The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 447: Mind-Blown and It's Just the Entrance!

How do I describe the enchanting scene in front of me? 

First, there are walls. The thing is these are completely covered by water, it seems to be flowing in the air, magically forming a huge barrier around the city! 

In it, I can see small red, blue and yellow fishes lazily swimming. From time to time there is one that jumps out of the water to gobble up an insect. It is teeming with so much life and color!


"Yes, master. It may seem like a decoration, but it can show incredible power in times of need. This barrier managed to hold against the Ever-Reaching sect for a whole week while we rained death upon them. In the end, they had to escape with their bows between their legs."

Who the Hell is this sect? No clue, so I just nod wisely. 

I can see a single gate that isn't covered by it. There are many sect members wearing great-looking naval blue outfits. It gives them a certain prestigious aura, calm but noble. 

"We can actually reconfigure the barrier to make a gate appear wherever and whenever we want. This is the advantage of water's fluidity. Whenever a fight breaks out we can use such tactic to flank our opponents easily if needed."

Wow. I can't help but look at the normal brown robes that we are all wearing. (Well, except that guy obviously) 

"This is what we wear to travel outside. There is no point in showcasing to the world our identity as water mages. It's better if we take them by surprise while they aren't expecting it. Many sects actually don't have mages as strong as us. It gives us an edge."

Oh my god! This is so true! It seems like my new disciple actually hails from a sect with actual brains! Ah, but then why did they fight us? …Right it was to silence us, and also that one guy's initiative. Then once we possessed him it kinda escalated. 

Now, what makes the scene in front of me amazing is how the sun shines on it all. It seems like the entire place is glowing with a golden aura. It reminds me of all that Eaglevein wasn't. The buildings I can faintly see through it are also all blending together in harmony. 

It looks as calm and majestic as a painting. As I see it all, I can't help but have my hopes rekindled. This place seems safe and a paradise on Earth. I still remember how I lost most of my companions in my life, it was thanks to a lack of defensive power. 

That one barrier may solve all my problems. I just need to make sure their goddess isn't as slimy and evil as the abundance one. For that, I actually have a plan. I will make them understand that they will all die should they anger me. 

I may be lacking in direct damaging abilities, but my illusion magic is top-notch! Well, I think at least. Ah, I'll just have to be careful not to scare them too much. I am a firm believer in balance, after all. 

After that, there will only be one issue remaining, a very serious one. Would the water element in the area impact cooking at all? I can't see it but I assume there is some looking at the enormous quantity of water floating everywhere. 

"Master, how is it?" 

[It looks pretty nice actually. The first impression is good, how about we slowly head inside?] 

We dismount and slowly approach. Surprisingly, she just lets the frogos roam freely. This is definitely new for me. Do they catch new mounts every time they wish to travel?

"They'll come back when they are hungry. Also, eh…m-master… Is it possible for your friend to perhaps…wear some clothes?"

She finishes the last part in a voice as thundering as a tiny mouse, yes almost inaudible. Of course, he reacts as one would expect. 

"No way! There is no one in this realm that can ever force me to…!"

[*cough cough* God of Order.] 

After that, he goes quiet, but he's still not showing any sign of wanting to cooperate. So I do the only logical thing. I take a big step and adorn a masterful 'I don't know who that guy is' expression. 

Soon my disciple sees my actions and wisely does the same. He looks at us at a loss before scoffing, saying something about how foolish we are. 

Then we get near the entrance. That sends a few mages guarding the place on high alert. Then they recognize the both of them and relax a bit before tensing up once more. 

Sure the faces are the same, but the auras and attitudes are clearly different. I kinda overlooked this detail, but it is kinda glaring. 

The confident leader is now showing a submissive attitude toward me, a complete stranger. The violence-prone possessed guy is now naked and acting very out of character. 

Then there is the fact that we are not even walking together. It creates a very strange picture. I can see them being torn between letting us pass and stopping us. Thus they do the sensible thing to do, they send one of them running to ask for instructions. 

Now that we are near the water barrier it looks even more fantastical. I can see some algae and pebbles in there that seem to be lazily floating in place. I can see and hear the rumblings of a strong water current in there. 

That is when I notice a small red goldfish come toward the edge. I can't help but extend my arm to try and pet it. It is clearly looking at me with its large eyes. 

"Wait! What are you doing?! Stop!" 

"You'll lose your arm!"

Except I kinda hear the warning too late. My hand is already fully in the barrier. I can feel the water rushing through my fingers. My sleeves instantly get torn off but that's not much of an issue. 

Then finally I manage to pet the goldfish. It freezes for a second wondering how the hell I'm doing this. It looks really funny right now, the personification of surprise itself. 

That's when I turn around. For some reason, all the mages nearby look even more silly than the goldfish. I can see them rubbing their eyes. Some keep looking between me and the stream. That is when one of them approaches his hand toward the water…

"This looks fun I'll just …" 

Haha, it is fun. Really! Lots of fun…

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