The Unseen Angel in MHA


The next few weeks I spent going around our city at night and interrogating criminals and cleaning out the locations that I found to be part of this organization. After most of our underground heroes went around cleaning out the known places, Mr.Tetsuo got nervous. He took a vacation to china, but the PSIA is still monitoring him and has made a deal with the Chinese government to grab him should our investigations prove true. It is better he believes he is safe for now so he doesn't escape to some place we lose track of him. I just finished cleaning out another location in my city which might be the last one in the city.

"So you sure there are no more, because if I find out you lied to me, then I'm gonna make sure you suffer for a very long time before you die," I say to the man I kept alive in this place and seemed to be the one in charge of this site.

"I'm…..I…. I'm not a hundred percent sure…..they've been talking about opening one more place here, but I haven't heard more about it for a while now," the man says with extreme fear in his eyes after witnessing me butcher his men.

"I'm gonna need more information than that," I say grabbing his shirt and lifting him up while burning his one arm, he screams in pain.

"I SWEAR! THAT'S ALL I KNOW!" the man cries out and I just sigh.

"Then you have no more use for me," I say, and am about to incinerate him.

"NO WAIT! I may be able to contact someone to find out more!" the man says after hearing my statement. I drop him on the ground as he whimpers in pain from his now severely burnt arm.

"So contact them and you better hope they answer," I say and he quickly scrambles to his phone that was on his desk in this underground facility.

"Soma, track his call and see if you can find the person in case they aren't helpful," I say to Soma under my breath while the man is nervously calling someone praying they answer.

"On it," Soma says to me. Soma has gotten used to my methods and no longer seems as disturbed by the way I handle things.

"Hey man….Yeah, it's me, who the fuck else would it be! Anyway, I wanted to know if there is anything new about the special project in the city?..... Really?...What's the address, so I can come and see it....Just tell me man...Wait!" the man I captured says in anger after the person seemed to hang up on them without telling him anything of much importance.

"He….he didn't give me the address. BUT! I think I might know where it is, just let me live!" the man says with extreme desperation.

"Rapture, I got the person's location that he called," Soma says to me while the man pleads for his life.

"Your use has come to an end. Tell my fallen brother that even more will be coming soon after you," I say before incinerating him, as Lucifer hasn't talked to me yet but I'm sure is aware of me since I've been sending sinners down there in droves recently.

"Wait what?!.....NO!" the man screams before being burned to nothing.

"The police are on their way to your current location. The person he called is located at...wait what?!" Soma says to me before becoming very confused and worried it seems.

"Soma? What is it?" I ask as I make my way back up to the city from this hidden facility.

"The person seems to be located at a well known hero's address. Thunderclap's address," Soma says with annoyance and confusion.

"WHAT! Fuck! I'm gonna kill this fucker!" I say as I quickly make my way there.

I then mute my mic, as I call Rumi since she said she was going out to visit some friends in Thunderclap's agency she worked with before. Rumi didn't pick up her phone only making my worry and anger rise to extreme levels. I let my wings out and appear right at Thunderclap's address before recalling them. I fall and break through his roof as I have zero patience for this shit now. Soma is now really confused and freaking out about what I'm doing as I normally don't rush or act this aggressively before scouting the location.

"Rapture! Calm down! What is happening?!" Soma asks while seeing me looking around the house and seeing that some people were over here but the house is empty now. I then spot Rumi's phone and purse, along with two other women's purses. My anger rises to extreme levels as I quite literally tear apart the house trying to find where they went.

"Rapture! The phone disappeared somehow after that last phone call but reappeared since it seems to be calling someone else. It is north of the city and moving… stopped at a casino in the city," Soma says to me as I was tearing the house apart and not finding anything.

Once again I bring my wings out and basically appear at the casino Soma is talking about. I land in the back of the place where I see a man standing at the back door. He jumps in surprise at my sudden appearance, but I already see his sins and burn him before he can react.

"Soma, I'm going in and will probably make a scene, so get the police ready and tell Ms.Starlight to come up with a cover," I say before kicking in the door with complete disregard for subtly.

"Fuck! On it!" Soma says hearing the complete anger in my voice and making calls on her end.

Walking inside I burn everyone who is a sinner on sight with complete disregard for any civilians I pass. Everyone though is staring in awe, as my wings are out and my outfit changed to the golden feathered armor with the white robes. I truly looked like an angel to the nonsinners and the angel of death to the sinners. The civilians either fell to their knees praying at my sight or stood still in shock, while the sinners ran or tried to fight back.

