The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 448: Water of "Life"

That is when one of them approaches his hand toward the water…

As soon as his limb enters, it instantly gets shredded. The skin, flesh, and bones are getting crushed by the impossibly strong current. Out of his shoulder comes a torrent of blood, so much blood!

It instantly starts gushing out like a fountain, quickly turning the entire water area a mesmerizing red. It is akin to a scene of kill Billy. All the blood somehow sticks to the small, now even redder goldfish. It seems to be enjoying itself smiling at the fool that dared intrude upon his domain. 

Out of the maimed man's throat comes screams of agony. He backs up as fast as possible drenching the ground with his blood. He is both sobbing and screaming at the same time. He's cursing me, he's cursing his foolishness, he's cursing the gods, even cursing the world itself! 

But no amount of cursing will ever bring back the limb he lost. No amount of crying over spilled blood will do anything. He will forever live this new existence of his all thanks to a moment of folly. 

All of them share a look of pure terror as they look at me calmly standing there with my arm fully in the water stream still. That is when they all kneel at my feet, hailing me as their new god! 

Or not….

You imagined it all as I just did, right? Some of you even smiled imagining the bloody goldfish. If you aren't, should you really be reading TUG? I mean…

This scene is what comes into my mind when I see that guy approaching. But that's when an ally violently drags him backward. 

"Are you crazy?! There is no way any human can…there is no way you can survive this!"

This is enough to break the spell on him and he regains his spirit while shuddering violently. I can see his face turn into a mask of fright. Now he's definitely imagining the above scene, for sure! 

In fact, I'm sure everyone is. I see them show surprise, then they all gulp hard realizing the implications, then they look at me as if looking at a monster. 

"See! This is my master!" 

I can see my disciple gloating at them proudly. Right now, the ones that were suspicious of her attitude toward me aren't anymore. 

That is when my naked companion seemingly gets curious and sticks his arm inside. After that …. refer to the scene above…. or not. No, his skin and flesh get shredded, but he manages to somehow save the bone. 

He seems sad, not about the bodily injury but about being less resilient than I am. That is when literally everyone's eyes nearly pop out. 

He starts regenerating at an insane speed. I did see it slightly before but even I am impressed. It reminds me of that one movie with that super-hero that…

It is at that exact moment that the guards simply stand aside. At this point, they do not dare to fight us anymore, at all. Actually, that's pretty funny because being hard to kill is both our strong suit. 

We swagger in, akin to rich second generations hitting on the fishes in the sea. We may be broke, but is there really a need for money in a sect? Everyone should be family, right? That's when I see I a stand right next to the entrance selling food. 

*Sigh* Guess this entire world has been corrupted by capitalism.  That Koiin guy must be rejoicing. Then again, I'm only saying that because I'm poor. 

As we progress through the city, people send us weird glances with some mumbling under their breath: DISGUSTING! For those who haven't seen our power move at the entrance, we simply are two travel-weary individuals and a ….no comment. 

The inside is surprisingly normal. If I had to point something out is that they have great waterworks bringing the liquid of life absolutely everywhere across the city. 

Water mages can then be seen drawing upon its power for their daily tasks no matter what it is. May it be chopping vegetables, raising heavy baggage, creating real-time water sculptures, cleaning items, stealing items, catching a dumb thief, the usual really. 

There is only one thing that they can't seem to do. That is to use water to magically dress my companion. More accurately one tries to do just that, but that courageous water mage learns a great life lesson. 

He learns that one shouldn't try and mess with the mad. He smilingly approaches and leaves in tears after a vigorous beating. The young man probably lost all faith in humanity too. Of course, people get mad, but we simply hurry toward our destination. 

Before long we reach a ...normal house? 

"Here we are, master!"

[Eh, don't you guys have headquarters or something? Shouldn't we head there to introduce ourselves or something?] 

"This is it, master. The sect is actually controlled by our 5 most powerful mages. Here resides one I am very close with. She is nicknamed the Water Queen. She was the one that sent us on this journey in the first place by looking at the archives."

Oh! Water Queen! I can feel it! This sounds like prime Milf material. The kind that is wise, ancient, and yet still has a supple skin and all. I mean obviously, who else but a water mage would keep their skin properly moisturized? Am I right or am I right? 

*Knock knock* 

"It's me! I have accomplished the mission…somewhat! Please let us in." 

That is when the door seemingly opens by itself. A warm white fog comes out. Steam? My disciple enters and I cautiously follow behind. 

"Water Queen! Where are you?" 

That is when comes a clear and melodious voice from the back. 

"I'll be out soon little one, I am taking a bath. I'll be there right after getting dressed…"

My nudist friend interrupts energetically! 

"NO! No matter what you do, do not get dressed! This is unacceptable! You can even remain in your bath, we'll come to you!" 

Is he crazy?! As if any woman in her sane mind would allow strangers to simply... 

"Ah, sure. I don't mind. Simply follow the corridor until the end. I'll be waiting!"

What?! How is this possible?! 

I look at my companion. He seems extremely satisfied. I can sense a feeling of victory radiate from his entire being. For once, someone actually listened to his crazy deviant side! He's actually already heading there, braving the white mysterious fog. 

How amazing will the curves be? How full will the scene be? There won't be any divine light, right? I slowly follow my companion, imagination going full throttle. For once I'm not even mad at him. 

Welcome to TUG, and let us explore this entirely new world full of possibilities together…

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