The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 387: Kiting for Years!

[Move out!] 

Where are we moving out? Direction humongous cockroach!

Comes a moment in the life of a man…. or cockroach when one needs to face hardship directly without cowering. This moment has come. 

We rush toward it while screaming. Officially it is to intimidate it, but honestly, I'm just trying to bolster my own courage. I order my roaches to charge straight at the mana fluctuation. 

It is an all-you-can-eat buffet! Well, if a buffet was defended by some apocalyptic overgrown monster of course. Seeing us, it simply slaps hard. 


Goddamnit, they did it like champs but even then, there were casualties. Can't be helped. Gotta keep going. Alright, they are getting close enough. Now I just need to attract that creature. 

[Hey big guy! See this?!] 

Time for some well-placed illusion magic! All of them look toward me angrily and charge.

The big guy is slower initially due to its size, but after a few seconds to get going it gains ground extremely fast thanks to its giant long legs. Every time I cancel my magic, they rush back toward the mana fluctuation. 

Coming toward me? Long aggro period, the big guy approaches faster. 

Leaving? Short stopping of said aggro so the creature cannot reach peak speed to go back. 

Of course, there are a few teleporting roaches on me but who cares.  I'm simply alternating between the spell being on and off until finally, we are away from everything.

Now, I simply need to run, and run I do! Kiting time baby! 

Have you ever had a moment of laziness in your life? Where you have trouble moving forward? Where even taking a step feels hard? Well…. it's not now! Whenever I turn around, I see this abominable creature right on my ass. Then I suddenly feel motivated once more. 

Yep, this sure is a beautiful thing. Of course, it doesn't just run after me. It also tries to reduce me to meat paste by coming closer. 

The thing is every time it's about to reach me I simply stop my spell. Then it suddenly remembers that there are invaders directly in its base. That gets it going back real fast. 

But as soon as it takes the first step I…. yep, illusion magic. The worst is that this creature seems to be relatively smart. It clearly understands that I am mercilessly toying with it. 

It becomes angry, well even angrier, and it starts barraging me with acid. It looks smug when it sees it all land on me…. a little less when I exit without a single injury. Hehe, as if a tiny little acid could hurt me! 

My defenses are over 9000! Honestly, it could just stomp me under its foot and even if I survive, I wouldn't be able to get up. It could also just grab me and throw me super far away. You know, like that team that was building a rocket with a talking cat or something? I don't remember where I saw that…

The more it goes, the more it is enraged. At some point, it decides to grab rocks and throw them at me.

[Hey! That's my technique! Copycat!]

Then again, I'm pretty sure it has bigger concerns than how I call it. Like it's house getting vandalized right about now. 

Now, how are we on the cockroach evolution project? This is actually really easy to check. I keep the monster following me, this time I head back. Then as soon as I'm in visual range…

*Sound of teleporting cockroaches. * 

Yep, they are moving around me dishing a flurry of attacks. All are still aiming for my crotch for some reason…C'mon guys! Anyway, I carefully inspect them. Their coloration has changed a tiny bit but other than that no progress.

[Go back and play! Go be free! Illusion time is over!] 

Then I start running again. In a small moment of clarity, the huge creature bellows loudly. 

In its scream I can hear distress, pain, rage, helplessness, sadness…Yeah, don't ask me how. I swear I have trouble displaying clearly just one of these! 

This thing would be able to win an Oscar if it played a bullied character. Anyway, I keep going with my red-eyed follower in tow. 

I feel like I could totally protect cities using such a tactic! Ah, wait. This ability of mine affects everyone. Making them all want to kill me, no matter the cost. 

At some point, I'm so bored that I start creating abstract art. You know how the creature is spraying me with acid? Well, I use said acid to position myself precisely. 

I'm sure from the sky it would all look like a majestic….eh never mind. Even I am not sure what it is. Now, why is it still using that attack knowing it will fail? Because I'm getting kinda good at dodging rocks.

Let's just say it seems to be spraying acid like a human would cough blood. Just a way to vent. I keep doing this for a while. 

I run for so long that I annoy myself by singing. Cause yeah, I decided to sing that one war song. 

I run for so long that I have forgotten what it is like to walk, sit, lie down, or even crawl. 

I run for so long that my hair is getting long. 

I run for so long that I have found the meaning of being human, anything but this. 

I run for so long that I have forgotten why I was even running in the first place. But then the behemoth behind me screams and it jogs my memory haha. 

I keep driving by and every time I am disappointed. How hard is it to evolve!... Says the normal human. Yeah, might be hypocritical of me a bit. 

*Insert time skip of who knows how long, I totally lost track as I keep telling you. Like seriously at this point I'm thinking of using the creature's steps as a clock. It goes BAM, BAM, BAM! Each making the sturdy ground tremble you know* 

After an undefined duration of time, they are finally done evolving. You know what this means? 

I'm getting the fuck away from here! Yours truly is out! 

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