The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 392: Teaching the Old


So, I just won a fight. One that was extremely short. The only reason my opponent lasted 10 moves was because of the advantage I gave him. 

First thing, I'm actually quite strong now. Defeating a rank 4 is child play. I'm not even sure how that happened myself. I trained for about 2 years, fighting daily against the beast kings and refining my sword will. 

I was expecting it to be strong, but it's actually more than that. As long as my opponents don't have a similar level of accomplishment in their will or a treasure sword they cannot face me at all. How could they when I can destroy their weapon barehanded? 

Second, the man that I just defeated is now in front of me crying. He's on the ground defeated, holding the remnants of his sword as one would lament the passing of a close friend. Who does that?! Especially for something as simple as a sword! 

Actually, this would totally be the Sectmaster's style. You know, to cry over very random stuff. Sometimes he's hard to follow. He's in a league of his own after all. At his level, he cares more about mundane things like cooking than actually gaining power. 

Now, what should I do about this guy? I could simply let him cry there and act as if I hadn't seen anything. What would the Sectmaster do in my situation? Probably help him. He's a very benevolent being after all. I mean he has a beast king army and he doesn't even use them to conquer anything. 

Yep, this guy is sobbing without a care in the world. He doesn't seem to realize that we are watching him. This is honestly surprising of a Ranker...How did he reach his strength without overcoming countless hardships?

I guess being mentally resilient wasn't on the list of qualities of the Amazing Slashing Swordsman...

"Hey man, are you alright? Sorry I broke your sword. I didn't know it was so important to you."

He slowly looks at me, his nose red and sniffling. 

"It was dwaaaa *sniffle* dwarven-steel!" 

"It broke a bit too easily for that, no? Was it a fake one or something?" 

"It wasss! *sniffle* But it was a great quality fake!" 

What is that even supposed to mean? He knew it was a fake and still bought it? So, it was a slightly better sword? 

"C'mon don't cry for so little. A swordsman is not defined by his weapon. At all." 

"Easy for you to say *sniffle* You don't even have a sword!"

"Doesn't matter, you should still pull yourself together."

"You don't understand *sniffle* how it feels like to see all your life efforts be useless! I'm 90 and getting beat up by some random 20 years old!" 

"I'm only 14, you know..." 

"That's even worst! How! Why must life be so unfair! There is no point for me having done all this training!" 

"Then why were you bragging about your strength in town?" 

"Ah, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that next to you."

"It's not a matter of being close or near me...When was the last time you seriously tried bettering yourself?" 

He shows a guilty look. Avoiding my gaze and twisting his fingers. 

"That...I have reached my limit. There is no point for me can't understand! Your very existence is nonsensical according to common sense! You shouldn't be so powerful!" 

"You have reached your limit you say? 

"Please, I know someone that is so strong I myself cannot even damage him. Yet he keeps training, always. Learning something or another. If you truly care about swordsmanship you will persevere. As long as you don't give up it would be possible even for you."

"That's impossible!"

He is slack-jawed and furrowing his brows in doubt. 

"If you don't even believe of course it will be impossible."

"I mean someone so powerful that..."

"Oh, believe me. Compared to him I am but a weakling. 

"But I'm not like you..."

"So? Power and talent are never an excuse not to put in the work. 

"Alright, I'll try..."

"Don't try! Do it! I had to train for years before I managed to become stronger too! I kept fighting beast kings on a daily basis to achieve this level."

"Beast kings?! Seriously?! Compared to that my efforts do pale. *Sigh* I'm sorry for being angry at first, I'm sorry for breaking down in front of you and-"

"All good. Anyway, cheer up! You haven't been defeated by someone random. No! *Heroic* You have been defeated by the one and only Zero of The Unnamed God Sect!" 

"*Gasp* What?! You're with these madmen?!" 

He instantly falls backward. Wait, what? Since when do we have such a reputation? A while back it was always: never heard of it!

I look at my disciple, but he too isn't aware of what is happening. To be fair we both have been traveling mostly in the wild. Journeying toward another disaster zone. 

At first, I was looking for the Sectmaster. We went toward Eaglevein, but that was a dud. The entire city was inhabited by the undead. Then I tried finding his whereabouts. Apparently, he had been hunted by many factions. They had put a massive bounty on his head. 

By the time they finally got some information on him, he was already dead. Well, that's what all they assume. He was reportedly seen entering a portal leading to another realm infested by Abyssal Devourers. 

Anyone with common sense will say that there is no coming back from that. Anyone that actually knows him will know that chances are he's probably having a blast there casually walking. 

Because of that, we barely visited towns. From time to time,  I do check if his wanted poster has reappeared but so far nothing. It wouldn't surprise me that he somehow got lost in the process. 

Still, now I'm curious how this guy knows us. Is the Sectmaster finally back? 

"Wait, you have heard of us?" 

"Of course! You guys are monsters! Bandits! Destructors of towns! Eh, I mean you guys are great! Yes, very awesome! Role models! Strong individuals!" 

…. Wow. Just wow. 


"I swear I won't tell anyone about you!"

"Actually I'm starting to wonder if we aren't talking about different sects. The one I know is a friendly one."

"What?! That's impossible! Could there really be many sects with the same name?" He is furrowing his brows while thinking. 

"Not sure, but how about you tell me all you know about it?"

This will be exciting...

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