only so much one man can do. 

Ironic how teacher didn't seem to have that limitation. 

They see his death and the destruction of his bakery as a sign of change. 

The strongest sects were all lying low because of the remnant prestige he had.

Now they will try to take their place as overlords again. *Sigh*"

[You were the old man's student?! Aren't you too old?!] 

"Haha, yes.

When one becomes strong enough one stops aging. 

Well, one still does but the appearance doesn't change and the lifespan is increased. 

For him living 200 years wouldn't have been an issue." 

[I see. Then why did his other disciple support them?!] 

"Different mentalities. Less of an optimist. He has a good heart, but we disagree on most things."

This feels weird.

I came here angry and wanting to fuck that guy up. 

But now my target somehow changed to the whole city. 

How am I supposed to cope with that?

"I can help you get revenge on the Untainted sect, just not now. We have to move in the shadow to succeed. After all, a sect is not so easy to confront."

That is right.

I still have one clear enemy. 

The others supported them from the shadows, but the purity guys did the actual destruction. 

I'll first annihilate them. 

Then I'll see. 

[Fine, I'll let you off the hook for now.] 

Then I leave as simply as I came. 

I need a way to deal with the purity assholes. 

Killing them directly could work, but chances are it's impossible for me. 

First, there is the system. 

Second, they'll run. 

That's what happened back with the gangster in the tamer's guild city. 

They simply ran when they realized they were too weak to beat me. 

Also, I should be fine for rank 3s, but if there are any rank 4, I won't be able to deal with that. 

At least from how strong I have heard they are. 

No, that would be too easy of an ending for them. 

I need something else. 


I just had an awesome idea. 

Their power stems from their faith, right? 

What if I make them lose all of it? 

I know exactly what I need. 

But first I need to find someone that deals with that kind of stuff. 

Who could I even ask for…?

I know there are poison masters in this town. 

I just need to find one. 

If I ask a passerby on that one, I will simply implicate myself. 

I make my way back to the bakery. 

My employee is gone, but Nomzilla is there. 

Paying respect to the rubble. 

[Hey man.] 

"Can you believe what they did? That's so evil! One should never commit such sacrilege toward food!" 

[I agree man.] 

"After this, I'm going to attack their headquarters. I'll kill as many as possible then I'll run out before the system can destroy me."

[You can do that?!] 

"Usual people no. But we of Gluto are hard to kill you see."

[How many do you think you can even get?] 

"I'm not sure. 'Maybe a few, maybe a dozen."

[How many members do they even have?] 

"I have no clue, but probably a hundred."

[Are they all as insufferable as that lady that wanted to take this place down?] 

"Of course!" 

[Then this won't do. It won't be enough to satisfy me.] 

"You mean…"

[I want to get them all.] 

"For it to be possible we would need an army of people like me. Or we can try and bait them outside the city somehow."

[No, I have a better plan. I just need something. Can you point me to the nearest poison master?] 

"Not at all. They are hunted by the city. They are extremely hard to meet."

[Have any idea then?] 

"That, I heard some of them capture beggars to use in their experiments. Maybe try that


[Alright, thanks, man. I'll try my way. If it doesn't work, we'll go on a murderous rampage together.] 

"No! For me, it's fine because I worship Gluto but for you…"

[Hehe, I worship The Unnamed God. If I have one thing going for me is that I'm extremely hard to kill.]

"Right…that sect of yours that no one has ever heard of."

[Says the guy that acted as if he knew it when we met haha.]


[Wish me luck haha.]

"Good luck."

Now, if these guys are capturing beggars…

I know exactly what to do! 

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