The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 446: Call me Master!

Current status: hiding a stiff- pondering about what to do next. 

I now have a naked girl begging at my feet to become my disciple. I have to admit I feel like some mythical hidden expert right now. You know the kind that is handsome, powerful and loved by all. That's totally me right there! 

What about the Devil appellation? I mean…it is totally a compliment! Do you know how handsome some devils are?! Perhaps not as handsome as me but still.  I'm just glad someone finally managed to see my magnificence. Sure, it took her a while, but she can't be blamed for such a small mistake haha. 

She is clearly anxiously awaiting my reaction, well our reaction. This is the moment that may potentially change her life completely and she knows it.  She knows she has one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything she ever wanted….and she'll beg if she needs to! 

I finally take the time to observe her. In my mind, she just went from a soon-to-be defeated antagonist to a potential party member. She has long black hair, delicate features, two eyes, a nose, a mouth…yep, she's human for sure and I'm a god at describing. 

"Little lady, if you want to follow my teachings then you will have to embrace nakedness and diligently…"

[Mines are about doing whatever one wants…] 

Without even hesitating she points at me decisively picking me as her teacher. I may have done that on a whim, but I feel like the first kid picked at a dodgeball game, I feel popular haha. 

*Naked Fool Grumbling* 

I take a dignified stance, even crossing my arms like a real boss. I'm just missing some shades or something. 

[Alright, start explaining about this place and about yourself. Make it as detailed as possible. We have been sealed for long after all.] 

My companion gives me a glance that means: 'What do you mean a long time? That's clearly BS!' She takes a deep breath and begins her tale. 

"We are currently on the Starter Continent, it is a vast place filled with all kinds of powerful sects. I belong to the Clear Water Stream, headed by Aqua herself. Our specialty is water magic manipulation. Right now we are trying to get a footing in these chaotic times this is why we- I came here to humbly beg for the help of the great beings!" 

After that short speech, we both are clearly scoffing internally. Vast continent? Powerful sects? Aqua?! What a colossal joke!

What do you do when your wannabe followers are clearly not up to par? You clearly…

[Alright, kowtow 42 times and then we will follow you to your sect. Hopefully, the reception will be nice.] 

"Y-yes master!" 

Wow, this has a nice ring to it. 

[What did you say?] 


[Repeat that once more.] 

"M-master? Should I address you in a different manner?"

[No, this one is good. Say that again.] 


[Good, good.] 

I am simply missing a white long beard to look like a powerful cultivator right now. Shame, real shame haha. 

[Say that again one more time?] 

She blanks for a moment wondering if she's doing anything wrong but she complies, nonetheless. But I don't exaggerate. After a few dozen minutes of her repeating master, I do get bored and I lead them away valiantly, braving the snowstorm.

[Follow me all!]

A few minutes later...

"Eh, master…If I may ask, where are we going?"

[The village? Didn't you guys come from there?]

"T-that…the village is in the opposite direction, master. S-should I lead the way?"

[Sure, I was only testing you. No worries.] 

I can see the nudist snickering. How is it that everyone here but me is able to navigate a snowstorm?! Do they have some kind of magical GPS embedded in their brain? I'd bet yes.

"M-master? W-why did we leave the Frogos behind?"

[….Eh, I kinda forgot about them. I was thinking about some matters.]

"I understand, master!"

So we go back for the …frogos? Who came up with such a dumb name? Oh well, it beats "giant frog monster", I guess. Apparently, they were simply resting in a side room hence why I totally missed them. 

We simply get two. The nudist is mounting a frog by himself while I'm sitting behind this new disciple of mine. 

I need to admit the ride is way more enjoyable. At first, I was a bit embarrassed, but I quickly become comfortable once I realize she doesn't mind me holding her thin waist. Let's just say I'd describe the experience as soft all over, and smelling of lavender. 

She even warmly smiles at me while holding my hands, clearly happy that I am relying on her. Now that I think about it….my sect members are some old dudes, a wolf, a kid, a system, I'm clearly missing some cute girls! 

If comes a day where my sect becomes big enough to be renowned how embarrassing would it be if we didn't have a single normal member? We would either look like some hidden experts or just a bunch of weirdos. 

I'd rather avoid the latter. Well, this will have to wait until this stupid war is over. As time passes, I can't help but watch my surroundings. The whole area is covered in a layer of ice. The more we progress the more worried my new disciple becomes. 

She tries to hide it but I can feel her entire body become tense. It's understandable too. What if the ice creatures have attacked her sect?

What would water mages even do against such foes? I wonder how it would play out. Would the water they summon instantly get frozen? Would they even be able to use their magic? 

There is always the chance that we will find a sect completely destroyed.

That would be extremely horrible! After all, I'm counting on them to find a way back to the Village of the End. I have people waiting for me. I really wonder how Wolfie is doing. I'm sure the villagers are treating her well at least. 

She's probably drowning in carrot soup haha. Well, she may very well be getting sick of it by now haha. At some point, I can feel my disciple relax significantly. She even turns back and gives an extremely beautiful smile of relief. 

"Master! The sect is right ahead! It looks like they have managed to somehow avoid the beast tide too!"

That is when on the horizon appears a small city that looks extremely ravishing. I can't help but hold my breath for a second. It is all enchantingly twinkling under the sun and...

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