The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 386: Portal Issues

It is time to start a new journey! To infinity and …actually, we are backtracking. 

Right now, I am just dragging along a really confused roach army. Some don't understand why we are stopping already. The answer would be…I don't want to die! Have you seen the size of that behemoth back there?! 

So yeah, right now I'm just trying to figure out a way to head back to the Earth Realm. It's been a little while. I'm sure Wolfie is missing me. Is she worried? Probably not that much, she knows that I avoid danger like the plague. 

Now, where was that portal again?! Remember I have that indication in the ground! Now, just gotta find it. 

[You guys know where we initially met? Ah, no I'm asking about…..sure a headpat for you I guess…] 

Yeah, I can't rely on them to find my way. I use the magical rock technique! I draw an arrow on a rock before throwing it. 

At first, they are looking at me in confusion, but then one notices that we are always heading in the direction the arrow I drew on the rock is pointing. They see it as a game and before long I don't even have to do it myself. 

A cockroach will throw the rock and instantly go in that direction. 

[Perfect! This is a great trick for when you are lost, remember it!] 

They take turn throwing, then they excitedly run next to me to share their experience. But comes a problem. There are thousands of roaches and only one rock. There seem to be arguments appearing concerning whose turn it is to throw. 

That's when I carve a few more. Then I supply each small group with one. That is when is born the ultimate luck heading technique! They all throw it then move slightly toward the direction they obtained. 

After that, we look at the direction with the most roaches and we all go that way. Is there any scientific basis behind that? Nope. Is it fun? Looking at them go, yes! We keep going, for a while. Again I'm not sure how many days pass. 

On our trajectory we encounter many groups, except as we are leaving the mana heavy zone, they get weaker and weaker. Before long it's back to old normal cockroaches. We convert a few, we kill the others. Honestly, they are all so fragile compared to the army that I have now. 

I'm really glad that my cockroaches are magical. They don't require special care. Since they eat mana, they don't poop either. Now that may sound ridiculous but that would be a nightmare for me. It would be absolutely everywhere given their number haha. 

I guess I'm in a similar boat with divine energy. So far I can live long periods without eating anything, also…. Oh god. Am I actually a cockroach myself?! I'm super hard to kill and I enjoy headpats too! I'm not black and shiny, however. I have fewer legs too, but still. 

Honestly, right now I feel like I could write about the uncanny resemblance between cockroaches and humans. Especially with the warring and all. The difference is that instead of dying for a god they are dying for food. Honestly, I can respect that. 

After what feels like a few weeks…finally! In front of us is the mark I had previously left! This is awesome! 

Now let me see. I need to somehow have the spatial roaches open the portal again. Ensues the most ridiculous gesticulating session. 

[Open it! Use your magic in there! I'm sure you can do it! C'mon! Ah….]

I'm using my hands so much that I almost feel like an Italian. But no matter how much I try to they don't seem to be getting it. It can't be that hard right?! They just need to…wait a minute…. yeah. I'm in the wrong place, never mind. 

What kind of mark did I even leave back there? I think just a normal crater…. I also left some inadvertently while fighting. I need to be on the lookout for a bigger one…

Thus resumes our quest. Yes, we still use the rocks with the arrows and rely on luck. It takes a while but finally we manage to find the right place. 

Hell yeah!

[Now work your magic, my roach friends! I believe in you all! You can do this!] 

Okay, that didn't solve the communication problem. Still, I simply keep pointing at where the portal should appear. Eventually, I see one move closer, then point at it before a tear in space appears. Nice! 

Now I just gotta….it closes instantly. The cockroach looks extremely tired. I signal all of them to help. Before long I am looking at a neatly formed portal that …closes almost instantly. I need to either get way more spatial roaches or on the contrary to make them evolve. 

Thus starts a quest for finding new roaches! We roam happily until I …. fucking give up. Every time we see something special it's always that one gigantic cockroach. The more we progress and the less normal cockroaches there are too. This is driving me crazy! 

I feel like this place is a maze! Actually, no. It's just that the clear solution looks Hella scary! 


Will I have no other choice but to…. seems like it. This is a pain, a huge pain! Alright, now what can I do? 

We need to access that mana-heavy area. Not sure for how long, but if they can devour most of it…. Now how do I make that possible? 

Defeating that creature?

I wouldn't even know where to start. We could try and siege it all of us together. Problem is one swipe of its…any body part really would kill hundreds. 

Now, if fighting it is not an option…I can always try to make it leave. This will be hard…ah, but I do have an idea. 

Yep, I know exactly how to proceed. The only thing is if I'll be able to pull it off. Chances are yes, but then again nothing is ever certain in this world. 

[All troops prepare to march forward! No matter what, evade! I won't tolerate any casualties!] 

I glance at them all. How many will perish in the upcoming operation? 


[Move out!] 

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