The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 356: Unicorn Trying Her Best


"It is I, the mighty and powerful unicorn maiden! Rejoice for I have come to end the world's suffering and to protect the innocents…!"

They are all ignoring me. 

Right now I am on a small battlefield. I'm not too sure who is fighting but it seems to be two very small sects. Actually, the two groups could just be villagers too. It's hard to tell since they are all weaklings. 

I can't differentiate easily anything weaker than Rank 3. Maybe I need to talk louder to attract their attention? 

"*Shouting* It is I the mighty and-!"

"We heard you the first time!"

"We are busy right now!"

"Go away!"

If I can't fascinate ordinary men, how am I supposed to move my master? This is hard. Why is it that none of the research I did describes this in detail? It all described the way these female protagonists were acting, but never how to achieve the same effect. When it did, it only applied to humans. 

I guess it is normal that the knowledge at a human town is about them. *Sigh* Still, knowing that they don't care I figure out I should try a different approach. I silently take a weak and pitiful appearance. Apparently, that is supposed to stimulate the desire to protect. 

I try to look as cute as possible! Still no reaction. 

"You guys aren't affected by my cuteness?!" 

"We heard you shout a second ago! It is too late to trick us!"

Ah, I see. It is a problem with the first impression. I'll need to find another test group. I let them to their own devices. Judging by the dying screams they seem pretty busy after all. 

I keep going until I find another group. Valiant and cool did not work, now to retry delicate beauty!

Once again two groups are fighting. It seems to be a small brawl. No blood is drawn. That is when I come in! I ever so slowly interrupt them while shivering all over to show that I'm scared. I reveal my true appearance too.

When they see me, they all stop suddenly. Looking at me with confusion. I can hear them whispering. 

"What the hell is that?"

"A horse with a blood-red horn…"

"Is it a unicorn?" 

"What's with the weird color?" 

"What's with the weird tattoos?"

"Eh, no clue. But it seems weak, right?"

Alright, for now I'll disregard the weird comments. At least they know I'm weak! Now they'll obviously want to protect me! I'm sure of it!

"You guys know what this means right?"

"Of course!"

"We'll get rich!"

"Don't let it run!"

"Grab it!"

What?! That's not how they are supposed to react at all! This is wrong on so many levels!

"Stay away from me!" I warn them but they keep chasing me. Attacking me. This is horrible! How did I fail so much?! Ah, whatever. I simply kill a few. These guys clearly are evil and have bad intentions. 

They start panicking and running away after the first deaths. Valiant and vulnerable both didn't work. 

I keep progressing. This time around, I find two groups that are not fighting yet. Both are on opposite sides and glaring at each other. They seem about to, however. Time for my third plan!

I have heard that domineering female leads are popular. I'm still not too sure about the terms but that should be referring to me. I can hear both groups shouting. 

"Our Untainted Sect will never live in the same world as you demons!"

"We the relentless sect will never live in a world with you stuck-up bastards!"

"You guys are evil incarnate! Using death fights to train your disciples!"

"Screw you! We are an evil sect! But you guys are even worse! Living a single second with your bullshit philosophy? I'd rather get tortured!"

"We'll torture you all right! We'll cleanse the world of you guys!"

They seem like they'll be continuing for a while if I let them go. I need to interrupt them. I need to say something with impact. Right, from the research I have done I need to sound confident, declare my sect and be concise. 


"All of you pitiful creatures bow down before me! This unicorn is part of The Unnamed God Sect! We are the number one sect in the world! Don't thank me! Letting you guys witness my amazing self is an incredible opportunity!"

That should do the trick. Now they'll be bowing in submission. Then I'll know that my charm has gone up for sure. Wait, no! There is something wrong! Why are they getting their weapons out?! 

Now they are all charging at me. Are they perhaps retarded? Did they mistake my meaning? *Sigh* This is so troublesome. Guess I'll just have to do something about it. 

Time to sing and kill. I begin the song he taught me. That beautiful war song about crushing enemies. 

Then I charge.  At first, they try to regroup and use their numbers to their advantage, but they get overwhelmed easily. I simply rush through all of them. 

No matter how they try to defend they either get crushed under my hooves or impaled on my horn. This is actually kinda fun, but it means I'm not progressing with my quest. Who knew it was going to be so hard? 

This is but a side-quest actually. I am looking for a way to transform foremost. I'm pretty sure no human knows the answer. This is making this more troublesome.

As the casualties pile up, they finally decide to flee. Once again, I don't even bother chasing. Now, what should I do? 

Ah, I know! I'll try to find more libraries! They will possibly have the knowledge I am looking for!

Finding a few shouldn't be hard, right?


Nearby, the two groups have managed to meet up again. Surprisingly they are not clashing against each other. No, they have decided that their petty rivalry was not worth dying over. 

There is a bigger evil to take care of. One that has just decimated most of their elite troops. One that has weakened them in the war to come by using a surprise attack. 

Time to hunt down this Unnamed God Sect, wherever or whatever it is! 

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