The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 388: Leaving the Realm

I now have freshly evolved cockroaches! Woot! 

…. Also, a very angry gigantic one is eyeing me. Okay if we all leave it will have all the leisure to go after me. 

Without anything to protect, it won't ever have a reason to stop its onslaught, then it will catch up to me and I'll be screwed. How do I deal with this? Ah, I know! I order my roaches to leave on the opposite side of me.

This way if he goes toward me, I'll use an illusion again to and they'll resume stealing its food. If it goes toward them…same deal actually. 

Now we slowly and very carefully leave. It clearly realizes what we are doing, but it understands that fighting us is not worth it as long as we don't come back. It's angrily smashing its mandible against one another helplessly. 

Alright, so time to check what changed exactly! Let me see... 

The flying cockroaches have more wings and look sharper too. Okay, that's nice. 

The spatial ones changed color slightly to purple and seem to have a stronger magical ability. 

The mage one…is gone for some reason…. Okay, never mind that one. 

The armored ones are even bigger. 

The acidic ones are now creating pools of acid instead of puddles. 

My original ones look overall better…and smarter. They are still addicted to headpats though. As they say, a cockroach can't change its spots. Yeah, yeah I know it's supposed to be a leopard. 

We quickly return to the portal. 

[Alright, guys! I need you to open it! Let's do this! Earth realm here I go!] 

A fissure opens in space and I….cant proceed in.  Behind me are tons of cockroaches tugging at me. Now the next part is weird. 

I don't know how but they are acting super cute! 

Requesting headpats. 

Requesting that I stay with them. 

These creatures were the first to welcome me into this new world. They were better than the damn Moon Keep! Better than that damn goddess! 

They didn't expect anything out of me. They simply accompanied me on my journey. 

Sure I helped them a lot, but they were ready to die with me as soon as the first encounter. They weren't as smart back then, true. Most of them died trying to save me from inexistent danger. 

Still, they truly did their best and sacrificed themselves for me, even if it ended up being pointless.  Sure it was probably driven by instinct but so what?!

They say heroes often react before they can even register the situation.  Most often than not a true hero will downplay his role. He won't look for fame or glory. He simply does what he thinks is right. 

In my book, these cockroaches were true and proven heroes.

The ones that died were. 

The ones that lived too!

Now it's these roaches that are begging me to stay. But as much as I appreciate their company…I know my place isn't here. I'd go insane in the long term.

[I can't stay. I have to go. There are people waiting for me…I…] 

They are doing the cockroach equivalent of puppy eyes. 

[You know what? How about you guys come with me?] 

Yep, they clearly are more intelligent. They understand way better now! They nod, excited. Leaving their home doesn't seem to be an issue at all! Then again, it's very empty too. 

[Alright, the ones that have been with me the longest will have priority. Spatial cockroaches keep the portal open, we'll all go in! I want order, I want discipline! Headpats for everyone after we get there!] 

*Cockroach cheers*

The portal opens once more but this time they don't cancel it. I lead the way in there. Slowly removing my divine energy to test if it's safe. I feel pain, lots of pain. My skin gets torn to shreds in seconds and I become a bloody mess myself.

Still, I'm human…they are cockroaches. One slowly enters…it seems to be a bit in pain but more like an itch than real danger. 

[Alright, if you can't endure anymore fall back! There is no shame in being careful!] 

It seems to be some kind of dark void. In the middle is a dark path. There isn't anything clear to be seen. I feel like if we stray from that path, we will be in trouble, however. 

After walking a few meters, there seems to be some kind of obstacle preventing us from going forward. I'm not too sure what that is…but we are passing through! 

I simply crush it apart. I feel like maybe that's the barrier the dwarf made. But by now we have control of the area anyway, that big monster won't be getting out anytime soon. It has its mana source already. 

The obstacle crumbles into pieces…

*Crack Crack* 

Wait, what's that?! 

There seems to be….

Oh, fuck!

The very ground under us crumbles!

We are now freefalling. 

Anyone watching at home, do not play recklessly with space magic. 

I take a good look at all of them. 

[*Sigh* Gentleroaches, it has been a pleasure sharing this journey with you.] 

While I still have the time, I headpat all of them, a few dozen one after the other. 

They are showing their joy. They understand what is happening, yet they do not resent me at all. They are simply enjoying the moment, enjoying this friendship. 

As we fall to our death I do regret, of course. 

But I can proudly say that there is no greater honor than going alongside them. 




"What do we have here?" 

Who is this? 

"A lost…what is it?"

The voice seems old. It resonates around the place. Somehow I can't feel any sensation. As if I was still falling right at the moment. 

"It looks human but it cannot be..."

Not human? I am clearly not a cockroach! 

"It was with these Abyss Devourers…hmmm"

So that's what they are called, eh. My cockroach friends….Why is everyone making such a fuss about them...

"They would have devoured a human promptly for sure…"

No, not them. They are different. My friends are great! 

"Yet it came with a few dozen of them."

They are here?! 

"Is it…an Abyss Devourer that can shapeshift?!"

What is he talking about? Obviously not!

"No, it cannot be. It seems human and yet….how peculiar."

I try and talk, my own voice surprising me. It is deep, extremely so. Probably an effect of this place. 

[A-are they fine?]

"You can talk? They? Who? The Abyss Devourers?"

[Yes, are they fine?]

"I have no idea."

I open my eyes and ….they were already opened. 

Darkness, total darkness. Is this the afterlife? 

[Do you know where they went?]

"The Earth realm I'm guessing. Who knows where, however."

They should be fine then. The Earth realm has plenty of disaster zones. I'm sure with all that I've taught them they'll figure something out. 

They are smart roaches. 

Now, this brings me to my own situation…where am I? 

Also, who does this voice belong to? 

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