As I pushed my way in, with several dozen now burned to nothing, I found where they most likely took Rumi and the others. I walked to the back of the casino in the VIP area and burned the two men standing guard while opening a well-hidden door leading downstairs. Walking down the corridors I burn everyone I come across while opening each door and healing the girls. Though I still haven't found Rumi yet which makes my anger rise steadily as each second passes.

I open the double door at the end of the hall and inside I see several dozen men that are wearing very expensive suits and seem to be bidding on a drugged-up woman on a stage. While even more men are heavily armed watching the area. I then see Thunderclap who turned at my entrance confused about who entered. I appear before him and punch him in the stomach ripping through his stomach to grab his spine. He grunts in pain not expecting it, then with an evil smile, I tear his spine out killing him. To ensure his soul is sent to the lowest part of hell I burn it, which I can now see as it goes to the afterlife.

The guards now react by opening fire on me, but I just release my fire killing everyone in this hidden auction house. As everyone here is a sinner, the only ones unharmed are the girls. My fire cleans the drug from their systems, I rush over to the stage and look in the back where I see Rumi and several others now coming out of the drug-induced coma. I then remove the restraints on Rumi while hugging her close to me, she was confused at first and was about to strike me. Then she noticed it was me before crying slightly into my chest as I held her.

Once the police arrive they take statements from everyone inside, while I turned back to my normal form which put me back into my Underground hero costume. The police ignore me as Ms.Starlight already told them what to say to the press. I turn off my camera after telling Soma I was done for the night and will talk to them tomorrow. She reluctantly said goodbye and to make sure to contact them tomorrow. Then I held Rumi as I took us both home, by leaving the area and bringing my wings out and flying us home but not that fast as I was holding Rumi.

"Akihiko, how'd you know," Rumi asks me as we fly to our apartment high above the city.

"I beat someone who called Thunderclap, once I realized he was involved I rushed over to his house. I broke in after trying to call you," I say to Rumi as she holds onto me and sees the missed call I made to her.

"Thankfully my partner at work was able to track Thunderclap's phone once he made another phone call. Which then lead me to the casino, at that point I couldn't careless about anything else other than your safety. So I rushed in quickly searching for you and thank God I found you before anything terrible happened," I say while squeezing her slightly tighter to reassure her.

"Thanks…. Though I hope you made Thunderclap suffer! That motherfucker!" Rumi says while leaning into me, before getting very angry. Thankfully this didn't seem to upset her as much as I thought it would.

"I did," I say with a very cold expression. Rumi just nods her head, before leaving back into me.

That night I just held her close to me as she fell asleep in my arms. I couldn't sleep as I thought about having almost lost or found Rumi extremely hurt. I felt like a failure slightly again as I almost failed Rumi, and here I am stronger than any being in this world probably. Yet I still almost fucked up again, I've only met Thunderclap twice, but I didn't see any sins on him until tonight went he drugged the girls. Which confused me, but now I have no one to really ask as they are all dead.

I eventually fell asleep, and when the next day came. I got a mandatory meeting to go to and talk with Ms.Starlight about what happened last night. After spending some time with Rumi I made my way over there. I walked into Ms.Starlight's office who just motioned for me to sit down across from her. I closed the door and sat across from her waiting silently for her to speak.

"Rapture…..after your….. performance last night. Well, you caught the eye of some very important people who would like to meet you soon. I made an appointment here with them next week. It is nothing bad, as I would be aware if it was which means they are going to make you an offer. We knew you were strong, but after watching the security camera from the casino it seems you have power beyond what we originally thought," Ms.Starlight says to me which kinda confused me, but I just shrug.

"So….what's that mean?" I ask with a confused look.

"It means you may be offered a very special position. One that is even above us, that only a handful has had previously maybe still currently. I'm not even sure what the position entails, only that it exists," Ms.Starlight says with a shrug.

"That's all I had to say...though I'm sorry for what happened to your girlfriend and understand why you reacted the way you did. Luckily we came up with a cover, though the witnesses keep saying an angel of vengeance came to kill all the evil doers. The more religious ones are taking this as a sign of the end of times," Ms.Starlight says to me with a knowing look, before dismissing me. I then quickly head back home, to spend the rest of the day with Rumi to ensure she is fine.

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