The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 337: Illusion Magic

We keep working hard all day long. 

By working I mean I'm making various faces.

Following his instructions as best as I can. 

Except that not even once do I manage to please him. 

"Brother, are you even trying?"

[Of course! Can't you see all the efforts I'm making?] 

"That's the thing, not really. 

I can see you do stuff. 

But it never makes the spectator feel anything.

I would rather look at a rock act than you."

[Hey! That's low!] 

"But accurate!"

[So, what should I do? I need to make sure I don't blow my cover!] 

"That's all you want to do?"


"You simply want to disguise and not be recognized?"


"Then that's easy brother. I actually have a trick for that." 

[What is it?!] 

"Simple. You shut up!"


"The less you say the less you can fuck up."


"*Satisfied nod* Exactly! Just like that!"

He's definitely not wrong…but there is something weird with that too. 

[What if someone asks me a question?] 

"Easy, you play mute."

[What if I need to ask a question?] 

"Don't do it near the people you played mute with."

I can't help but roll my eyes. 

[Yeah, that's not a viable solution.] 

"Oh well, was worth suggesting, no?"

[So what do we do now?] 

"How about giving up?"


[Wait, no! I got an idea!] 

I sit and focus. 

Time to use an illusion! 

C'mon! I can do this! 

Wolfie is watching on intrigued. 

I'm not even sure how long she's been here. 

I just need to recall how the elf was doing it. 

She still looked the same but somehow, she influenced others. 

When looking at her they would only see an old lady. 

[Alright keep watching and tell me if it's working.]

"Tell if what is ...?"

[Shhh, let me focus.] 

I can already interact with the world via my scouting ability. 

Where I'm using divine energy to see. 

Now I'll have to go a step further. 

I'll have to interact with a living target. 

Alright, here goes nothing. 

"What the hell happened to you?!"

He falls backward on his ass. 

He is looking at me with incomprehension. 

A bit of fear too. 

Fear of the unknown. 

[Is it working?] 

"How can you talk so calmly?! 

How can you even talk?!

What are you?!

What is this?!"

[Illusion magic. Pretty neat, isn't it?!]

I'm a goddamn genius hehe.

"You can use magic?!"

[Right, why don't I see more people using it?] 

He has trouble looking at me. 

"Only strong organizations can learn it in the first place!"

[Gotcha. Now tell me. What do you see?] 

"That…I'm not sure."

[What do I look like right now?]

"A purple…shadow?!"

Hell yeah. Success! 

Why purple? 

That one is pretty obvious, duh. 

I take a human appearance. 

Now I can clearly hide anywhere and…

"What the fuck is this?! Kill it!" 

[What's up?] 

He rushes toward me, gets a knife out, and starts stabbing. 

What the hell?! 

He's just a kid so no danger. 

I pause the divine energy spell. 

He falls to the ground and starts sobbing. 

Meanwhile, his arm is still spasming.

He is clenching the knife extremely hard. 

He is shivering and muttering. 

"Make it stop. 

Make it stop. 

Make it stop…"

[Hey, are you alright?!] 

He doesn't answer. 

He simply keeps muttering. 

[Talk to me! What happened?!] 

Fuck me! 

This is bad. 

I try to heal him but it doesn't work. 

He looks perfectly fine to me. 

Physically that is. 

Wait, I have an idea! 

I grab him and drag him toward Gran's place. 

I quickly enter. 

She seems his state and rushes over. 

[I have no clue what happened. 

That incense helps to keep calm, right?! 

Light some up!]

She does so. 

Before long a calming scent permeates the place. 

[Kid, can you hear me?!] 

He seems dazed. 

[Can you hear me?] 

He looks around confused. 

"Where …are we?"

"How do you feel?"

"I feel…I'm not sure. 

I was …I was …training? 

Then I looked at him and…




Make it stop! 


Then he closes his eyes and starts sleeping.

Granny tucks him in her bed. 

Meanwhile, Wolfie is following. 

She seems curious. 

Granny sits at the table. 

"What happened?"

[I'm not sure. 

I tried something. 

It was working too. 

Everything was fine, but then he started freaking out.] 

"What did you do?"

[I simply used illusion magic to-] 

"Illusion magic?!"


"How did you even…? *Sigh*

That magic is lost for a reason. 

It is extremely easy to screw it up. 

These mages are a legend on this continent.

It is doubtful if they even exist."

[No, I met someone that could use it!]

"What?! A beast or a human?"

[An elf.]

"What?! You met an elf?!"

[Is it bad?]

"It's not bad. It's just close to impossible. 

It is unbelievable. 

Anyone else I would have thought this a lie."

[You know I am trustworthy then!] 

"I know you are a horrible actor."

Eh, that's harsh. 

"I'll be damned, a living elf. Where is he?"

[Gone exploring the world so I don't know.] 

"Makes sense. 

Still, you are unbelievably lucky. 

I believe they are as rare as unicorns haha."

[About that…] 


No way! 

Are you serious right now?!"

It's a good thing she's already sitting. 

Otherwise, I believe she would have fallen for sure.

"A man that has met an elf, a unicorn, and has seen illusion magic."

She is repeating that over and over. 

Trying to overcome her initial shock. 

Technically I never saw the magic myself. 

I just know the effect it produced. 

[So what should we do now?] 

"We wait. He did regain consciousness earlier. 

Hopefully, he will be fine in the morning.

We can only hope."

[I understand. Again I'm sorry I-] 

"You didn't do it voluntarily. I know."

I sit nearby the bed.

I'll wait till he comes back to his senses. 

The night passes quietly. 

The Granny sleeping sitting.

Until finally I hear some rustling. 

He is moving a lot. 

He seems to be having a nightmare. 

[It's gonna be fine! Just wake up and…]

Then he opens his eyes. 

His gaze is still sleepy, but he shows no sign of madness. 

[Thank god you're alright!

I'm so relieved right now! 

Granny he's….] 

That is when he turns toward me. 

His eyes suddenly showing confusion. 

"Where is this? 

Who are you? 

Who am I?"

Oh crap! 

This is bad! 

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