The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 385: Realm Domination (3/3)

What comes after acidic roaches and flying ones? Apparently, a very small pack or a few hundred individuals total.

At first glance, there is nothing peculiar about them. They are all 5-meter long, none bigger than that. I'm pretty sure these guys are special in some way given they have managed to survive in an area where the flying roaches used to roam. 

I somehow get the same feeling from them as with my original roaches. They are getting stronger in a subtle way and are probably further down the evolutionary path too. I go ahead alone to scout as usual. 

As soon as they see me, they dash toward me. Then happens something amazing!

Oh my god! I want this power! 

I front of me is a…never mind now it's in my back! Ah, now atop me! Anyway, there are teleporting cockroaches! 

This is totally my ticket out of here! HAHAHAHA, I have succeeded! Or close… Now how do I convert these? They can easily teleport in to begin their assault and run away quickly. Even as I'm thinking, they are teleporting all around me trying to assassinate me. This is quite crazy, to say the least. 

Of course, I don't care one bit. One is even targeting my lower half. 

[Hey that's a big no!]

I slap it away. Except, because I did that, they start thinking it's my weak spot. Well, it kinda is but it's well-defended with divine energy. 

Now tons of cockroaches are trying to stab and devour my little brother…. *Sigh* What is wrong with this world? I slap them all hard until they start twitching. 

[Now, take a goddamn moment and relax! This is not the time for this bullshit!] 

They look at me questioning life, wondering how I'm so resistant. I am literally an assassin's nightmare. Even using all their abilities, they can't even scratch me. It simply looks as if they are playing. 

At some point, they simply give up. They seem to realize that no matter what they can't do anything against me. Except that these guys are smarter. They don't try and anger me needlessly. They realize I have yet to injure any of them. 

Then they see the massive army at the horizon. That is the exact moment they decide to follow me. They surprisingly know the adage if you can't beat them join them. They quickly integrate the pack. 

Honestly had they decided to go on a rampage I would have suffered casualties for sure. Well, they would also have been annihilated completely. This outcome is clearly a win for all of us. They get to join a powerful faction with headpats and war songs, what else can a cockroach desire?! 

They get excited once we start training. They see the mind-controlling mage roach, the armored ones, the acidic ones, and the flying ones all working in harmony. 

Individually they were doing their best to survive this place. Together we are unstoppable HAHAHAHAHA!

Now with these new additions, we'll be fine even if we are against mages or something. The roaches will TP and destroy any backline!

As we keep progressing the teleporting roaches start to show unease, with the others showing slight excitement. They seem like a bunch of children that are hyper from sugar, running all over the place waving their legs in the air.

I'm guessing the mana concentration is becoming pretty good. But with this, there will be a guardian for sure. Resources aren't just left alone. I wonder what it will be…Perhaps a roach with 4 heads and 20 arms?

Could you imagine that? The asura roach! 20 arms to fight its competitors in the battle for headpats! Maybe the next roaches will be arch-mages that will throw meteors at us? What if they were purple? Why would that be? No idea, maybe though…

In the distance appears….okay, this is next level! All the roaches start making sounds because of how surprised and impressed they are. In the distance, we can see one fat cockroach. Picture that one giant lizard, yes the one destroying cities and fighting a giant gorilla. Picture that size, but it's a roach.

Between climbing a mountain and that thing I'd take the mountain any day. Oh, simply because of the size. Don't tell me it's been living in the best spot all this time?

Also, what the Hell happened to its brethren!? It's the first cockroach I ever see alone. Did it eat them?! Actually, that may very well be possible…

Closely at his side, there seems to be some kind of huge fluctuation in the air. I'm no expert but I think there should be plenty of mana in there. Seeing the greedy looks on my companions' faces I'd say I'm right.

They are all pointing their twitching antennas at it, apparently trying to feel the mana flow. Are they …getting high?!

[Get yourselves together! We still need to deal with that one!]

As soon as I speak it notices us, then it…how?!


We hurriedly fall back. In the exact spot we were a few seconds ago, the ground is now melted. It just threw acid so akin to artillery! It's able to snipe!

Here I was thinking we had an advantage with our acidic roaches, nope! Wait, don't tell me. If this thing can teleport too, I'll go crazy! Could you picture a teleporting mountain with sharp mandibles and legs?! I can! It's also scaring the shit out of me!

In such a situation I know the perfect tactic….

[We get the fuck out!]

Cowardly move? Please! Do you know how long I've spent training these roaches?! Do you?! No, seriously, I kinda lost track of time a while back…

Anyway, I have spent too much effort to see them go in a puddle of melted goo. Actually, I have spent too much effort to see them die in any sort of way!

[Alright, guys. Here is the plan. You all stay far away from this place.  Meanwhile I…. will stay the fuck away too! Have you guys seen how huge it is?! This thing gotta be world-class level or something!]

Now, how are we supposed to deal with this new threat? Actually, do I even have to deal with it? Maybe I can use my spatial roaches to open a portal already? Who knows…

Guess I'll pause my realm domination for now…

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