The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 334: Ghost


Life is peaceful here. 

The simple life of a farmer is relaxing. 

Well, I can't really call myself a farmer just yet. 

I haven't managed to grow a single crop yet. 

Let's just say that I am in the initial phases. 

She would have been a great help for sure. 

She would have known about this too as she did everything haha. 

I can't help but picture what our lives would have been like if she was here with me. 


I can't believe the kid managed to save me. 

In the simplest way possible. 

He didn't go on a harsh journey to find a priceless treasure. 

He didn't search far and wide for a master healer. 

Nope, he simply healed me. 

As simple as that. 

It is mind-blowing how easily he did it. 

He seemed to have more trouble baking a pie. 

I'm not talking about a magical one. 

Nope, one you can buy at any specialized bakery. 

Just as I'm thinking that I hear a commotion outside. 

I use my skills as a sword king to sneak there. 

What are these fools even doing? 

There are my two disciples kneeling on the ground. 

Profusely apologizing. 

Apologizing for letting me down.

Apologizing for failing to protect my legacy. 

Apologizing for failing to avenge me. 

There are saying something about how they will soon raise an army. 

No matter what it takes. 

Then hunt down the culprits. 

I slowly approach them. 

"What are you guys even going on about?"


"Teacher's spirit! He rose up from the grave to scold us!"

Then they start apologizing again. 

I give them both a kick.

"Get up, let's go inside. 

I think you both have a lot of explaining to do."

They shakily follow me.

Then they start spilling everything. 

How he started selling deadly poison across the city. 

How they felt the need to apprehend him. 


"Wait up!" 

They look hesitantly at me.

"Knowing him he would still be baking to this day if nothing happened."

They start telling me how it got destroyed. 

"Then what is that about the deadly poison?"

They talk about an aphrodisiac killing people consuming it. 

About him being nicknamed The Mad Alchemist. 

"What if it was unintentional overdose? 

What if it was really nothing but an aphrodisiac."

They tell me that it is impossible. 

That all assassins in the city got their hands on it. 

Those people were going wild murdering one another. 

"You think it can't be an overdose?! 

I saw this man eat deadly poisons and calling them spices!

Do you think he'd realize if he screwed the ratios up in the first place?!

Why didn't you simply talk with him?!"

Something about how he was dangerous. 

How he needed to be stopped. 

How they sent soldiers to apprehend him. 

But he resisted. 

They also tell me how he destroyed the Untainted Sect Branch. 

Rendering them powerless.

Causing many to commit suicide. 

"You mean the dumbasses that destroyed my bakery?"

They guiltily look away. 

They tell me how it escalated. 

That he ran across the city while chased by many sects. 

Killing innocents in the process.

"That doesn't sound like him at all. 

I've never seen him fight even once."

They swear it's true. 

I ask them what they meant about failing to protect my legacy. 

The city is gone. 

They say something about two powerhouses showing up. 

One spreading a powerful sleeping gas all over the city. 

The other raising tons of undead. 

Poisoning a city whole? 

There are a few that could do that. 

But there is only one that would ever dare do it so openly. 

"You guys fucked up. Calling someone The Mad Alchemist only for the real one to show up."

They say they had no way of knowing. 

Somehow the system failed them. 

That when they woke up it was out of energy. 

More importantly, they used it on the young man, and he didn't seem affected. 

"You guys used a formation powered up by a rank 4-5 core on him?"

They nod still wondering how it didn't bring him down. 

I feel like they are usually smarter than that. 

Is it the stress? 

Where have their brains gone?! 

"*Sigh* Do you guys know why I only taught him baking?"

They suggest that it's because I was retired. 

Also that he wasn't worthy enough. 

"Nope, it's the opposite. I'm that one that's unworthy to teach him."

They look at me as if seeing a ghost. 

Well, they seem convinced I am one. 

They exclaim loudly. 

Clamoring about how this is impossible. 

"Impossible? I'm simply a rank 4. 

Compared to him I'm nothing. 

You bastards were unfilial and attacked him!

You bastards even though you could win?! 

Sacrificing the city in the process?!

What for?!"

They are frozen. 

They can't believe it, but this is reality. 

"The so-called two evils working together.

He could have probably dealt with both easily. 

Saving the city would have been easy for him. 

Nope! Instead, you guys chased him out!

Talk about a waste of manpower!"

I can't believe she died for such bullshit. 

How would she react if she knew? 

She died to save me. 

She had to save me because I wanted to save the city. 

A city that was at risk because of these two. 

I was expecting them to have learned from their mistakes. 

Apparently not. 

What would she have done? 

Probably nothing.

She had a huge heart. 

I should be devastated. 

All I worked for all my life just got destroyed. 

Yet I feel somehow apathetic about it. 

I'm not even sure why. 


Life is complicated at times. 

It should be so simple. 

Why isn't it? 

I was just a fool all these years, wasn't I? 

Working for an impossible goal. 

Trying my best all for naught. 

Even trying to kill myself recently. 

He saved me then. 

My disciples tried to save the city and caused my direct demise. 

Meanwhile, he tried to save me and somehow caused the city's demise. 

It all happened because of a misunderstanding I'm sure. 

These bastards could have easily saved it too.

If only they had done things differently. 

It is too late now. 

That is when I hear them whisper to each other. 

Something about exorcising me. 

Are you kidding me?!

What did I do to get such ungrateful disciples?! 

I simply start beating them up. 

Raining punches and kicks on them. 

What would she have done? 

Probably not trash them so much. 

But so what? 

She had a huge heart. 

She would have forgiven me for sure. 

I'll stop before they are dead. 

It's probably a good thing that I exercise. 


The sun is shining brightly. 

Unfitting with the news I just received. 

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