The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 393: Pests at the Moon Keep!


I gracefully control the sword in my hand, striking my targets a few dozen times in an instant. This ability of mine has pretty much peaked. There is only so much that training can accomplish. 


Comes the sound of footsteps on the rock floor. 

"Young mistress, honestly you reaching that level is already an exploit in itself! Your mana capacity is already higher than that of Grey himself!"

As if that would matter.

"In a fight, I would lose in a heartbeat. Even my Moonlight Dance wouldn't do anything against him. I'm not that naïve to believe otherwise you know."

"Of course not haha. I'm just reminding you to be patient. Some things take time. I and Grey have been alive for way longer than you can even imagine. So, don't compare yourself to us." 

"*Sigh* Of course not…Why are you here by the way?"

"Oh, there is a sect meeting right about now and…"

I don't even wait for him to finish his sentence. I rush out! Is this finally what I've been waiting for?! Why am I so hurried?

The short explanation is I want to meet him. 

The long explanation starts with him coming into my life abruptly. We spent a wonderful month or so together where he would surprise me with his weird training methods and way to see the world. But then he simply left. 

He did leave a message behind. That we'd meet later when the time was right. The more time passes and the more I reminisce. I think about what happened and what could have been. What if I had prevented him from leaving? What if I had guarded his cell back then? 

I'll never know. In fact, I'm not even sure where he is or if he is still that same young man that seemed lost and confused most of the time yet so brilliant!

I think this is why I long for him so much. We desire what we can't have. I still remember the man that resisted my father's spiritual pressure so easily back then. One that was so strong yet had played along and gotten himself captured. One that was full of mystery. 

It is the mystery that is attracting me to him. While he was gone, I simply kept training. This is why I have thought a lot about my life. This is something that I needed to do to become stronger. 

At some point appears a mental barrier. One then needs to carefully think about one's life and goals. It is only by having a clear and strong goal that fast success can be achieved. Well, and luck. 

My current goal is to meet him. I wish to figure out how he is doing. I wish to ask him myself. I wish to see him accomplishing something crazy without batting an eye. 

That is exactly why I slam the door of the meeting room open. The people present chuckle seeing my actions, but I don't care. 

"Where is he? What is he doing?" 

"HAHAHAHA" X3 Even the warden that followed after me is laughing. I don't mind. 

"*Sigh* Luna, we still have no idea where he is. The last news we received was about him entering an Abyss Devourer realm. There is no way to reopen it either. They are all saying he's dead. What do you think?" 

"Father, you know it clearly. They are all idiots. They think of themselves to be some influential figures without realizing that this place is but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. While they fight for local supremacy, they are missing the big picture."

"About that. I'm glad that you are bringing the topic up! It just so happens that we are getting invaded, as usual. Honestly, before they used to appear every other year but now…"

"Every other month?" 

"Young mistress, if that continues, they will invade every week or day even. Well, they are mostly annoying. Right now there is no chance that they'll manage to cause any real damage as long as we are careful. I and Grey have been taking care of a few."

"There is a reason you guys are telling me this, right?"

They are all smiling, they obviously have an agenda. One that includes me. 

"Hehe, indeed. We thought it would be decent training. It would help you become accustomed to their powers and personalities."

Personalities? What is that supposed to mean? How does that have an effect during a fight?! You are already supposed to be killing each other, right?

Oh, well. I guess I can accept the mission. Who knows if I won't be lucky and encounter him like what happened to the warden in Eaglevein. 

As soon as my decision is made, I depart. 

My destination isn't that far away from the Moon Keep. Yep, this one is totally assigned in case I need to run back to the Moon Keep. 

Let's see what do we have here. 

In front, I can soon discern a big bulky guy tinkering on what seems to be a glowing magic circle. There are also many pillars all around the place. 

How much of an idiot is he? Building a warp gate in a place such as this. How to get noticed 101. He turns around as I am nonchalantly approaching him. 

"Oh? What do we have here? You look pretty tasty. If you lick my feet right now I'll even accept you as my 23rd concubine! How about it? This is the deal of a lifetime for you!" 

"Never happening." 

"Haha, you may not know it but soon this entire continent will be ours! This place's guardian hasn't made an appearance in the last years. Our victory is but assured. As long as I can finish this warp gate our reinforcements will sweep in and …! 

Big word for such a perverted guy!

Right, who's that guardian again? Honestly, there are lots of mysteries at the Moon Keep. One thing that I have noticed is that while everyone else is improving...Grey, the warden, and my father aren't. Their power remains constant. There is clearly something fishy going on! 

Now, how should I deal with him? 

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