The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 336: Acting Training!

Become an actor?!

What can I say, this is probably a great idea!

For starters I already am handsome. 

I simply need to work on my acting skills. 

Then everything will be awesome. 

Becoming an acting star means money, glory, and fans. 

Lots of cute fans. 

There is only one issue, there is no television in this world. 

It might be troublesome. 

Entertainment can only be successful when many love your work. 

Gran slowly brings me to a big campfire. 

Around are about 20 people. 

Mostly adults with a few kids. 

The only truly old one is Gran. 

I guess such a nomad life is harsh for the elders. 

They all cheer and warmly welcome me. 

Introducing themselves one after the other. 

I greet them enthusiastically too. 

No way I'll possibly remember their names, however. 

Too many at once. 

I think it's the first time I've seen such a friendly group. 

It somehow feels nostalgic. 

They don't even question where I'm coming from. 

They don't care about my past. 

They simply hand me food and drinks then tell me to sing along. 

Of course, I know none of the songs, so I just hum the melody. 

We party all night long. 

To make things better Wolfie actually wakes up too! 

Eventually, everyone goes back to sleep. 

Gran lets me stay with her. 

I'm on the floor sleeping while embracing Wolfie as usual. 

I truly am lucky. 



"Wake up! Lazy bum!"


Gran is there hitting me with a stick.

[What's up?] 

"It's morning. Time to begin!"

I slowly get up and follow her. 

[*Yawn* It's still so early. What are we even going to do?] 


She brings me to a nearby area outside the caravan. 

The kid I first saw is there too. 

She takes out some cards. 

Before handing each of us one. 

"Alright, look at what you have on it. 

You need to make me understand what it is without talking."

[So, miming?] 



Let me see. 

There is something written there.

[Yeah, about that…] 

"Just do it!"

[No, I can't read this.] 

"There is a drawing under it."


Ah, I see it. 

At first, it seemed like some calligraphy underlining. 

Nope, it's a feather.


I gotta mime a bird.

This one is gonna be easy. 

"Alright, you start Rollin."

New name learned!

He seems to be whipping. 

Let me think. 

"Alright, now try to guess."

I got this. 






"What is that even supposed to be?"

[Ah, when you whip a partner for increased pleasure in the bedroom.]

"…. What the hell are you talking about?! He is obviously driving a carriage!"

[Hey, where I'm from people don't drive like that.  It looks more like that.] 

I act like I'm turning a wheel. 

Then I switch the gears. 

They are both looking at me like I'm crazy. 

"Seriously what is that?"

"Brother if you don't whip how do the animals know to advance?"

[Oh, you don't need to drive a carriage. 

In a car, there are no animals involved. 

You simply press a pedal to advance.] 

"How is that possible?!"

[I mean magic exists and you are questioning this?]

"A magical carriage?!"

[Something like that…]

Gran talks again. 

"Ah, whatever. Do yours now!"


I start flapping my arms around. 

This one is gonna be easy to guess. 

"Are you a wyvern?"


"A dragon?" 


Gran picks my card up. 

Then she frowns. 

"How is that related to flying at all?

You had writing."

[What do you mean writing?! 

This is clearly a feather! 

I was right to mime a bird!] 

"Brother a bird goes like this…"

He mimes like he's gliding in the wind. 

[Birds clearly flap their wings! Have you ever seen a bird?!]

"Stop fighting. Let's try a new one."


"Brother, guess this."

He starts gesturing putting something on him. 

[A badge?] 

He keeps going. 

He seems to be gesturing closing some clothes. 

Then he puts something on it to keep it closed. 


He shakes his head.

"Young man, that's obviously a brooch! Have you never seen one?!"

[Eh, not that I remember.] 

"….Your turn."

I check my card and…

What the hell is this? 

It seems to be a long object.


The tip is round. 

What the fuck?!

That's clearly a dildo! 

The Granny is giving me an encouraging glance. 

[I'm not miming this!]

"Just do it, man!"


I gesture to the best of my abilities. 

The process. 

Then the expected expression of bliss. 

They keep looking but they can't guess it. 

She takes the card. 

"Why didn't you just put it in your mouth?"

I am seeing the Granny in a new light now. 


Now she is looking at me suspiciously. 

"Seriously what were you doing with that pipe?"

[What?! There is no way something so thick is a pipe!] 

"Then what should it look like?"

[Thin, long, engraved too!] 

She sighs while the kid giggles. 

"Ah, have you been living under a rock?"

[Naw, it was under a tree mostly. Then I lived in a kitchen.] 


"HAHAHAHA, I like him, Gran!"

"Whatever, Rollin you teach him for now. Be as harsh as you need to be."

Then she calmly leaves.

"What was that thing you talked about? Cars?"

[Oh, yeah. Where I'm from animals are not used for transportation.] 

"Everyone can afford one? People don't just run?"

[No way. It's a bit expensive but still popular.]

"Awesome! Cars? I'll remember it!"

[Yep, cars are used on land for small groups. 

There are buses and trains for many to travel together. 

Subways to travel underground. 

Planes are for the air.] 

★_ ★

[What's up?] 

"This sounds so damn amazing!" 

[For sure. Now what should we practice?] 

"Alright, a good part of acting is to be able to show emotions."


"Show me happiness!"

I smile. 

"You don't have to smile that much! It looks weird!"

[How about this?]

"Better! Now show me sadness!"

I start lamenting. 

"Why do you sound like a drunk pig?"

[I'm doing it!] 

"*Sigh* Now show me pain!"

I got this! 

"What the hell?! What's with this grimace?!"

[I'm in pain!] 

"Why does it look like you are about to shit yourself then?!"


"Show me fear!"

This one is easy!

"Why are you dancing?!"

[I'm shaking in fright!] 

"Show me anger!"

I raise my middle finger while shouting!

"What's with the fingers? 

Are you pointing at me or at the sky? 

Are you mad at heaven?!" 

Obviously, this one has been lost in translation. 

"One last one. Show me disgust."

I grimace once more. 

This time while frowning.

"You clearly just shat yourself. 

Here is how you do it.

When I see your performance, this is how I feel!"

He clearly shows disgust. 

As if he was looking at a piece of trash. 

As if even being in the same world as I was repulsive. 

His gaze showing that he looks down on me. 

That I am worthless. 

What the fuck?! 

How is he so good at this?! 

I have a long road ahead of me. 

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