The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 389: Nihility Dragon

I am now in a dark space, so dark I cannot see anything. 

I seem to be in some kind of void. I'm not even sure if I am still alive at the moment. I feel like I am floating in space. I am not able to distinguish the top from the bottom. I am simply here. 

Maybe I am moving, maybe I am static. Without air or anything for that matter, it's impossible for me to tell. 

Now there is that voice I can hear. The one that kept wondering what I am. Also, the one that told me my roaches friends should be fine. 

This voice feels weird. I can't seem to identity its gender or age. It sounds relatively young tonality-wise, but the way it articulates make me think of an old man carefully enunciating his words. You know the kind that is unhurried in life. 

The first step should be to figure out my current situation then how to go back to the Earth Realm. That would do it. 

[Where are we?] 

"Welcome to the Nihility zone! It's a fun place really. Well, besides the fact that it's completely empty. You know how there are many realms? Well, between each is an area of complete void. All of these together form the Nihility. " 

[Devoid of anything? You are here, aren't you?] 

"True, devoid of anything except yours truly then. Then again, perhaps I am a figment of your imagination produced by your dying brain who knows. You know one last bout of madness before life exits your body entirely. Perhaps I have never truly existed even!" 

[I can hear you loud and clear. Plus, you sound way too cheerful to be my imagination. Anyway, who are you?] 

"Hehe, I am ...Totrtv!"

[How do you even pronounce that?! This is the next-level difficulty!] 

"Easy really. I am The One That Roams The Void."

[I see...You roam here? What for?] 

"You know, just seeing what is new."

[That would be?] 

"Well, usually nothing since this place is the nihility, but now there is you. Ah, and these little abyss devourers earlier. Right, what are you actually?" 

[Just a normal human.] 

"Just a normal human swimming in the void…right…."


"There is CLEARLY nothing wrong with this!"

[*Sigh* I somehow fell here. Do you know the way to the Earth realm?] 

"Before that, how did you end up following Abyss Devourers?"

[I somehow stepped through a portal and ended up meeting them.] 

"Then why didn't they eat you?"

[What?! They are friendly roaches they'd never do that!] 

"I want to call you on your bluff but you seem convinced….perhaps these were special?" 

[Probably, all the others tried to eat me at first.] 

"I see some pass-through from time to time you know. Angrily screeching trying to invade one realm or another. Usually, they fail. Pretty surprising how you guys even managed to succeed. Pretty much everyone has a barrier to block them...weird."

[I did destroy one on our way here. As soon as it was gone we fell here.] 

"Oh, there is an easy explanation for that one. The damage you caused suddenly caused the space itself to fluctuate. That's when your void pathway lost its physical properties. Ah, right. I introduced myself, what's your name?" 

[I'm the Sectmaster of The Unnamed God Sect.] 

"Sotungs is it?"


"Your name shortened. Anyway, Sotungs do you want to play a game?"


"Wanna play hide and seek?"

[Do you even have a body?] 

"Nope, why would I need a body? I'm a god! Gods don't need bodies."

[Liar, I saw Forgar and he had a clearly defined appearance.] 

"Oh? He did? Hm, what can I do to make you believe that I am a god?"

[Does it even matter?] 

[How about now? Do I seem godly now?! Wait a minute! You're using divine energy too! How are you….] "*Sigh, this is exhausting to keep up." 

[What are you even talking about?] 

"Divine energy. You can use it too, right? It's all over your body! That explains how you are able to survive in this place!"

[Wait! You can too?! Can you teach me?!] 

"Sadly I can't. Let's just say a god once gave me some of his energy as a gift. He also showed me how to emanate a divine aura…you sure you didn't feel anything?" 

[Nothing at all. How does that even work?] 

"Not sure. It's quite like one would breathe you know…"

[Then try your best to explain it!] 

"How could I? I don't even breathe myself!"

[Then why the Hell did you use that as a comparison?!]

"I don't know, doesn't it fit?!

[You are supposed to be the one that knows!] 

" bad."

[So, what are you exactly?] 

"A magical and all-powerful being that watches over..."

[Cut the bullshit! I'm serious!] 

"Alright, alright. I'll give you the short version. I am a proud and magnificent Nihility Dragon!!" 

[You are?] 

"Yep, a god even confirmed it for me! You may have heard of him, Duruser the wanderer. He wanders a lot from realm to realm..."

[That sounds awesome!]

"Do you want to see my amazing form?"!


I'm actually intrigued by now. It will be my first time seeing a real dragon!

I mean not a fake one that's already dead. I'm expecting to see an astral-looking dragon, glowing and emitting power and grace. I mean can't go wrong with a dragon for sure. 

Before long, I see something translucent appear before my eyes. 

I get surprised, to say the least. 

Cool dragon? Nope... Not at all. 

A creature appears in front of me, floating in the air. I can't say that at all. In front of me is some kind of ethereal-looking moth. Why the fuck does this guy look like a moth?! 

"How is it? Speechless about how great I look, right! Am I the coolest dragon you've ever seen or what?...taking a shape is kinda tiring..." 

[Eh, sure…] 

"Alright, as I said before I have no clue where your cockroach friends left. Glad they left because I just hate insects! I can help you reach the Earth realm, however."

[Yeah about the insect part....] 

"I am allowed to dislike gross things! Now, where were we?"

Better not tell him...

"So, let me just...There you go!" 

Totrtv somehow opens a door shining light on the area. There is nothing so I can only see that one white glowing rectangle. 

"Once you cross that you'll be to your destination! Good luck!" 

[Thanks, see you later.....dragon!] 

"Later!" ^_^/

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