The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 335: Getting Clothes

I can't believe all that happened back there!

They all seemed to be so confused. 

Deadly poison? I never used that on humans. 

Allies turning on me for no reason. 

Sects thinking I own some secret technique. 

People wanting revenge for wrongs they themselves committed.

Anything bad happening to the last ones is karma. 


It's as if the whole city went crazy all at once. 

At least we are out of this mess now.

I've simply been running all this while. 

Buck naked. 

Holding Wolfie in my arms.

She is sleeping peacefully.

This sleeping gas is so very potent. 

It's been a week after all. 

I'm not even sure where I'm going. 

I don't really care either. 

Anywhere peaceful will do for now. 

It is night. 

With my scouting ability, I see a caravan. 

Usually, I would simply evade them. 

But this one is special. 

They seem to be having a party. 

They are merry, they are drinking they are singing too. 

There doesn't seem to be a watch either. 

One last point, I see racks of colorful clothes left to dry. 

So many clothes. 

More than one would ever need. 

Are they traveling performers?

Usually, I'm against stealing, but this time I'll make an exception. 

I'm way too conspicuous the way I am. 

I slowly approach the clothing rack. 

Which should I pick?

"Hey there!"

What the hell?! 

There is a teenager. 

It seems I'm busted. 

Just gotta act natural. 

[Hey, how is it going?] 

"*Snort* Probably better than you, seeing your state."

He's not wrong. 

Gotta act casual. 

[Beautiful night, isn't it?] 

"How about you wear something first. Granny wants to see you."

[What?! How?!] 

"I suggest that one right there. It's at least long enough to cover your balls."


I dress up before following behind him. 

I have no clue how they even knew I'm here. 

Somehow, I never noticed the kid either. 

The people partying glance at me. 

None seem surprised. 

This is getting spooky. 

He brings me to a colorful mobile house. 

There are a few horses nearby not even leashed. 

There seem to be many mystical symbols on the outside. 

He gestures me to enter. 

*Door Creaking*


"Take a seat, child."

Inside the dimly lit space is a table in the middle. 

There sits an old lady. 

She seems to have more wrinkles than skin. 


On the table is a crystal ball. 

All around are various trinkets. 

Some stuffed animals, real ones. 

There is a weird scent in the air. 

Is it dangerous for Wolfie?

No, it should be fine. 

It feels like incent to slightly affect the psyche. 

Make the target relax, I think.

"You have come from afar."

It's true I've been running full speed for a while now. 

"There are people after you."

How did she know?!

"You have many enemies."

"However you are not sure how you made these enemies. 

Perhaps you even think there is some mistake involved."


"Your loyal companion has been with you for a long while.

You care about that companion very much."


"You simply want to start your life anew. 

This is what brought you here. 

You wanted to get some clothes to be less conspicuous."

This is all scarily accurate! 

Who is she?!

How does she know so much about me?!

"Everyone calls me Granny. 

You can do the same."

She gives a kind smile. 

Now I'm convinced she can read minds. 

"Hehe, no I can't read minds. You are simply too easy to read."

Wait, I feel like I've heard that before. 

[You! Do you know Grey by any chance?! You are talking just like him!] 

"Grey…of the Moon Keep?!"

[So you do know him!] 

She shivers. 

"Who doesn't. Tell me, child. What happened exactly?"

[What? Don't you already know it all?!] 

"No haha, this is a small trick you see. 

Everything I've said is easy to deduce. 

Why else would a man be running around naked and worried?"

[Gran, you're good! Real good! 

Sorry about before. You know…] 

"The clothes, eh? Don't worry about it.

Now if you are on the run, you'll have to change some things."


She brings me to a chair in the back. 

Then she gets a pouch. 

"Leave the wolf on the side for now. 

It can sleep on the bed there."

I carefully tuck Wolfie in. 

"You really love it, don't you? 

Alright, sit."

She then starts to apply some paste on my face. 

She also gets scissors and starts cutting my hair. 

Before long she is proudly exclaiming that it is done. 

Just as I'm wondering exactly what she did…

She brings a mirror. 

What the hell?! 

Who the fuck is this?! 

I can't even recognize myself. 


"Just a bit of makeup. 

One needs to have such talent in our line of work."

[What are you guys doing exactly?] 

She poses grandly and takes a heroic voice. 

"We are…actors!

We bring life into any story. 

The old classics, the newest ones too! 

We are some of the bests!"

[Where are you guys going exactly?]

"Where inspiration takes us. 

The entire world is our scene!"

I freaking love her drive. 

[Wait, wasn't there going to be a war soon?!

Are you guys going to be fine just wandering?] 

She turns silent. 

"I can only hope. 

In any case, it is hard to be accepted in a community. 

We have been traveling all our lives after all."

It is hard to change one's habits. 

Especially when it has become a way of life. 

[*Sigh* How can I pay you back for it all?

You've helped me disguise myself and gave me clothes.

I'm penniless sadly. 

I lost it all when I ran.] 

"You think you can simply pay us and leave?!"

[I didn't mean that…] 

"Boy, what will you do? 

Never wash again? 

Spend your entire life in these exact clothes?

Evading rain too?!"

Ah! I see, she does have a point. 

"I have a proposal for you. 

Work with the troupe for a while. 

You can learn slowly. 

I'll teach you how to craft a simple disguise. 

At least good enough to avoid normal people.

Of course, it won't fool the observant old-timers like me. 

But it should suffice as long as you don't cause a commotion."

[I'm a very low-key person!] 

"Then how did you end up in such a situation?"


Some merchant guild bought trash from me at a high price. 

I did tell them it was trash, but they didn't believe me. 

I fell in a wedding by mistake thus crashing it. 

Some slavers tried to enslave me…it was legitimate defense. 

A sect didn't like me and destroyed my bakery so I…] 

"You call that low-key?!!"

[That…I really wasn't trying to start anything it's…] 

"Sigh, whatever. Follow me, kid. 

Get ready to train extremely hard!

I'll show you how I can turn anyone into an actor!"


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