The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 355: Eating


How?! Suddenly I find myself growing weaker.  Something has happened to my followers!

Nooooo! They were fine a second ago, what the hell happened!?!

They all suddenly breathed their last, I'm not even sure how. 

Just as I'm trying to figure it out, I see a dark portal appear.  Then comes a man I know all too well. 

[You! How are you here?!] 

He chuckles.

[Please, you didn't really think that invading a god domain was impossible, did you? Oh little naive goddesses hahaha.] 

There is something wrong with his appearance. He is smiling, a smile that shows no kindness whatsoever. 

[What are you doing here?!] 

I just need to keep him talking, then I will teleport to the White Space to seek help. I just need him to be distracted and….


He takes a knife and slashes my terminal in two parts. What now? This is bad!

[Little one, did you really think you could escape that easily? Did you think I was born in the last millennia or something? Hahahaha.]

[What do you want?!]

[I'm just here to collect. You see you just used my technique, didn't you? Not only does it show your location, but it is an evil technique in nature you know.] 

[Yes, a necessary evil, what do you mean?] 

[Necessary? Hahahahaha. The only thing it accomplished was to shake your divinity. Why would a good and generous goddess suddenly try something so stupid?!] 


[You are so gullible, so inexperienced, so easy to trick. I simply couldn't help myself. Now comes the fun part. Do you know what kind of god I am?] 


[I used to be the god of eating. It may sound ridiculous, but my blessing was great! It could allow anyone to enjoy anything! Except I just happened to be in the same area as that damn Gluto.] 

[You know Gluto?!] 

[Hahahaha, it is more surprising that you know him in fact. He is no lower-tier god. Short story people kept mistaking our churches in general and running from both of us. Then the few that were ready to do anything for power chose Gluto instead, leaving me with close to no followers.] 

[Why don't you fight Gluto then!] 

[Hehe, you think I'm foolish enough to go against that monster? Anyway, after I had lost all my followers I was in a really bad place for a little while. But then, I figured something out. I was the god of eating, I may as well just do that haha.] 

[W-what do you mean?]

[I ate and ate and ate some more. That is also why I am here today you know. There is no better meal than a young divinity.] 

[Impossible! There is a peace period!] 

[Oh yeah, you are perfectly right. Did you know that divine contracts are extremely serious? There is a reason why gods don't make promises lightly you know. I guess no one taught you that. Oh well. Now, my request is that you challenge me to an annihilation duel haha.] 

I try my best to resist, but I feel some kind of power guide me. Before long, my lips open letting out a small [I challenge you]. This is bad! 

[Perfect! Let us start shall we.] 

He simply dashes to me. Then more dark portals emerge. From each shadow mouth that locks each of my limbs into place. 

Then he slowly starts biting into my flesh. Ever so slowly. Savoring it all. I regret. 

I regret it so much. So damn much!

As I'm regretting I try to struggle but it's no use. He is a whole rank above me, I just lost my followers and my divinity is unstable. I am finished.

The end won't come soon, however. I will pay the price of my folly. A  painful one. 

He keeps going. He has already eaten my legs and shows no sign of stopping. That is when I finally receive feedback on what happened in the earth realm.

My followers sacrificed their friends. 

All for power. Most didn't know. I can feel the regret, I can feel some hardening their heart and I can feel the desire for power. A sweet sensation that is corrupting them. Some are even thinking of sacrificing other sect members for more power. 

What have I done! 

Then a man appears. One that somehow evaded the sacrifice. But before long he approaches the killing formation and gets taken.

If only it ended here. No, a little bit later he pours something. A deadly poison. One that can affect even gods. 

How he does it I have no clue. But it reaches everything I have ever worked for in seconds. It reaches the fruits too. Fruits that my followers keep devouring. 

Instantly they all start dying one after the other. None surviving. They had been all eating at once. 

Now, somehow, this poison is slowly crawling back towards me. Following my shaking divinity. 

That is when I realize something. I will die. From the poison. I can't have that!

I struggle and I use all my energy to self-destruct. Usually, that wouldn't work, hence the duels. 

But right now I'm extremely weak and without any followers. I won't simply come back to life after a few prayers. 

He sees me trying, but laughs. 

[You think I'll let you?] 

He simply accelerates his devouring. That was my intention. It is soon time for his last bite. 

Goodbye world.

I'm sorry, all of you. I was such a fool!

Sorry, and I love you all.


She was such a dumbass haha. I can't believe it was that easy! I didn't even have to especially scheme, she jumped right into it!  New gods are the best for that. They get jittery about the war. 

They freak out so much that they stop thinking. No matter who they are. There is a lot of pressure for sure. 

I can feel more power coursing through me.  It is such a shame that I lost my followers. Simply by existing, I am losing power. 

But everything will be fine. I just need to keep devouring. I'm sure more gods will appear at some point too. 

Now, where should I …



Blood leaves my mouth. This shouldn't be possible! What the hell?!

Where is this coming from?! 

No way!

The goddess I just ate…she was poisoned.  How?! This doesn't make any sense! Quick I need to…!


I can't even walk. What did she do!? What did she?! 

I slowly feel myself losing consciousness. 

This shouldn't be possible! 

I'm the god of eating, I'm….

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