The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 391: Zero > Rank 4


I'm sitting on a plain boulder by the roadside.

For some reason, I am feeling melancholic. I am thinking of home. I never had that issue while I was busy training.

It has been two months since I last saw my parents. I still remember the look of disbelief on my mother's face haha. 

She had brought pies for the whole gang. She kept alternating her gaze between each beast king that was devouring her cooking, seemingly wondering how come these monsters were so friendly. 

For once, she lost her cool. She was always the headstrong lady that nothing could phase, but the shock was too big. Back then she had broken into tears running hugging me: "You're alright! I'm so glad! I believed but…." 

Then she seemed to think of something: "Wait! If you were in this forest this whole time, why didn't you visit ?!" 

I could only embarrassedly reply that I was so focused on swordsmanship that time had somehow gone by without me noticing. It had been years in fact. What made me realize the passage of time was my father venturing deeper into the forest. He had meant to ask the shadow fox about me, how surprised he was when he found me instead! 

Still, seeing my stern mother cry I could only pat her back: "It's going to be okay, mom. Don't worry." 

"Wait, that man said he is your disciple, right?! Who is he? Is he a member of your sect?" 

"One question at a time mom haha. His status is peculiar. For now, he is an ally. He's managed to find me following the recommendation of the Sectmaster and yes, I am teaching him the sword." 

In the back I could hear my father: "That's my son! Starting his own swordsmanship school!" 

"Y-you! If you knew he was here, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Calm down mom, he just learned of it haha. I truly was busy training." 

Then she kept sighing, smiling, and finally laughing. That feast was truly amazing. I did recount to them my training experiences. My father kept nodding seriously with my mother exclaiming some perfunctory "Oh!" "Ah!" "I see!" but not following haha. 

But then we left, me and Iron Claymore. At first, he wanted to use his real name, but it sucked so I told him not to. I'm sure the Sectmaster would have agreed. 

The farewells were emotional. For all of us. Somehow these beast kings became family to me, to us even. We would always be training together, and we shared the same philosophy. Which philosophy, you ask? Well, the Sectmaster's one.

One where we do not care about the war at all and just go about our business. Fix yourself a goal and accomplish it, no matter what. Even if it takes an eternity, that is fine too. As much as they tried showing a strong front, they were clearly tearing up as we left haha. The fox especially was saying that he wouldn't miss us…but his tail was betraying him. 

We left in order for me to pursue my dream: to become the top swordsmen of the continent. My disciple came along in order to train. His own goal is to be able to last a few minutes against me when I'm serious. 

Funny how, as we left, my father wanted to give me his sword. The one that had accompanied him for a long time. I simply smiled and told him to keep it safe. That he would need it more than me. Remembering what I had shown him, he awkwardly laughed. Still, I appreciated the gesture. 

They all had their ways to show their love. I wouldn't look down on them for trying. Actually, we aren't supposed to ever look down on people. Treat others fairly or something…

"Where is that dumb kid!" A voice interrupts my reminiscing. "I was so damn surprised when I heard such a young man was challenging me! I have been on the ranking list for years already!" 

There he is. The man is a low Rank-4 swordsman. Honestly, the only reason I even challenged him was that I heard him brag about being invincible by chance. I will be magnanimous and teach him that he should stop sitting on his ass celebrating his past glory. 

It's fine to be proud, but it's something else to become overconfident and arrogant. Then again, the line is often thin between the two. It is a matter of perspective. The ignorant cannot be blamed for what he doesn't know. 

Same as the one that knows more shouldn't assume that everyone shares his knowledge. This is why I won't take offense to his coarse language. From his point of view, a young man challenging him is a loss of face. 

Is there anything more ridiculous than being afraid of losing face? Haha 

This is not something that a swordsman should ever consider. Surviving and protecting is all that matters. This is something the Sectmaster has taught me. 

"Hey there. Glad you found the place." 

"*Scoff* It wasn't that hard! Now, I'm warning you I don't want no kid's blood on my hands. I'm the rank 4 sword emperor of the Amazing Slashing School of Doom! How dare you challenge me!? I'm in the two digits of the swordsman ranking!" 

"Don't worry about that. I challenged you knowingly."

"You did?! Fine, let's do this." He unsheathes his sword. "Where is your weapon?!"

"There is no need for one. Alright, I'll give you the first 10 moves."

"You! Fine, let's see you be cocky after this!" 

I can see clearly where he is aiming. Shoulder, is it? 

*Slash! *

He doesn't seem to be trying to kill me. I simply use my hand to push the sword away. His face changes. He looks horrified at me. 

*Slash! *

Once more I simply parry it easily. This technique is a mix of the defensive technique my disciple once showed me and the clever use of sword will. 

Honestly, at this point, the hardest is to not break his sword before the tenth move. 


"What are you?!" 


"How the Hell can you, *huffing and puffing* Do that!?"

"It's simple really, I trained."

"There is no way that simple training can ever give you so much power! What sorcery is this?!" 

"Sorcery? No, it's simply sword will." 

"Impossible! This is sword will!" 

He creates knives out of his energy that he throws out right at me before slashing again. Is he trying to pressure me? Whatever. 


The blades disappear and I calmly smile at him. 











"It's been 10 moves." On that note, I shatter his sword. 

The man starts crying. Something about the world being unfair. Something about how my very existence is nonsensical. Something about his prized sword. I can't help but chuckle. 

"Let me tell you a story…"

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